Tribe Intro

Welcome to the world of Astrabellum, a brand new tabletop strategy game. Astrabellum focuses on tactics and command decisions, with a innovative rules that reward planning and risk-taking. All set in an exciting alternate history inspired by 1930s science fiction.

Earth stands united under a banner of democracy and progress. Anarchist GenePunks build a new home among the haunted caverns of Saturn. Bug-Riders roam the purple jungles of Venus. The Cult Of Neptune sets its sights upon the rest of the Solar System. And strange, unknowable alien forces draw their plans against us...

Astrabellum is still in the early stages of development, with models being designed, rules being refined and the setting being polished. Joining the Tribe is a fantastic way to support that development, as well as to get access to regular releases of Astrabellum's signature "Lo-Fi" miniatures, which you can use in any other tabletop game as you wish.

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