Patreon Intro

Hi, my name is Chris, and this is my design Patreon. Here I do digital 3D printable designs for small scale (6-15mm) sci-fi wargaming. 

Some of you know me by KillMeForPrizes (or KMFP) and have seen my works else where in the small scale wargaming 3D design and printing community. What I plan on doing here is making alternative sculpts and armies for various faction with altered or brand new theming - leaning towards a more high-sci-fi aesthetic (rather than gothic or grimdark) .

How Does It Work and What Do You Get?
When you subscribe to KMFP Designs you get the contents of the Welcome Box and then access to the current month's releases. Releases will usually come once a week depending on the amount and work required. The releases will be available for the duration of the month. 
The more people that sub, the more time I can devote to making kits and the more I can release in a given month.

The Welcome Box

This will be an ever growing set of unique and oddball designs that may not fit in with another release or just other fun stuff. More stuff added every month!

Store Purchases 
If you are interested in purchasing the releases individually or older releases you can do so here : KMFP Designs on CG&T or here : MyMiniFactory

Physical Prints
If you are looking to buy physical prints of these models check out these licensed merchants: 

Realm of 3dprints
John Hunter
RoK Minis

Thank You For Showing Interest! Cheers!

License of Use
Releases from this patron are for Private Use Only, Non Commercial and No Derivatives. The STL files are copyrighted work belonging to KMFP Designs. Please do not share these files for free or commercially. 

Tribe Intro

Hi, my name is Chris, and here I do digital 3D printable designs for small scale (6-15mm) sci-fi wargaming.

Some of you know me by KillMeForPrizes (or KMFP) and have seen my works else where in the small scale wargaming 3D design and printing community. What I plan on doing here is making alternative sculpts and armies for various faction with altered or brand new theming - leaning towards a more high-sci-fi aesthetic (rather than gothic or grimdark) .

How Does It Work and What Do You Get? When you join the KMFP Designs tribe you get the contents of the Welcome Box and then access to the current month's releases. Releases will usually be 4-5 sets that come out once or twice a month depending on the amount and work required. The releases will be available for the duration of the month. All releases come presupported. The more people that sub, the more time I can devote to making kits and the more I can release in a given month.

Current and Past Bundles

Starting at $10
2/25 1
1/25 3
4/23 1
2/23 10+
1/23 1
12/22 2
11/22 10+
10/22 8
9/22 10+
8/22 10+
7/22 10+
6/22 10+
5/22 10+
4/22 1
3/22 10+
Tribes Posts
Fourth January 2025 Release

Hello folks, As the first month of 2025 comes to a close I have a new release for you - the new Orbital Knight Battle Tank. This kit has multiple hulls and track options (all compatible with the APC/AFV kit) as well as huge assortment of sponson and new hull weapons choices. There are 7 turrets in two different sizes (standard and a larger more "tanky" size). For subscribers these should be in your MMF library already.

And that wraps up January releases, thank you all for your continued support - especially during these rough times. I've got lots of more models lined up for February and hope to see you then! Cheers, Chris

Third January 2025 Release

Hello folks, This week the Hekatos get a transport vehicle, the Harkadan. The kit contains multiple variants of the hull, allowing it as just a transport or with one or two side mounted weapons. All variants come in both hover and multi-leg styles. The Harkadan should already be in your MMF library. One more release for January coming next week :) Cheers, Chris

February 2025 Teaser Menu

Heyo folks, Little bit earlier than usual but as I have concreted the choices for next month's kits I figured I would put out the teaser menu. The Metal Marauders there will be a set with Mechanics, their apprentices and all sorts weird weaponry both for themselves and some vehicle addons. The Hekatos faction are getting a mid-sized walker, the Geidenchax, to support the larger Kekaelia. It will come with a variety of different weapons for both ranged and close combat. The first of a set of Martian models that I was not sure how to approach for a long time, but with the Dynamo Artillery design I can now push forwards on their larger tracked vehicles. The first will be the Dynamo Explorer, a combination combat and transport vehicle, the smaller cousin to the future Dynamo Crawler kit. February will also the the start of a new threat - the Void Swarm! Mechanical constructs from beyond the galaxy! The first kit will be, appropriately, the Infiltrator Constructs, the sneaky but incredibly dangerous vanguard to the coming swarm of alien metal beasts.

Also planned for February is my next Kickstarter project - the Techxorcist Cyborgs. This is a sub-faction of the Martian Cyborgs who have become fanatically intolerant of those they don't consider worthy to inherit the planets they have terraformed, especially of psions and other deviants. More news on them soon.

Any thoughts or comments please let me know here or in the Discord. I will be back on Thursday with the Hekatos Cyborg release for January. Cheers, Chris

Small Ursulax Director Update

Heyo, I have added a second body to the Ursulax Director kit, this one has a set of "normal" arms instead of needing the claws for a more subdued leader option. The zip file in the MMF entry has been updated so you just need to redownload it. Cheers, Chris

Second January 2025 Release

Hello folks! This week we have some light fast attack vehicles for the Metal Marauders - the Raid Runners! This kit 3 different models in it, a fast jeep like with variable turret options, an armoured big wheeled chonk that could be used to "smash a gob" and a long bodied chassis built around a big cannon that might "rip a spleen". *wink* For subscribers these should already be in your MMF library. These were really fun to make and I hope you enjoy them! I will have the February teaser menu on Monday. Cheers, Chris

Welcome to the Jungle!

Hey folks, So back in December I promised a Christmas bonus for those who were subbed that month. Then in the chaos of that month I totally forgot. But then I remembered and that gave me a chance to put together a bit of special set of Metal Marauders - The Rockers! This kit contains all the elements to make a battlefield band - a singer, guitarists, a drummer and some speakers! So for anyone who was subbed in December these are in your MMF library now, and they are up on the store if anyone else wants to pick them up. I'll be back on Thursday with this month's Metal Marauder release - the Raid Runners! Cheers, Chris

First January 2025 Release

Hello folks! A new month, a new year and new releases! Let's goooo! To start off I have a double release of Martian Cyborg kits for you all. First we have the Dynamo Artillery tank, which contains multiple hulls, track and weapon options that can be assembled in a variety of ways. This was a kit that has been requested for a while and it took a bit to come up with a creative option but I really like how it turned out. The second kit is a set of diminutive "jawa" like Drift Scavengers. These have been sitting half done for a while now, just waiting for some final design and a place in the schedule for them. They come with head and weapon options as well as some leader models. For January 2025 subscribers these should be in your MMF library today. Thanks again for you support! Cheers, Chris

New Year New Models

Happy New Year folks, January is here and this month there will be a bunch of new kits for the the various factions. I just wanted to give you a heads up of how the month will play out. Starting next Thursday (the 9th) there will be a new set of faction releases each week. A teaser for the Orbital Knight Battle Tank show above. Thanks again to all who have stuck with me over 2024 and into 2025, all those who follow me and encourage me. Looking forwards to a whole new year of designing models and participating in the community with you. Cheers, Chris

2024 State of the Tribes Post

Hello everyone, I hope your holidays have been good. For those who have been around the Patreon/Tribes a while I like to write one of these “State of the Tribe” letters about every six months or so to reflect on what has been going on and what to expect in the future. (This is a long one sorry.) So 2024 huh. Started out strong and then immediately encountered some “issues” that dramatically changed the pace of the rest of the year. Pretty much threw 6+ months of plans in the bin LOL. Pivoting to the Metal Marauders helped and adding in Mechanopods and V2 Orbital Knights also moved things along. I think I’ve done some of my best work this year with the Marauders and Hekatos and the continued work on the Martian Cyborgs. My first Kickstarter, SMOL Tanks, went well (despite a number of mistakes on my part) - and am currently finishing up the designs on that as well as thinking about plans for the future. On the subscriber side the year has ended with a slight uptick from the fall drought, unfortunately it is still below sustainable all on its own, which just means I need to work on more additive alternative paths (such as things like the SMOL Tanks Kickstarter). Drawing new people in is the real trick. Looking at the exit surveys the majority are not temporary fall into two categories : a change in financial situation, which is completely understandable, when push comes to shove things like this are clearly not as important and given the state of the economy the world over it’s something we all have to deal with. The second reason that comes up is that my designs are not close enough proxies - another understandable reason - I can’t make close proxies for the health of the Tribe legally, but making stuff that is different also hurts the subscriber base - this is just how it is sadly. Regardless, I need to court those who are looking for “something different” to succeed and need to incorporate that into the plan for 2025.

CURRENT FACTION RUNDOWN Orbital Knights : The V2 update has been met with a good response and those will continue to be part of the monthly drops. The battle tank, walker and heavy armour kits are next in line in the coming months, also want to squeeze in a recon speeder too if possible. Metal Marauders : So much I want to do for these guys, the list is long and full of fun stuff - vehicles and infantry alike. I’ve got the Raid Runner light vehicles coming in January and want to get some of the heavier vehicles as well as finish up the command choices after that. Martian Cyborgs : A faction that I thought I was almost done with earlier this year I have added a load of new kits I want to do for them. Much like the Marauders they really feel like a creatively bottomless pit to draw new ideas for. The Dynamo Artillery is coming out in January and I have more vehicles and new updated versions of older kits in the pipeline. Hekatos Cyborgs : The new kids on the block, much like the Martians I have dozens of ideas and I feel the aesthetic of the faction as a whole is really coming together. Their transport/light tank, the Kharkadan, is coming out next month and after that I want to give them some more command options as well as a smaller walker to accompany the Kekaelia. Mechanopods : Last and probably least (sadly) are the Mechanopods. This was a somewhat goofy but personal project that got a little lost in the weeds in order to fit the faction(s) that folks were going to use them for. My initial ideas were a small simple faction and I got carried away and lost my way with them, my own fault. They are also quite divisive - some folks quite like them and others not so much (cost me a few subs even). I feel I now need to “finish” their current incarnation, doing the last couple of kits that have been mentioned (aircraft and some sort of “large” unit). I will get this completed in the new year :)

FUTURE PLANS AND OTHER PROJECTS Outside of the continuation of the current factions I am not planning to start any new forces at this time. I will no longer say that I am hoping to get some “human guard” style faction started as I feel like I’ve said that every three months for the last year or more and I clearly am not in the idea space for them - I don’t want to rush them out just to “do them”. They will come, I’m just not putting a date on it. I want to revisit the Forge Barons and the Goliath Consortium. The first as a way of making them more “mine” and not an obvious proxy (and thus legal) bait. The second are starting to show their age and also could use a little “originality” in some of their kits, as well as some ideas that never came to fruition. Probably well into 2025 for this stuff. Over the Christmas “break” I have been working on some wargaming rules and want to continue that - again something that I have brought up before - I feel more confident in the game I have been working on now. More “3mm” Orbital Knight universe (OKU?) stuff. I started off doing 3mm along with the standard releases earlier this year, when I had more time, but they took a lot more work to make than I planned on and just were not sustainable.Some folks are into them, but they were not pulling in subs and the store sales were terribly low. These will make a comeback probably as a Kickstarter or Frontier. The next crowd funded project I want to do will be the Techxorcists - smaller fanatical cult splinter faction with vibes based on inquisition, flagellants, burning, anti-psion and other similar ideas. Hopefully launching them sometime in the next couple of months. Of course I have more ideas, but I have realized I need to be more conservative and not stretch myself too thin or everything suffers. Such is life :)

So here we are in the dwindling days of 2024, awaiting a quite tumultuous new year. I once again want to thank all of you for your awesome support and continued interaction with what I am doing here. Talking with you on the Discord or in DMs has been great and seeing pics of your prints and paint jobs really carries me the extra steps. OK, I will stop being sappy and wish you all a Happy New year and see you in 2025. Cheers, Chris PS: I have realized that while going over the posts for December I promised a special release for Christmas for those subbed this month and in the chaos of the season I completely forgot about it. I’m sorry about that and will be making amends in January.

Final December 2024 Release

Hello folks! I hope you've all had or are having a good and happy holidays. Today I have the final release for 2024 - the Orbital Knight Breaker Teams. This kit contains 50 models, protected by big shields, armed with a variety of weapons (pistols, swords, light support weapons, shotguns and rifles) as well as leader models. 25 Variants in both Orbital Knight helmet styles. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today. undefined I will be making one more post before the end of the year this weekend, looking back at this year's releases and what to look forwards to in 2025. Thank you all for your support this year. Whether you were here for just a few months or stayed on for the duration, you have all been awesome in making this Patreon and Tribe work. I thank you all very much! Cheers and Happy New Year! Chris

January 2025 Teaser Menu

Heyo all, With about a week left in this month I wanted to get the menu for January 2025 (that number feels weird to write).

The Metal Marauders are getting a selection of light vehicles with the Raid Runners - somewhere between a buggy and a truck these fast attack vehicles come with an array of weaponry. A new updated version of the Battle Tank for the Orbital Knights will be a heavily modular kit, similar and compatible with the APC/AFV kit. New hulls, tracks and a number of turret and sponson options will make up this release. Hekatos infantry will no longer have to walk as they are getting a transport vehicle. The Harkadan will have a number of modular options to make it fit your needs, making it anything from a simple APC to a light tank. Two drops for the Martian Cyborgs, a fast deploying light artillery vehicle, a remnant from the Old War but still used by them when the need arises. There will be a number of hull, track and weapon options.

Second is the Drift Scavengers, diminutive cyborgs who can fulfil various roles such as scouting, repairs and post battle parts recovery.

Thank you all for your support, I will see you on the 26th with the final December release. Happy Holidays! Chris

Winter Sale! (And an Update)

Hi folks, Just letting you know that the Winter Sale over on MMF is up now - 50% the whole store.

Also I uploaded a update zip for the Metal Marauder Truck and Gun Truck entries that have new bottom hull, track and wheel files that will give you more leniency when assembling - depending on the resin and other conditions I did not leave enough tolerance in the holes and they were awkward to put together for some folks - hope this fixes that!

I am away next week but will still be checking in on the discord and the last release for December (and 2024) will go up on the 26th. There will be a preview teaser menu post on Sunday as well. Thank you all for your support! Cheers,

Third December 2024 Release

Hello everyone! I hope the season is going well for you all and I hope todays releases will boost that - a double drop for the Metal Marauders! First up are the commandos. A set with a load of variety - armed with a plethora of weapons and varied poses. Including snipers, leaders and some light support weapons. The second release is a beefy set of copters and jet bikes. This kit has guncopters and rocketcopters with various weapon loadouts (guns, bombs, rockets, saws and more) as well as rocketbike riding Marauders with a choice of guns or rockets. Also included is a pair of special copter hulls for the clankers set. Both these sets were super fun to make and I hope you enjoy them. Subscribers should find these in their MMF library :)

So the year is wrapping up, we still have one release left coming just after Christmas next week and will have the preview teaser for January out in the next day or two. The winter MMF 50% off sale starts in the next few days - I will post here and on the socials when that goes live (I've gotten conflicting dates from MMF). Finally I will have a year end wrap up post and talk about the plans for 2025 sometime after Christmas.

Cheers and thanks for all your support! Chris

Second December 2024 Release

Hello everyone! This week reinforcements for the Hekatos Cyborgs are here! The Ursulax Director is the first command model for the Hekatos, a large cyborg that actually is a symbiotic system that "uses" a soldier from the ranks combined with the heavily armed Ursula Machine. This is a multipart kit with various arms and weapons. The second set is a kit of cyborgs armed with assault weapons, suitable for both light and heavy armoured targets. The set contains cyborgs with blades and crushing fists, stalker variants with quad arm blades and leaders. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library. Thanks all for your support and we will be back next week with some Metal Marauders! Cheers, Chris

First December 2024 Release

Hello folks and welcome to a new month! December begins with an all new version of the Martian Cyborg Driftgliders - coming with 3 different weapon loadouts in a variety of poses and a couple of leader models. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today. Lots coming this month with releases for four factions as we close out 2024. Thanks for your support! Cheers, Chris

Final November 2024 Release

Hello, Today is the final drop for November, a set of Battle Thralls for the Martian Cyborgs. This kit has 36 models with a variety of weapons and poses. This set fulfils an oft requested set of Thralls without leg skirts. I did some other modifications, reworked the weapons to make them more distinct. For subscribers these will be in your MMF library today.

Thank you all for your support for another month! I will see you all in December! Cheers, Chris

December Preview Menu

As November comes to a close I've got the teaser menu for December for you all. The Metal Marauders are getting a couple of new kits, a Command/Sniper unit for sneaking and sabotage, a set of Gun Copters (gyro copter flying machines) and some Rocket Bikes (jet powered hover bikes). The Orbital Knights are getting Breaker Teams, armed with heavy protective shields for breaching and other close quarter missions. The first HQ unit for the Hekatos Cyborgs with the Ursulax Class Director and a close combat variant of the Combat Cyborgs, designation HxC. Finally the new improved version of the Martian Cyborg Driftgliders will be available, teaser below. There will also be a little Christmas bonus set for anyone subscribed in December :) The final November release will be out on Thursday - see you then! Cheers, Chris

Third November 2024 Release

Hi folks, This week I have the new Orbital Knight APC/AFV kit - redone from the ground up, this kit has 60 parts and can build the two models in a large variety of ways. This was originally just going to be the APC kit but with it sharing so many parts with the AFV I decided to do them both and then got carried away with options. Oops. For subscribers this should be in your MMF library today. Cheers, Chris

Second November 2024 Release

Hello folks, Today I have the second release for November, Metal Marauder Gremlins! This 40 piece kit contains Gremlins with a variety of weapons, including leaders, marauder handlers, robots, pet chompers, a cannon and a piloted bomb with launcher.

The story behind these half sized threats starts with Marauders making small servant creations to do their bidding. Unfortunately they didn't include any protocols to limit their work, so the Gremlins quickly started making more Gremlins with the only thing keeping them in check was their small size and chaotic nature. They even made mechanical "chomper" pets as something for them to feel superior to.

They have the Marauder's keen desire for raiding and conflict but combined with low sense if self preservation and poor ability to understand consequences they are easily used as fodder. Marauder handlers keep them vaguely organized and along with a variety of weapons they can be quite the threat in large numbers.

This kit was really fun to make and I hope you enjoy it too. For all subscribers these will be in your MMF library today. Please let me know if you don't see it in the next 24 hours or so.

Also there is about an hour left on the SMOL Tanks Kickstarter if you were still thinking of backing. There is a lot for a little $ with 4 stretch goals unlocked!

Thanks all or the support! Cheers, Chris

November 2024 First Release

Hi folks, Here we are and it's November, and that means a whole slate of new releases are coming out. The first drops are for the Hekatos Cyborg faction, with the Kekaelia Heavy Walker and the Tsukora Drones.

The Kekaelia Heavy Walker is a massive warmachine (natively sitting on a 65mm base). With a number of primary and secondary weapon options it can be kitted out in a variety of ways. Tsukora Drones are large heavy infantry armed with both ranged and melee options. Note: These were called Nhaga Drones in the preview - but I have since renamed them it, reflecting the source monster I was inspired by. For members these should be in your MMF library today.

Finally it's the last week for the Smol Tanks Kickstarter, with the 3rd stretch goal almost unlocked.

Hoping the best to you all, thanks for the support. Cheers, Chris

Final October 2024 Release and Updates

Hi folks, I am dropping this week's release a little early to get out of the way of the end of the month and for last minute promotions. I've got two releases and two updates for you.

Orbital Knight Sniper Teams This kit has 20 snipers, 10 with adapted silent blasters and 10 with long range sniper rifles. Various poses and as always, both knight and space helmets. Mechanopod Tread Pods A kit to make Tread Pods, a variety of of weapons along with a multipart hull and tread options. The design allows them to be printed as large tanks size models or smaller troop sized if you want (default supported is tank size). Both of these will be available today to subscribers in their MMF library.

Updates As I have been printing and readying the start of a Hekatos Cyborg force I am realizing a flaw with the HxR infantry. The small ammo pod just doesn't want to print reliably and even when it does it's a little too delicate for my liking. So I have beefed up the size (looks better I think) of the ammo pod and resupported them. The updated zip is available now for those that already have the kit. I also added a new body to the Mechanpod Destroyers that has the Force Field from the Auxiliary Support Pods set. I thought it would look cool so I remixed that up and it's now a separate zip for download in that kit entry.

And that wraps up October. Another month that blazed by too fast in a year that just won't stop trucking. The SMOL Tanks Kickstarter is half way through and two stretch goal have been unlocked and it's on the way to the third. Thank you all for the continued support! You guys make this happen, cheers to you and Happy Halloween! Chris

Fourth October 2024 Release

Hello folks, Today I've got a set of 15 Advanced Battle Cyberbots for the Martian Cyborgs. Armed with a variety of weapons these can be used to fill many roles on the field. These were a fun set to make, and I have ideas for more variants that I might add to them in the future. Let me know your thoughts. For subscribers these should appear in your MMF library today. Thanks for you support, we've got one more Thursday left this month and a whole load of releases being made for November. Cheers, Chris

November Preview, Blitz Tank Update and More

Hi folks! October is already over half done (WHAT!), Halloween is on it's way and November very swiftly after that. So what do I have planned? The Metal Marauders are getting a kit of Gremlin Runts, their handlers and a variety of supporting models such as Chompers, Rockets, Cannons and Bots. The first of the Orbital Knight vehicle overhauls will come with the new Armoured Personel Transport. This modular kit will also set a new baseline for the other Orbital Knight tanks. There will be two new kits for the Hekaton Cyborgs, the first being a massive multi-legged walker, designation Kekaelia. Armed with a variety of primary and secondary weapons a preview of this model is shows in the images above. The second kit will be the small Nhaga Drones, writhing across the battlefield on snake like bodies and armed with a variety of weapons. Finally the Martians will get a new version of the Thralls, without skirts/tabards, as has been heavily requested. I have at least one other kit I want to drop but need to choose from a couple in progress ideas.

In other news the Metal Marauder Blitz Tank kit got some fixes and upgrades. I goofed on a couple of the hull parts, but those have now been fixed along with adding an additional front hull that supports both the front sponson turret and addons. A new sponson turret with rockets has also been added. Also all the treads have been resupported so that they shouldn't come off the supports while printing (happened to me a couple of times, wanted to make sure it didn't happen to others).

Finally the **SMOL TANKS kickstarter **is coming to the end of its first week (early pledges still available!). The first stretch goal has been unlocked and the second is very close. If you have a need of wee tanks please check it out.

Thanks all for your support and I will see on Thursday with some Martians Cyborg Advanced Combat Cyberbots. Cheers, Chris

Third October 2024 Release

Hello all! Got a big Metal Marauder release today with the Blitz Tank! This kit turned into a massive "build-nearly-anything" set of parts. There are 50 parts in total with 9 track types, 13 hull parts, 12 turrets and ton of extra parts to assemble in a huge variety of ways. This was a super fun kit to make and I had to actually stop myself from adding even more parts in order to actually get the release done. That means down the road there will probably be some sort of set of addons with even more stuff. For subscribers these will be in your MMF library today. Thanks folks! See you Monday with the November preview. Cheers, Chris

Second October 2024 Release

Hello folks, Now that we are into "Orc"tober it is time for more Metal Marauders! First up there is a kit of Raid Captains, armed with a variety of weapons in many poses, including a Raid Banner, Brute Bodyguards and bike mounted Captains. This was a super fun kit to put together and I had a ton of ideas for it, many which didn't make it in but might be added on in the future. The second kit this week is for Metal Marauder Artillery. This was another kit that got away from me option wise, 13 different artillery weapons each with two mobility options (wheels or tracks), a set of Grunt crew and other bits. Finally I have made some more alternative posses for the Grunts, Stormers and Bosses. At native scale it was a bit of a pain to mount the running models as they only had 1 small foot of contact so I modified those running poses to have a the rear foot down making them much easier to glue down. These are in extra zip folders in each of their respective library entries. For members these are already in your MMF library. Thanks all for your support! Cheers, Chris

First October 2024 Release

Hi folks, October is here so lets start off with two drops, one for the Metal Marauders and a second for the Hekatos Cyborgs. The Marauders now have a huge leader for their forces with the Raid King! Nearly as big as a Clunker but way more mean and cunning. The kit includes 4 variants to match up with the type of Marauder force you are raiding with. This is one of my favorite models I have made in a bit, very happy with how it turned out, and I hope you are too. The second release (and their second release) are the Noddic Recon Cyborgs for the Hekatos. These scouts advance ahead, taking in enemy positions with their all-seeing-eye (which doubles as a deathray). Inspired by the nothic D&D monster these were fun to make. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today. Thanks to all of you who are able support me for another month! Hope you enjoy the releases I have planned! Cheers, Chris

Final September 2024 Release

Hello folks, Lets wrap up this month with a double drop of Martian Cyborgs! The first kit are the Drift Runners, 32 heavy cavalry models armed with a variety of weapons, from rifles to lances, mounted flame throwers and leaders. The second kit is the version 2 of the Dynamo Striders, 14 bipedal walkers armed with variety of weapons in multiple poses.

For subscribers these should be in your library today. Also there is little add-on to the Support Weapons kit from last month, a new weapon mount modeled after the Drift Runners. For all those with that kit in their library the add on is a separate downloadable zip.

So that completes September. Thanks for all your support! Times are hard and the fact that so many of your back this little endeavor of mine is unbelievably appreciated. I've got lots of cool things lined up for October - hope to see you all there! Cheers, Chris

October Preview Menu and a Bonus

Hello folks! With September wrapping up it's time for the October preview menu! Next month will be Metal Marauder leaning for "Orc"tober theming :) They will be getting a Command set with Captains, Raid Banner, Bodyguard and even a huge Raid King! A multipart Blitz Tank kit with all sorts of turrets, weapons and other add-ons to make nearly any kind of combo you would like. Finally they will be supported by a set of Light Artillery models, all sort of mobile guns to back up your raiding forces. I also am going to be revisiting the Grunts and Stormers kits to add a few new poses that will help with the somewhat hard to mount running models.

The Martians will finally get their Advanced Battle Cyborg, an old war design sporting a variety of weapons with smashing grav-fists, rockets, jump packs, arc-wips and even a hammer and shield combo variant. The newest faction, Hekatos Cyborgs are getting a small kit of reconnaissance cyborgs, the Noddic. Scouting ahead of their full forces these cyborgs appear unthreatening, until the gaze of their singe large beam-ray eye turns on their foes. Finally the Mechanopods are getting a tank! Considered an oddity amongst the normally leg based forces the huge rolling tracks of the Tread Pods, armed with massive energy cannons, are not to be taken lightly. Even though they still look like rolling garbage cans ;) There is a good chance I will also sneak in a small Orbital Knights kit (I have ideas).

So I also have a bonus model for you today. There was a request made for a "brain-bug" styled model for the Martian Cyborgs. I managed to put together a Cyber Brain Walker kit to fulfil the roll. There are two version of the hull, one (shown below), a defenseless body, and one with a mount space that will fit any of the hatch options from the Driftrider V2 kit.

This should be in your MMF library today.

Thanks to you all for your continued support and I will see you Thursday for the final September release. Cheers, Chris

Third September 2024 Release

Hello folks, It's Thursday and new releases are here and I've got a double drop today for you.

To start there is the first Hekatos Cyborg release with their core ranged infantry the Designation HxR. While similar to their Martian brothers, the Hekatos have focused more on war and destruction than exploration and survival. This kit has 15 models with a variety of weapons and poses.

Next are some more reinforcements for the Mechanopods. These are a trio of auxiliary support pods including a Distruptor Pod, who emits strong EMP waves (that Mechanopods are oddly immune to), a Force Field Pod, which creates a massive protective dome around themselves and finally the strange looking Recycler, that roams around the battlefield chewing up the remains of fallen allies before spitting them back out as drones.

Finally there is the Aerial Carrier, designed to move Mechanopod Tanks and Transports. This kit has both a flying and landed model. I did a very small rework of the Tanks/Transport kit to allow them to fit better so if you have downloaded those please do so again as the files have been updated.

For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today. Just one release left this month and it's some great models for the Martian Cyborgs so I will see you next week (October preview on Monday too!). Thanks again for all your support! Cheers, Chris

Second September 2024 Release

Hello all, Got a chunky drop of Metal Marauders for you today with the Brute Hulks. These big armoured boys are armed with a variety of combi-ranged weapons and melee weapons for a total of 42 different models. These were super fun to make and I really like how they turned out. I will probably do some boss-bodyguard version for next month too with shields and honking huge maces/clubs. For subscribers these should be in your library already. Hope you enjoy them! Back to the 3D mines and plugging away on October releases :) Cheers, Chris

Hi Folks!

As of yesterday I am back and rolling along, refreshed and ready! I just wanted to give you all a little look into what to expect in the rest of September. This week's release will be the Metal Marauder Brute Hulks - a set 42 of heavily armoured and armed models. Next week will be the first of the Hekatos Cyborgs releases with their core ranged infantry unit, Combat Cyborg Designation HxR. While sharing some similar design principles to the Martian Cyborgs they have a lot of their own style and weapons. They will be joined by two small Mechanopod kits, a set of three Auxiliary Support Pods - the Distruptor, Force Field Generator and the Recycler. The second kit will be an Aerial Carrier vehicle, a UFO like pod that can quickly move and redeploy transports and tanks around. Finally on the last Thursday of September there will be a double drop of Martian Cyborgs, first the rebuilt Dynamo Striders - better and less "infringing". The second kit was going to be the redone Dynamo Cavalry but as the design came together it turned into different idea and are now Drift Runners. (Version 2 of Dynamo Cavalry will come in the future.) Thanks all for the support and I will see you Thursday! Cheers, Chris

First September 2024 Release

Hello folks, September is here, summer is drawing to a close and I've got a bunch of new releases for you all! This week's release is dropping early as I am taking the rest of it off to leave the computer behind and recharge the mental batteries. Today I have an updated version of the jetbikes for the Orbital Knights. These are slightly altered bikes with the new V2 riders/weapons and some other small changes. They were one of my favorite kits I made for the Orbital Knights so I wanted to get them updated early on. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library already. Have a good one and I will see you next Monday! Cheers, Chris

Final August 2024 Release

Hi folks, So here is the final release for August and the final Forge Baron release for a while. This is the "missing" Battle Knight Extras kit. This kit gives the parts to make the Castle variant of the Battle Knights with new carapace, shoulder/arms and weapons. These can be used all together or separately of course. The kit also contains a selection of bells, lights and a censer to add to the Battle Knight core kit. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library now. If you don't see them in the next day or so (or are missing any other releases from August) please let me know.

So that's the Forge Barons "done". Gonna be honest these really burnt me out LOL. I tried way to hard to keep them as a monthly release and also make stuff that was compatible for the "other" system. Looking back that was definitely a mistake on both accounts - I really enjoyed making the Scout Knight and originally that was going to be it as that was all I had concrete ideas for. Instead I got caught up in "completing the set" and ended up forcing designs when I didn't always have the best ideas. Many of you really like these and I really appreciate that. I guess it shows I wasn't as far off the mark as I think I am (artist always most critical of his own art and all that). I know there is some asking about "evil" version of these. Yes, maybe, someday...I honestly don't want to look at these for a while and some of the design mistakes early on haunt the later stuff in a way that makes me want to start again from scratch. Sigh and LOL.

Again a reminder that the price for new subs is going up September 1st (see the previous post). I will be away from September 3rd to the 8th (getting out of the house, recharging the batteries as they say) but not off the grid so you still may see me around on Discord, etc.). That means the first release for September might not be out till Monday the 9th, but I may be able to squeeze it out on the 2nd. Thank you all for you support, as always I couldn't do it without you! Cheers and have a great weekend, Chris

Tribe Tier Change Update

Hi folks, So as mentioned earlier in the month the current All Access Tier is being retired. Cost of everything has gone up and I need to bump the subscription price. (Now I am going to put this in caplock to make sure it's not missed.) IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY SUBSCRIBED TO THE ALL ACCESS TIER AND KEEP YOUR SUBSCRIPTION THE PRICE WILL NOT CHANGE FOR YOU. Ahem. The price will only be for new subscribers from September 2024 and beyond. The new price will be $14 CAD, it's going up by $2. If you have an questions, please ask below. Thanks all for your support! Chris

Fourth August 2024 Release

Hi all! This week's release is double drop for the Metal Marauders with Clankers and Clunkers! Both kits come with a selection of bodies in various poses and load of weaponry (LOADS!) to make tons of different combinations. I am looking forwards to seeing what you guys put together with these! For subscribers these should be in your MMF library already. Cheers! Chris

September 2024 Preview Menu

Hi all, As we roll through back half of August it's time talk about next month's releases and I have a little something for everyone coming up in September

Mechanopods are getting some larger auxiliary support pods. These will be some specialists such as a Force Field Pod that creates a protective dome over their smaller drone siblings, a Disruptor Pod that creates a massive EMP attack to disable enemy forces (strangely Mechanopods seem immune to any kind of EMP attack) and a Recycler Pod that scoops ups fallen drones and "poops" out new ones. An updated Jetcycle kit for the Orbital Knights with new V2 pilots and weapons as well as some other small changes will be out for them as I fade out the older V1 kits. Brute Hulk Heavy (nay mega?!?!) Armour will be backing up Marauder forces, armed with a variety of ranged and melee weapons (teaser below). The Martians are getting back some lost kits, with new Dynamo Striders (familiar but different look) a and Dynamo Cavalry (much different look) sets. Finally the first Hekatos Cyborg kit, the HxR Combayt Cyborgs, infantry armed with a selection of ranged weapons, will be released. In other news... Next month I will be addressing the upcoming changes to Patreon due to how Apple is handling subscriptions through their app and how they are attempting to steal 30% from creators and also the new charge on date Patreon subscription model. It's suck all the way down and it's going to ruin a lot of smaller creators. I will also be away for the first week of September so the first release will be early (the 2nd) before I head off for some recharging of the mental batteries. Finally things to look forwards to : October will be (thematically) a Marauder heavy month - there are some core kits that I want to get out for them sooner than later. If all goes well the first kits for the Mobile Guard (needs new name?) will be out before the end of the year. Big post, much text, thanks for reading and super thanks for supporting me. See you Thursday with a double set of walking cans for the Metal Marauders. Cheers, Chris PS: MMF 50% sale is still on ;)

Third August 2024 Release

Hello folks, Well after fighting with MMF to get this kit uploaded all morning I finally have today release for you. I took the time to make up an extra leader model for the kit that isn't in the renders :) The Orbital Knight II Assault Troops kit has 72 models, with and without jetpacks. There are squad leaders, specialist weapons, energy pistols and two-handed chain swords. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library already.

The summer carries on and the summer sale is also on as well if you need to pick up any past releases at a bigger discount than normal. Have a great weekend folks!

Second August 2024 Release

Hello folks! Got two Martian Cyborg kits for you today, the brand new Heavy Siege Cyborgs and the Cyberbots, which are a retooled version of the now unavailable Battle Robots. The very large Heavy Siege Cyborgs come with a variety of hull mounted weapons and arms as well as a multiple leg and hull options. This a big beast of a model and can be put together in many different ways. The Cyberbots kit has 18 preposed models with a variety of weapons and a Datamaster to act as a controller for them. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library already. I am really happy with how these turned out and was glad to find the time to be able to make a new version of the robots. Cheers! Chris

Changes in September

Hi folks, So this is not the usual upbeat post that I like to make around here. Rather this one is real life coming in to make sure I am paying attention. It's nothing drastic, but it's not the news I would like to bring. Let me cut to the quick. Starting in September the price for NEW subscriptions to the All Access Patreon/Tribes Supporter Tier will be going up to $12. That is a $2 price increase for NEW subscriptions only. Anyone currently subscribed to the All Access Patreon/Tribes Supporter Tier will keep the $10 price as long as they stay subscribed. So now the why. Simply put, my costs are going up, faster than new subscribers are coming in. MyMiniFactory are raising their % cut and fees by a significant amount and my living costs (much like all of yours) have gone up since I started this. It's not ideal, but necessary in order to keep everything covered. This will allow me to keep the current release schedule and volume. I like to think that I offer a pretty good deal here and hope I am not asking too much. Once again - This will only be for NEW subscribers starting in September - all current subscribers and anyone who subscribes and keeps their subscription before September will keep the original tier. The other Patreon tiers will not be affected. If you have any thoughts or feedback please feel free to message below, DM me or ask on the Discord. See you on Thursday for a double Martian Cyborg release! Thanks to all of you, couldn’t be here without you, Chris

First August 2024 Release

Hello all! August is here and with it comes a whole new month of releases! To start I have a double drop for the Mechanopods - they get a dual kit of Hover Tank and Hover Transport as well as their Deployment Beacon. The Tank/Transport kit has a number of different hulls and weapon choices. If the front of the hull looks a little odd, it will make more sense with next month's release :) The Deployment Beacon comes in two varieties - compact drop mode as it comes down from the mothership, and a deployed version ready to teleport their forces down to the battlefield. While the model comes in a particular size, these have been reported in various sizes, with larger beacons deploying much larger amount of Mechanopods. For subscribers these should be in your library already.

SUMMER SALE ANNOUCNEMENT There will be a 50% summer sale over on the MMF store from August 11th to September 8th. Yay!

Thanks again for all of you who stuck with me through another month and I am hoping you will be pleased with what releases I've got ready for you. Cheers, Chris

Bonus July Release

Hi folks, A request for some smaller support weapons for the Martian Cyborgs has been kicking around for a while and I was reminded last week so I put these together. The kit contains an altered version of the Siege Breaker tracks, 16 weapon options and 3 gunners. For subscribers theses should be in your library today. Cheers! Chris

Final July 2024 Release

Hello folks, The final major release for the Forge Barons comes this week with the Martian Pattern Heavy Support Knight. Armed with a massive carapace mortar launcher, 4 different primary weapon options and 2 options for the smaller mounts. Includes new hull and leg options. For subscribers these should be in your library today. That wraps up July baring any cheeky last minute releases. I'm heading off to a local board game convention so I probably won't be around on the discord much this weekend. Have a good one! Cheers, Chris

August Preview & Updated Guardian Cyborgs

Hello folks, As we roll into the back end of July it's time for next month's preview menu. In August there will be a little something for all the current factions. The Mechanopods will get a duo hover transport/tank kit, their first "vehicle" model. Version 2 of the Orbital Knight Assault Troops kit will have an assortment of close combat armed Knights on foot and with jetpacks. The Metal Marauders will get two kits, the Clanker walkers and their larger brothers, the chunky Clunkers. These were originally going to be a single kit but they bloomed with options enough to split them. The huge Siege Cyborgs will be backing up the Martian Cyborg forces and joining them will be the Cyberbots - a replacement for the lost Battle Robots kit. Last but not least is the final Forge Baron release for a while, with the Battle Knight Extras kit. This will contain all sorts of addons for that Battle Knight as well as parts to adapt it into a master fortress variant. undefined Also today I have updated the Guardian Cyborgs kit with new version of the Guardian models. Since releasing them the design has been nagging me a bit the their center of balance seeming of and the tentacle arms not fitting the Martian Cyborg aesthetic. A comparison image can be seen below. These are in a separate zip file and can be downloaded from that entry in your library if you already have it.

That's it for today, I will see you again on Thursday with the final July release, the Martian Patter Heavy Support Knight! Cheers, Chris

Third July 2024 Release

Hello folks! Today I have some new versions of the Martian Cyborg hover tanks for you all. The first is the new Driftrider / Driftraider combo kit, the second kit is a Driftstriker / Driftstriker Artillery kit. Both kits come with multiple hull, hatch and weapon options. For subscribers these should be in your library today. Cheers! Chris

Mid-2024 Update and New Welcome Box

Hi folks, We've made it half way through the 2024 and I wanted to update you all on where things sit and what to expect in the second half of the year.

First off, I've been working on a new Welcome Pack as the original is getting really long in the tooth and today it's out!!! A brand new subscriber exclusive set of miniatures containing models for every current faction.

For subscribers this should already be in your MMF library now.

CURRENT FACTIONS Orbital Knights : These will continue to receive a monthly set to replace / update the older kits. I don't have a preset date on any specific set, I am just going by what I feel I would like to work on with these each month. Metal Marauders : Just barely touched the tip of the iceberg on these guys so far - lots to do and I am excited to do them. "Orc-tober" is coming up soon and will probably see a few extra kits for the metal boys that month. Forge Barons : Next month will see the last of the Forge Baron kits for a while with the Battle Knight Extra sets (lots of cool planned to be stuff in there). Honestly I am quite burned out on this faction. I forced myself to get models out each month for them and I think the quality and style suffered on some of them. As I get to the end of the planned models with these I kind of want to go back and start all over again. Different and better. But also I don't even want to look at them right now, LOL. Martian Cyborgs : Really on a roll with this faction right now. I have solid ideas for another half-dozen kits at least and also still more with the reworking of some of the kits that I was forced to remove. Mechanopods : I am done all the planned infantry for these little waking trashcans but have some vehicle and larger pod ideas. These will probably be finished up by the end of the year.

FUTURE FACTIONS Ok so with the Forge Barons coming to a somewhat close I have been working on concepts for new factions. The three that are currently taking up my idea space are Havok Knights (renegade/evil Orbital Knights), the Hekatos Cyborgs (renegade/evil Martian Cyborgs) and the Mobile Guard (core human military forces). Not sure where I am going to start but I am excited to work on any/all of these.

OTHER PROJECTS If all goes well I am hoping to run a couple of kickstarters this year as a side hustle. The two in the forefront are Smol Tanks (non-orbital knights universe models), a set of modular wee tanks that could be used for TONKS! or something similar, and second I want to fund a Martain Cyborg side faction, the Techxorcists - a smaller fanatical cult splinter faction with vibes based on inquisition, flagellants, burning, anti-psion and a little rat-men vibes too. I also want to work on some modular spaceships, not directly planning them to be part of the orbital knights universe - but generic enough to be used for whatever spaceship game you like. I have a dozen or more other ideas in the early concept stages - but ideas are easy - actually making the models is a little more time consuming LOL.

BIG THANKS So that's what I have planned (so far) for the remainder of 2024. Pardon the long ramble :) I want to again say a BIG THANK YOU to all the followers, subscribers and the merchants who make doing this possible. You are all the best and I appreciate your support! I know times are tough for a lot of folks and that you have chosen to put your support in my work makes me very grateful. I will see on you Thursday with this week's release. Cheers, Chris

Second July 2024 Release

Hello all! It's been a day but finally I have the kits for you! The Orbital Knight are getting their revised Heavy Support weapons with 10 weapons in 3 poses with both helmet options. The Martian Cyborgs are getting an artillery option for the Driftwalker, with 4 big guns on a variant hull. They are also getting the revised Hunter Killer kit with with 12 models in various poses armed with different weapons. For subscribers these should be in your MMF libraries already. Thanks all for your patience today and I hope the summer finds you well! I will be back on Monday with a mid-year state of the patreon/tribes post and a little surprise. Cheers! Chris

First July 2024 Releas

Hello folks, I am under the weather today so this will be a little shorter than the usual post. This month opens with a double drop of close assault units. The Mechanopods are deploying more drones, this time with blades and saws. Meanwhile the Metal Marauders have are leaping into melee with a big set of Stormers, including Boss Stormers. For Patreon/Tribes members these should be in your library today. Big plans and lots of releases this month, I will be touching base again soon! Cheers! Chris

July Is Here - Let's Start With a Sale!

Hi folks, Lets start the summer off with a few days of a big 'ol 50% off sale to celebrate Canada Day and July 4th for those south of the boarder.

Thanks to everyone for your support! Cheers, Chris

Fourth June 2024 Release

Hello all. Soooooo the busy chaos of the month I missed a release, so that means a double drop today :) Yay! First is the Forge Baron Heavy Support Knight, the biggest of the Knight Walkers. Massive, heavily armoured and sporting huge cannons it is able to devastate small forces single handedly. This 36 part kit allows the building of Heavy Support Knights. There are two leg poses, 5 carapace options, 2 carapace weapon options, 5 small weapon options and 4 primary weapon options with multiple arm choices.

The second kit this week is the big Destroyer Pods for the Mechanopods faction. Though they look like some kind of comically large trash can as they march along side their smaller Mechanopod brothers, the Destroyer Pods are anything but. Sporting thick armour and a plethora of weaponry, those which they don't shoot bits get stomped with their massive legs once they get close enough. This 21 part kit contains pieces to build Destroyer Pods in various ways. Multiple leg and body options as well as 4 small weapon and 4 large weapon options.

For subscribers will be in your MMF library today. There we go - that's June all wrapped up. Six new releases across 5 factions. Whew - hope there was something for everyone here :) Thanks all for your patronage and hope to see you all in July! Cheers, Chris

July Preview Menu

Hello all! With a week left in June it's time for the July teaser and it's going to be a doozy! The robo-space pods are getting their close assault unit with Assault Drones, featuring both regular and heavy drones, designed to slice and dice. Heavy support troops are coming to back up Orbital Knights with the biggest man portable guns that they can carry. To counter these? The Metal Marauders are coming in fast and hot riding jet packs and smashing into close combat! A full set of these assault troops with bosses and more. A HUGE chunk of reinforcements for the Martians are coming! A lot of the older models got orbital lasered from space so hard they got knocked right out of the store and needed replacement. There will be new Hunter Killer Cyborgs and brand new Driftriders, Driftraiders, Driftstrikers (with artillery variant) are being deployed. There will also be an artillery version of the Driftcrawler a well. So much stuff that I ran out of room on the menu - including the Martian Pattern of the soon (this week!) Heavy Support Knight as well! EXCITEMENT! :) Also look out for the presupported versions of the Marauder Trikes, Buggies and Tracks kit later today. Thanks for your support! Cheers! Chris

Third June 2024 Release

Hello folks! This week is a double release for the Metal Marauders. It was originally going to be a single set of models but as I kept adding options it kinda got a little large so split it into two separate kits, a Gunbike kit and a kit of Guntracks, buggies and trikes. The Gunbike kit contains 30 models in 8mm. Five bikes, 18 gunbikes, four boss bikes and three boss gunbikes. The second kit contains 16 models in 8mm. Four gunbuggies, six guntracks and six gun trikes as well as 7 different weapons to mount on them. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library now, please let me know if you don't see them in the next day or so.

PLEASE NOTE : These kits do not currently come with presupports. I am awaiting new FEPs (the one that came installed in the new printer was installed poorly and stretched to uselessness after a week, bleah). They are supposed to arrive today so I hope to get the supports tested and uploaded in the following days. I will make a post to let you all know.

Thanks to all of you for your support! Cheers, Chris

Second June 2024 Release

Hello folks! It's release day and I've got a double drop of Orbital Knights for you all! The planned kit of version 2 of the Light Support Troops and a surprise kit of Sentry Guns! The Light Support Troops kit has 6 weapons in multiple poses and with both helmet types for a total of 54 models to meet your specialist squad weapon needs. The Sentry Guns kits has 13 different weapons, 2 bases, a beacon and a radar dish. All designed to be rotatable and swappable - no need to glue them in.

For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today, for a la carte purchasers they will be in the MMF store as soon as they are approved.

Both these kits were fun to make and I hope you find a use for them! Now time to buckle down and start on more releases. Next week will be some big troops for the Mechanopods and lots of bikes, trikes, tracks and buggies for the Metal Marauders! Cheers! Chris

First June 2024 Release

Hi folks, I've been wanting to do some rework on the Martian Cyborgs infantry for a while now. I like the original sets but their were some design choices that I wouldn't make now. This new kit finally has legs (took forever for me to make a set I liked), more robust weapons (not so fragile) and just cleaner concepts. I feel they fit better with the newer kits from the faction that the older ones do. So this new kits has 20 sculpts, armed with basic rifles, 3 light support weapons, a trio of leaders and two models with specialist equipment. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today.

UPDATE : Presupported version is now available, just redownload the zip file from the MMF entry. Thanks for your patience!

Thanks again for the support! Cheers, Chris

Fourth May 2024 Release

Hello folks, For the final release of May we have a double drop of Martian Cyborgs! First is the redo of the Driftcrawler, upgraded to version 2. Due to, ahem similarities, the original had to be removed from the manufacturing lines - but the Martians would not be dissuaded! So a new version has rolled (well walked) out to the battlefields. With different hulls, weapons and other options you can build the crawler of your dreams! The second kit is a combo of guardian and servo-cyborgs (both with a variety of weapon options) to build as units of their own or adorn the bases of your cyborg-priests. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today.

A rather crazy May comes to end and I've got lots lined up for June! Thanks again to everyone who has supported me! You are all the best! Cheers, Chris

June Teaser Menu

Hi folks, Completely forgot to post this last week - the preview for next month! A little bit of everything is on the menu - big heavily armed Destroyer Pods, a plethora of special weapons for the Orbital Knights, a load of bikes for the Marauders, a reworked infantry set for the Martians and finally the Heavy Support Knight with its huge guns! Hopefully something for you!

As the month comes to a close please let me know if the files for May are not in your library and I will get that fixed up. We got one more release for Thursday so I will see you then! Cheers, Chris

Third May 2024 Release (Part 2)

Hello all, The second part of the Metal Marauders are up, this time it's Grunt Bosses! With bigger tougher constructed bodies thes Grunt Bosses often lead squads of Grunts or sometime form up squads of their own. Armed with various brutal weapons and attitudes to match they take their roll when marauding very seriously! This kit contains 28 8mm Grunt Bosses and nine 3mm/1:600 Grunt Bosses. Also loose weapons for detailing and conversions. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library already. Cheers, Chris

Third May 2024 Release (Part 1)

Hi folks, Today I've got the first part of this month's Metal Marauders release, the Gun Truck! A modified War Truck with a variety of big guns to mount in the back. The kit also has some new cabs, a new hull bottom and bumper. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today. Tomorrow will be the Grunt Bosses - they are just about to hit the printer for testing. Cheers, Chris

News and Stuff + Sale Info

Hi folks, So just wanted to get this out before I'm out of country for a week. Some updates and stuff.

3mm/1:600 Scale Models So unfortunately due to time restrictions I am going to have to pull these from being included in the standard releases going forwards. This is two fold, with the dropping subscriber numbers I need to spend time doing other work and second it was taking a lot more time to do them then I originally figured and it's been impacting the time I've had for the main releases. This does not mean I want to stop doing 3mm/1:600 stuff but I will have to figure out a way to make it work time and cost wise. Possibly doing some sort of small Frontiers/Kickstarter, not sure yet, it's something I will be looking at harder once I return.

Void Derelict Set Richard over at [ROK Minis](https:// ) commissioned me last year to do a custom set of my heavy armour Orbital Knights for a space ship corridor shooter game they made.

It all turned out very cool and you can see and buy it HERE.

May 13th to 21st Sale During the time I am away there will be a 50% sale on the MMF store! Take advantage while I'm not looking ;) I'll post this image again here and on the socials on the 13th just in case.

Thanks all for your support! The next release will be a double drop of Metal Marauders on the 23rd. Cheers, Chris

Second May 2024 Release - The Orbital Knights Are Back!

Hello all, Almost three years ago I did the first concepts to the Orbital Knights, six months later I made the first kits for them and started a Patreon and then shortly after this Tribe and thanks to you all it has persevered. I have reworked the Orbital Knights from the ground up using a better design and concepts. Still familiar but much better. More detail and better proportions lead these models to the newest kits. Now some lore :)

Above every major world in the galactic Commonwealth sits an space station of great importance, manned by the Orbital Knights. These elite enhanced soldiers keep the planet safe from threats both external and internal, deploying where needed and acting as both protectors and icons of the great combined alliances that make up the Commonwealth of Planets.

The core of the Orbital Knights are their standard troopers, though there is nothing "standard" about them. Enhanced both physically and mentally to be ready to fight almost any enemy, clad in powerful armour and armed with mighty blaster weapons.

This first kit in the new Orbital Knight series contains 46 Orbital Knights in 8mm. Armed with blaster rifles, blaster carbines and sergeants with blaster pistols and a variety of close assault weapons. Both knight and extended orbital helmets included. Loose weapons also included for conversion and decoration. This kit also has a set of 3mm Orbital Knights in various poses.

For subscribers these should appear in your MMF library today. Thanks all, Chris

First May 2024 Release

Hi folks! It's Thursday and here is the new release, the first for May!

Mechanopod Command Despite the moniker of "drones" the Mechanopod forces are not unthinking force. Even the basic Drones are capable of independent decision making. This does mean they need leaders and indeed have some sort of command structure. The head of this is the Overlord, a huge machine of combat power and battlefield analytic capability. Using their powerful eye beam to cut swaths of destruction and an aura that disrupts both electronics and organics in a wide area they are physically imposing, not to mention their ability to calculate battlefield conditions and get their forces responding appropriately. Under them the Command Pod leads smaller groups and behaves as an extension to the Overlord as well as an independent leader. Often supported by Observers that relay battlefield conditions and protected by Shield Drones against most attacks. Additional command level support pods come in the form of Battery Pods, which boost the attack power of nearby Drones as well as Tesla Pods which both act offensively while at the same time making close engagement with nearby Drones difficult as their entire bodies become enveloped in electrified fields.

Mechanopod Swarms & Bomb Drones These two types of drones fall into a similar category of "unintelligent" drone pods. They don't seem to act on their own but blindly accompany the other pods. Bomb Drones are found mixed amongst most other drone types, waiting untill they get close enough to the enemy to explode, often used against armour or structures. Swarm Drones are everywhere in when the Mechanopods attack in force, like a clacking carpet covering the battlefield. They attack by firing thousand of tiny eye lasers at close range before climbing over their targets and dissolving into a nanite goo that in turn dissolves anything it touches.

Those should pop up in your MMF library today (may even be there already!) Please let me know if you don't see them in the next day or so.

MAY SALE ANNOUNCEMENT There is no discount code for May as there will be a 50% sale from the 14th to the 21st. I will be out of town for the week and while I'm not around you get to take advantage ;) There will be more info with sale code and date reminders closer to the start.

Cheers all! Chris

Final April 2024 Release

Hi folks, Here is the last April release - the Martian Pattern Assault Knight. When the Martian Cyborgs adapted the plans for the Forge Barons they redesigned them to meet their more eccentric needs, adding more armour and altering the weaponry. This was no different than with the Assault Knight Walker. This kit contains parts to make a 8mm Martian Pattern Assault Knight Walker. Includes 4 legs, 4 heads, multiple shoulders poses and 4 different posed weapons.

Once again thanks for the support and hope to see you all next month - lots of new releases planned! Cheers, Chris

May 2024 Preview

Hi folks, April is coming to an end and with only a week left it's time to preview next month.

The Mechanopods are getting a set of Command Pods to lead the their Drone forces. They will also have Bomb Drones and Swarm Drones ready for deployment. The first kit of the new V2 Orbital Knights will be coming out - armed with a choice of either blaster carbines or blaster rifles. The Metal Marauders will get Grunt Bosses, bigger, stronger orc cyborgs to lead the Grunts or be deployed in squads of their own. An addon to the War Truck, giving it some more options and big weaponry, turning them into Gun Trucks. Finally the Martian Cyborgs will be getting a replacement for the lost Driftcrawlers with a V2 model and an assortment of Guardian Cyborgs.

I will be back on Thursday with the final April release - the Martian Pattern Assault Knight. Cheers, Chris

Third April 2024 Release

Hello everyone, Got a double drop of releases today!

Metal Marauder War Trucks Constructed from the remnants of both military and civilian vehicles the War Truck carries the Metal Marauders into battle. This kit contains an 8mm set of 32 parts to build War Trucks in a variety of different ways. There are 16 preconstructed 3mm/1:600 War Trucks in the kit too.

Goliath Consortium Exo-Driller Carriages Often when deployed into combat situations the Exo-Driller requires additional support and that is provided via remote controlled carriages that follow close by. From mortars to gun batteries, troop transport to force field generators, additional engines and even a beacon to help guide other tunnelers a fully equipped Exo-Driller procession can turn the tide of a battle.

For members these should be in your MMF library today. Thanks all for the continued support. Cheers, Chris

Second April 2024 Release

Hello folks, Woops! Was so busy working models that I completely forgot it was Thursday! This week we got some Heavies for the Metal Marauders and an Exo-Crawler for the Goliath Consortium. For subscribers these should be in your MMF library already. Please let me know if they don't show up in next day or so. Thank and cheers! Chris

Mechanopod Striders Updated

Hi folks I updated the Mechanopod Striders (new zip file in the MMF entry) with ball and socket joints for the 8 and 15mm versions. Resupported and tested. These fit together much better and are easier to pose the weapons at any angle you want. Sorry about that - the original idea was better on paper than practice, should have done it this way from the start.

See you next week with some Metal Marauders and Goliath Consortium! Cheers, Chris

Ooof - Apologies - Fix Soon

Hi folks, So I want to apologize for the weapon mount on the 8/15mm Mechanopod Striders. I got a little fancy with it and as it turns out it way too much of a pain in the but to assemble nicely, especially for the 8mm ones. I will be redoing these with a ball-joint mounting ASAP. Again sorry, my bad. Cheers, Chris

First April 2024 Release

Hello everyone! It's a new month and once again it's time for new releases! The first release for April is a double drop for the Mechanopod faction - Striders and Support Pods.

SUPPORT DRONE PODS Often found scattered among the Mechanopod Drones are the slightly larger Support Drones. Armed with a variety of weapons that pack a bigger punch than the basic eye-lasers of the standard Drones they are adept at taking down both infantry and vehicles depending on their armament. Heavy lasers, beam cannons, tri-lasers, death rays, close in cutters and long range missiles make up the variable weapons of destruction carried. This kit contains 22 Support Drones in both 3mm/1:600 and 8mm as well as parts to assemble all the options in 15mm.

STRIDER DRONE PODS Walking tall amongst the other Mechanopod infantry the Strider Drones act as support fire platforms, picking out targets at will. Armed with more powerful versions of support weapons Striders are suited for taking out enemy vehicles and infantry alike. This kit contains 12 8mm Strider Drones with 5 separate weapons, 10 3mm/1:600 Striders as well as parts to assemble all the options in 15mm.

For subscribers these should be in your MMF library today. Thanks to all who have subbed through another month with me - lots to come! Cheers, Chris

Fourth March 2024 Release

Hi all, I've got a double drop for you all this final week of March, the Goliath Consortium Exo-Driller and the Assault Knight Walker from the Forge Barons.

Exo-Driller Once the Goliath Consortium has dug their main tunnels smaller side tunnels and general mining are served by Exo-Drillers. These have also found there way into combat situations, drilling their way though fortifications or coming up from under the enemy similar to their tunnelers.

Assault Knight Size doesn't mean you have to sacrifice speed, as seen with the Assault Knight Walker. This Forge Baron dashes into battle armed with melee weapons and a shield or a close ranged firepower. This kit contains parts to make a 8mm Forge Baron Assault Knight Walker. Includes 4 legs, 5 heads, multiple arm and shoulders, swords, lances, a chain blade, 4 shield types and 2 ranged weapon options.

For members these should be in your MMF libraries today. That wraps up March and once again I appreciate all the folks who support me and this endeavor here. Hope to see you all in April! Cheers, Chris

April and Beyond

Hi folks, With a week left in the month it's time for a preview of next month and plans for farther out. April is going to start to fill out the two new factions. The Mechanopods will get some Support Drones - armed with a variety of heavier weapons for when eye-lasers aren't going to do the job. They will also be getting large long legged Striders, armed with bigger guns for taking down heavy targets. The Metal Marauders will be arming up with a range of heavy and specialist weapons to field in squads on their own or mixed with Grunts. In order to get their infantry into battle faster the War Truck will be deployed, with a bunch of planned options. The Goliath Consortium will be getting a set of carriages to accompany this months Exo-Driller tank. They will also have the smaller Exo-Crawler to either assist the Exo-Driller or be used when a smaller vehicle is needed. Finally the Forge Barons will be getting the Martian Pattern Assault Knight Walker with some optional weapons and other details. Whew. That's all I could fit on the menu but that doesn't mean I am not going to try and finish up something else... May is going to be a bit different month. I have had to pick up some contract work for a few weeks from my old job to cover sub losses over the last month (with the forced removal of two big projects it wasn't a surprise), so I will be doing designs that will be easier for me to finish in that time. Currently plans are for remaking/modifying a number of the lost Martian Cyborg models. I still want to squeak in a some kits for the new models too though. I will be taking a short break from the Forge Lords in May as I want to have the appropriate time to do the next chassis, though an addon kit for the Assault Knight Walker isn't out of the question. The biggest announcement I have for the future right now is that June will see the return of the Orbital Knights with Version 2. I wanted to get them started earlier but with all the other stuff in the works I want to get them perfect. There is a small preview below of the new updated armour. Lot of stuff in the works lots to come, including a double release this Thursday. See you then! Cheers, Chris

Third March 2024 Release

Hi folks, How about a little lore for a new faction?

Roaming alien attackers are nothing new in the galaxy, but few were as feared as the Green Marauders. They would ravage a system with sheer numbers and brute force, leaving nothing but bodies in their wake. A threat that was sometimes held off but rarely beaten. The Green Marauders were always able to renew their numbers and try again. Over time it was noticed that more and more of the Marauder forces were equipped with metal prosthetics and addons. Their robust physiology allowed even the crudest of cybernetics and artificial addons to be very effective. A new mantra seemed to rise across them - metal not meat - steel not flesh. Encasing themselves in more and more armour, using bizarre technology to but their brains in metal bodies and even duplicating their minds into more robot shells to bolster their numbers. The Green Marauders had become the Metal Marauders.

This is the first kit for the Metal Marauders. The core of the Metal Marauder forces are the Grunts. Encased in bodies of metal and armed with huge brutish weapons they attacking in huge numbers with great effectiveness. This kit contains a variety of Metal Marauder Grunts in 3mm/1:600, and 8mm scales. The 3mm/1:600 versions also come with some prebased unit options.

For members these should be in your MMF library today. Looking forwards to adding more to this army soon. Cheers, Chris

Second March 2024 Release

Hi folks, New week, new release and new faction! How about a little background?

Originally encountered in cargo holds (mistaken for cargo) they were assumed to be reprogramed robots. They would activate once brought aboard space stations or colonies, attempting to kill everything organic before self destructing. These initial "drones" seemed to be single minded and were assumed to be some sort of terrorist device. It wasn't until entire cargo ship holds filled with them began to arrive and act in a more coordinated manner that officials realized there was more to them. Preventative measures were put into place and cargo was scanned for the particular energy signature that the drones eliminated - and destroyed before they had a chance to activate. Then the ships arrived. Impossibly large cylinders dropping out of light speed near planets. Firing telepod beacons to the surface and beaming in entire armies in moments. Dubbed the Mechanopods, the Drones were merely the first wave and though the most common part of their forces, many different types have been sighted, from tiny swarms to tank sized walkers, to those that rival the Forge Barons in size. They have no ambassadors. They attempt no communication. They land, attempt to exterminate all sentient organic life possible, then destroy themselves. Where they come from and what their goals are is unknown, but the fear of their red eyes coming from the dark depths of space has spread across the galaxy.

The Drones are the mainstay of the Mechanopod's forces. Deployed in huge numbers they rush towards the front lines, zapping away with their red laser eyes beams. This kit contains a number of Mechanopod Drones in 3mm/1:600, 8mm and 15mm scales. The 15mm versions are multipart. The 3mm/1:600 versions also come with some prebased unit options.

For members these will be in your MMF library today. Cheers, Chris

Road Map for 2024

Hello folks, So as I prep up the final release for February I wanted to let you know what the plans for new 2024 road map are going to look like. I will be finishing up the Forge Barons over the next few months with two more main kits and associated addons. Once they are complete the follow up will be their dark opposition, the Fallen Barons, will be started. The first of the new factions, the Metal Marauders, will be starting next month with their Grunt kit. These rampaging hordes of green metal orcs will be part of the monthly releases for the year. The second new faction are the Mechanopods, a never ending swarm of laser eye robots in various sizes with an array of weaponry. These will also be joining the new monthly releases. In light of recent issues I want to get started on new cool, more detailed (and non-IP infringing) Orbital Knights. These are designs are almost 3 years old and the core models really need an update. This means an updated V2 of them will start being released soon as well. Getting a solid design on these will also let me start on their fallen compatriots, the Havoc Knights. I am getting closer to a design I like for the Mobile Guard so I am hoping to get started on some tanks and infantry for them before the summer. The Martian Cyborg back catalogue has taken a hit and I am looking to get what I can back up in the store before the end of the month. But that does mean there are certain missing items that impact the viability of the force - so working on getting new models for those is part of 2024's plan. Like the Orbital Knights and the Forge Barons I will be starting their compromised alternates, the Hekatos Cyborgs! Get ready for some wild design ideas I've got for these. New faction releases will see 3mm releases and also be detailed to support 15mm upscaling as well. I also want to do some background writing for each of the faction and work on some game rules for these models as well. Thanks to all of you who have stuck with me and looking forwards to see you next month and throughout the year! Cheers, Chris

Store Notice

My MMF store is currently closed for restructuring. Sorry for the inconvenience. Cheers, Chris

First February 2024 Release

Hi folks, First off let me say thank you all for your support, patience and understanding during the current situation I am dealing with. I can't say more right now and am not in a position to answer any questions (still working on getting answers myself). I am still figuring out what is what. More news soon hopefully. Onto the release. Here is the Scout Knight Extras set. This kit includes  detail parts of the Scout Knight such as banners, flags, pendants, bells, lanterns, search lights and censers. There are 2 new hulls with top built in missiles/rockets. Also 2 new arm alternative options, a set of sensors and a shield. Finally it also includes a blender file (meshmixer as well) for posing your own Scout Knight legs. These should be in your MMF library today. Please let me know if you don't see them in there by tomorrow - I have been having some trouble with some emails heading out to users. This week was supposed to also have the first weapon set for the Battle Knight - that will be coming soon - the work on it got waylaid by the current situation. Hopefully done by the end of the weekend. Cheers Chris

February Release Preview Menu and Big News

Hello folks, It's that time of the month where I let you know what will be coming up with a teaser! For the Martian Cyborgs I am doing a set of Heavy Assault Cyborgs, these "castle-x" automata from the Old War will be big guys with a variety of hand and shoulder mounted weapons. The Forge Barons are getting a triple set of upgrades, the one I owe you all for this month and both melee and ranged sets for the Battle Knight. I am also hoping to pop in a Orbital Knight release as well but I don't want to promise before I know how much work it will be. Even with these releases it put February slightly lighter than a normal month, but there is a good reason for that.... THE BIG NEWS So I've been reluctant to bring this up too early as I didn't want to have to do a take-backsie but as of March 2023 I will be going FULL TIME with the Patreon/Tribes and other design work. The reason February is a little lighter is that I need to spend some time wrapping up stuff with my old job, after 25 years there passing the torch on will take a little work. This has been in the plans since last summer but there was a very large project that came up and besides needing the manpower the extra money was too good to pass up. So what does this mean for you? Well due to the extra work this did mean that a number of things that I wanted to do, like starting new armies (guard/orks/nids) got put on hold as I just did not have the free time to start prototyping. But now I will be able to start those and finally get the ball rolling with early designs and ideas! This also means I will have time to do additional projects, both as part of the Patreon/Tribes and outside of it. I have what seems like a never ending list of models I want to make and that I hope you will enjoy! In the coming weeks I want to get a better grasp on what the future releases will look like beyond just the next month - some longer term planning so you guys know what to expect. This is a big step for me, I've been working the same job for a long time and I won't lie it is a bit scary, but for me it's really a now or never chance. Thanks to all of you past and current who helped me get this far and I hope to see you all and more in the future! Cheers, Chris

Third January 2024 Release

Hello folks, This week is the release of the next knight for the Forge Barons - the Battle Knight! The kit includes 2 sets of legs, 7 heads, 6 arm weapons in various poses, 3 top mounted weapons, 3 hull weapons and 2 styles of waist/weapon banners. This was fun model to make, though I did underestimate the amount of time it would take. I am looking forwards to doing more weapons and variants for next month (let me know in the Discord if you have any ideas). Patreon/tribes members should find it in their MMF library soon. Cheers all and stay warm! Chris

Second January 2024 Release

Hello folks! It's Thursday and that means it is time for a new release! This week we have a Hover Drone for the Martian Cyborgs. The kit comes with 2 hulls (with and without antennae) and a bunch of weapon options (beyond the traditional loadout). For patreon/tribe members these will be in you MMF library today!

In some other news there is going to be a slight change in next week's release - originally there was going to be two kits for the Forge Barons, the Battle Knight and a kit of extra details for for the Scout Knight. I over estimated how long the larger Battle Knight kit would take to make (along with other delays from my other job and the holidays) and so I won't have time to do the Scout Knight extras kit. It is going to be delayed till next month, which I loath to do but in order to get the rest of the month's releases out on time I don't have a choice. So anyone who is subbed this month (January) or next month (February) will get access to it when that kit is finished. Again sorry and thanks for understanding, Chris

First January 2024 Release

Happy New Year Folks! Today is  the first release of 2024, the Orbital Knights Orbital Drop Bunker!. It's a model I've been working through prototypes for some time but I finally got a version that I am quite happy with. The kit has 3 different side ports (2 weapons and an empty), 2 optional top mounted weapons, 2 optional top non-weapon parts and optional side mounted weapons. Multiple parts for ease of printing. For patreon/tribes members it should be in your MMF library shortly. Thanks all for sticking with me for another month and here is to many releases in 2024! Chris

That's all for 2023!

Hello everyone, Here we are at the end of 2023, another year come and gone. I want to start by thanking all of you for your support a patrons/tribes members as well as the ala-carte folks and followers! You all have made this so much awesome! A special shout out to the merchant tier backers who are working those physical copies into existence for those without printers! 2023 was a big year for me with 94 new releases! We saw the fleshing out the majority of the Guild Consortium and Martian Cyborg factions as well as introducing the Forge Barons. The very popular MK2 Project got underway with wild success and the 3mm War of Brothers personal project got well under way. I covered a lot of what to expect in 2024 in the November post so I won't repeat myself here, just get ready for lot of new models, factions and other projects. There will be some big news coming in February as well. I am very excited! Once again thank you all and hope you have a Happy New Year! Cheers, Chris

Little Update

Hi folks, I just added a claw hand to the Forge Baron Scout Knight Upgrades 2 set. It's a separate zip so you don't have to download the whole thing again. Cheers, Chris

Third December 2023 Release

Hello all, This week we have a double release for the Forge Barons. There is the second set of weapon upgrades, this time melee weapons, with 13 weapons plus shields, hands and a set of legs. The Martian Cyborg Pattern Scout Knight makes up the second release with this variant of the model, includes weapons, torsos and legs. For patreon/tribes subscribers these should be in your MMF library soon. Thanks all for the continued support, have yourselves a Merry Christmas and I'll see you next week for the final 2023 release, the MK2 Project Part 5 and the next War of Brothers drop. Cheers! Chris

January 2023 Preview Menu

Hello folks, I hope your Holiday season is going well, today I have the preview menu for January along with a couple of work-in-progress pics. I know we still have two more weeks of releases this month but I wanted to get this up before Christmas. The Martians are getting an old war Hover Drone, it will have some extras beyond the standard for the model is represents. There will be a couple of hull versions (for those who don't like the antennae) . I finally did the Drop Bunker for the Orbital Knights and have had so much fun doing it I think I will do some similar small bunker emplacements for both the Martians and the Goliath Consortium. Banners, pendants, standards, devotional bells and more will be coming for the Scout Knight, all the stuff to make them fancy! Their bigger brother, the Battle Knight, will also see a debut in January (hopefully). The MK2 Project will see command models in Part 6 and Release 5 of the War of Brothers will have Breaching Infantry, Drop Turrets as well as Fast and Light Artillery Tanks. There will also be some exciting news in January as well. Thanks all and see you tomorrow for this week's release!

Patreon/Tribe Exclusive December 2023 Release

Hello! I wanted to make something special for you guys this year for all your support and also wanted to do a holiday themed model and this lead to Cyber Santa! Cyber Santa is riding a hover sled pulled by 8 cyber-deer, full of packages and reading his list of naughty and nice. This will be an exclusive (for a while at least) to folks who are subscribers for December 2023 as a thanks you. Patreon/Tribes members should find this in their library today. Cheers, Chris Note : This is somewhat of a fragile model in some areas.

Second December 2023 Release

Hi folks, Hope you December is going well. This week we have a set of 12 old war Hunter Killer Cyborgs for the Martian Cyborgs. Armed with twin bladed gatling cannons  and either a lightning-cannon or irad-cannon. Patreon/Tribes members should have these in their library today. Cheers, Chris

First December 2023 Release

Hello folks, Today we have the first of December's releases with a double drop for the Goliath Consortium. There is a little mini kit of sniper commandos, useable on their own or as base decoration, set them up peaking out building windows, etc. Second is the final (probably) Landviathan - armed with a pair of huge rail guns, as a proxy for the Behemoth from the NetEpic army list. For tribes members these should be in your library now. Please let me know if they don't show up in the next 24h. Cheers, Chris

December 2023 Teaser Menu

Hello folks, As November comes up to it's final week it is time for the teaser menu for next month. We got some bug head Hunter Killer Cyborgs for the Martians and the last Landviathan for the Consortium along with a small set of snipers. The Forge Barons are getting a second Scout Knight upgrade kit (melee weapons) and a Martian Cyborg variant (along with their specialized weaponry). The MK2 Project is getting some breaching troops and the War of Brothers release will have heavy weapon troops, combat walkers and bigger heavy apc's. I got one or two other things I'd like to squeeze in as a surprise but it all depends on time. Thanks all for the support this month and I'll see you Thursday for this months MK2 Project release. Cheers, Chris

Third November 2023 Release

Hello folks, This week's release brings a load of ranged weapon upgrades for the Forge Baron's scout knight. Eight new arm weapons, including c-beamer, eradicator, neurolaser, missiles, harpoon, gattling cannon, flamer thrower and twin autocannons. Three top mounted weapons, laser, deathray and missiles as well as a sensor. Eight new body hulls, three with front mounted weapon, three with head mounted weapon and two large built in extra heavy weapons (battle cannon or heavy laser). For patrons/tribes members these should be in your MMF library now. Melee weapon upgrades will be out next month :) Be back next week with Part 4 of some project ;) Cheers, Chris

Second November 2023 Release

Hello folks, It's Thursday and that means it's time for a new release! This week is all about the Martian Cyborgs with Rapid Attack Cyborgs leaping into combat with the jump packs and power claws. I also managed to sneak in a little extra with some snipers, these are modified versions of the "stilt sniper" to put them a little closer to the ground :) Use them to spice up your infantry/command bases, make cool objectives or detail up some terrain. For Tribes members these should already be in your MMF library. Cheers! Chris

State of the Tribes Address

Hi folks, As we are closing towards the end of 2023 I wanted to give you an idea of what to expect in the next few months and plans for 2024. Martian Cyborgs : I am continuing to do Old War kits with Rapid Attack Cyborgs (ursarax proxies) this month and Hunter Killer Cyborgs (vorax proxies) in December. The plan is to continue with this line through out next year with more cyborgs, infantry and vehicles. Goliath Consortium : Getting close to finishing this line for the time being, with one more Landviathan in December as well as an infantry kit. I still have a few odds and ends I want to do in the new year (warballoons, a drop ship, weapon options for the Industrial Walker). I've also been considering a second landtrain - smaller and more fitting with the original. Orbital Knights : There are still a few things I would like to do for these guys in the near future such as a drop-bunker and at least one gunship. There are also the Old War infantry and vehicles that I am slowing working on. The drop bunker might appear in December, and if possible I would like to get to at least one other such as a bombard tank (arquitor proxy) or fast attack tank (sabre proxy) soon. I also promised v2 Lunar Knight Heavy Armour using the Heavy Armour v2 style that I need to do, sorry that got waylaid. Forge Barons : Lots planned here as they are the newest army in the lineup. This month will feature the first of at least two weapon upgrade kits, full of new ranged weapon options. December will have the second kit with new melee weapon options. There will also be a Martian Pattern variant (moirax proxy) as well in December. The next Knight will be in the new year - I haven't decided which one I want to do.

The MKII Project : This will see a monthly release for at least the next year as I work through the various infantry types and some light vehicles (jetbikes and landspeeders). This month will have the Heavy Support Infantry and December will see the Breachers. Command/HQ models are planned for January 2024. War of Brothers 3mm/1:600 : Similar to the MKII Project I have at least a years worth of kits planned/in progress for the this line as well. There will be 4 sets this month; Light Support Infantry, Command, Siege Tanks (vindicators) and Heavy APCs (land raiders). December will feature Heavy Support Infantry, Combat Walkers (dreadnoughts) and Very Heavy APCs (spartans). The 3 to 4 a month drop will continue throughout 2024.

New Projects : I have been itching to get to a real xenos faction and 2024 will see one for sure, just haven't decided which one yet, as a replacement for the Goliath Consortium releases. December will also give me some time to work on Guard infantry concepts and ideas as well, I wanted to start them much earlier this year but I just couldn't take the time to nail down the look and over all designs concepts for them. There are plans for a 2.0 overhaul on the Orbital Knights, the basic design is now almost 3 years old on my end from the original concept and I want to slowly improve them. I also have a number of other smaller side projects that I hope to get to early next year such as micro-tonks, cyberpunk styles 15mm, micro-titans (1:1200 scale), some mecha, a retro-styled space troopers line that I previewed over a year ago and more. My other job ended up eating a massive amount of my time but that will be changing in 2024 (more news on that at a later date).

That more or less sums up my immediate plans in for the end of this year and the start of 2024, although I am sure I have missed somethings I wanted to mention. Please feel free to ask questions and throw ideas out here or on the Discord. Once again I want to thank all of you for your continued support through the months and hope too see you in the future! Look out for a flash sale mid-November as well as the Black Friday sale at the end of the month.

First November 2023 Release

Hello folks, November is here and a new month brings new releases! Starting with the next Goliath Consortium Landviathan, the Megacannon! But not just a cannon, missiles and turrets too! Like the other Landviathans it is a multipart kit with lots of parts (like turrets) compatible with the other kits. This is the second to last Landviathan, one more to go. For tribes members this should already be in your MMF library. Cheers, Chris

Fourth October 2023 Release

Hi folks, Here we are with the final releases of October and with it a new faction - the Forge Barons. These are the knight warmachines of the Orbital Knights world. This first kit for them is the Scout Knight that comes with two different weapon load outs and a variety of legs, torsos and other parts. Second part of this weeks release is the new War of Brothers kits, this month is the assault troops (with and without jump packs), fast battle tanks and artillery tanks. For patreon/tribes members these should already be in your MMF library And that wraps up October. It's been a chaotic month and I'm still plugging away at getting November's releases ready. Take care all and Happy Halloween! Cheers, Chris

Teaser Menu for November 2023

Hi folks, With about a week left in October it's time to give you a preview of November's releases. For the Martian Cyborg faction there will the the Rapid Attack Cyborgs, armed with power claws and jump packs for getting in close. The Goliath Consortium will see their next (but not last) Landviathan, this time the cyclopsian Mega Cannon variant.  The Forge Baron's Scout Pattern Knight Walker will get a massive upgrade kit with a ton of weapon options (and maybe some more stuff). In the "other" category :) the MK2 Project marches on with Part 4 - which will be a set of Heavy Support Weapons. This kit will feature the traditional underslung held poses, shoulder mounted weapons will be a later release, this kit is already large and I am honestly not a huge fan of the shoulder mounts (except for the missile launcher). The War of Brothers will see their 3rd release that will have Light Support Infantry, Command models, a Siege Tank and Heavy APCs for raiding the enemy lands ;) . Whew. As always I'm sure something else will get snuck in there, it's been a busy work month for me so I don't want to promise anything but I've got a que of 3/4 done things... There is still one more release this month so I will see you all on Thursday for that. Cheers, Chris

Bonus Free Tall Boys

Could not help myself but make these up. Comes with 3 poses with 2 different weapons, helmets, presupported and FREE for everyone :) Get them HERE See you all tomorrow for the weekly release.

October 2023 Second Release

Hi folks, It's a double drop this week! First of is some Shock Troop Cyborgs for the Martians. This set has 6 different weapons in 9 poses. These were fun to make and do the ground work for more Old War cyborgs. Second is the Orbital Knight Jetbikes. I love jetbikes and have been wanting to do a set for some time but was never happy with the design until now. This set has a bunch of weapon options and sergeants. For patreon/tribes members these should already be in your MMF library. Cheers and have a great day! Chris

First October 2023 Release

Hi folks, This year is really going quick and here we have another new month and a load of new releases! Starting off October with the Goliath Consortium Landviathan Battleship (aka the  "colossus" variant) of their super heavy tanks. Cannons, rockets and a gyrocopter landing pad make up the features of this kit. For patreon/tribes members this kit should be in your library already. Please let me know if you did not get it. Thanks to all who followed through to another month, your patronage makes this happen! Cheers, Chris

Fourth September 2023 Release

Hi folks, First off welcome to all the new subs in the last few days! Glad to see you here - getting closer and closer to the magic 200 number. Please pardon the late release today, life got in the way, but here we have an old war tank hunter for the Orbital Knights, 2 hulls and and 4 sponsons make up the kit. For patreon/tribes members this should already be in your library. I'm also sneaking in a little addon to the Martian Cyborg Drift Diggers, was a weird idea to make a digger train sort of. A ball joint to connect multiple hulls together. If you already have this kit it is a separate zip in the library entry for it :) Thanks again all for your support and see you in October! Cheers, Chris

Preview Menu for October 2023

Hi folks, Little late this on this but the last few weeks have been crazy and we still got a release to go! So for next month with have the Shock Troop Cyborgs for the Martian Cyborgs, these Old War troops will come with a bunch of weapon loadouts. Also will the first "knight" - which I have currently slotted under the MC banner until or if I can come up with a better force name. This will be the small scout knight, usually seen in pairs with a couple of different weapon loadouts. The Goliath Consortium will get their second Landviathan, this time the Battleship variant with lots of cannons, rockets and a gyrocopter landing pad. I previewed them already and am very happy with how the Jetbikes for the Orbital Knights have turned out and hope you folks are too. Part 3 of the MKII Project consist of Tactical Support options, lots of specialist weapons. Also some more bonus stuff for the previous kits as I finish them off. Finally War of Brothers is getting foot Assault and Jump Assault infantry, some Fast Battle Tanks (aka sicarian) and an long ranged Artillery Tank (aka scorpius). Thanks again for all your support and see you Thursday for the final September release! Cheers, Chris

Second September 2023 Release

Hi folks, This week's release is a double drop for the Goliath Consortium! There is the first of the "Landviathan" series, this one being the transport version with many guns and a large troop capacity. The second kit is six more Battle Car options for the Battle Locomotive. For Patreon/Tribes members these should already be in your MMF library. If you don't seem them in the next day or so please message me. Cheers, Chris

First September 2023 Release

Hello folks! Welcome to September, lots of releases this month and they start this week! The Martian Cyborgs get their Heavy Cyborg Disciples in 2 version with lots of weapon loadouts. Combat Robots are the Goliath Consortium release, with 3 different versions in various poses. Finally the Orbital Knights get a Heavy Armour Psion added to the Welcome Box. For Tribes members these should already be in your MMF library. If you don't seem them in the next day or so please message me. Thanks to all have supported me and hope you enjoy the release! Cheers, Chris

Fourth and Final August 2023 Release

Hi folks, Here was have the final releases for August, the huge Ordinatos Digger for the Martian Cyborgs and the Grav-Attack Tank for the Orbital Knights. For tribes members both these kits should be in your MMF library already. Please let me know if you don't see these (or any of this months releases) in the next day or two. I also added a set of bases to the MK2 Project - Part 1

So we have lots of new folks here this month (WELCOME!) and with a new month coming I wanted to just give a quick run down of how things will play out : I do releases each Thursday, the first one will also include the Welcome Pack and any new models I'm adding to it. Some weeks will just be a single release other will have multiple kits, depending on what is completed.

I want to thank everyone for another great month and hope to see you all in September, Cheers! Chris

September 2023 Teaser Menu

Hi folks, Here is the teaser for the (tentative) releases for September 2023. The Marian Cyborgs are getting their first "Old War" release with some heavy duty cyborgs that come in two flavors, paired shoulder weapons plus a big axe and a heavy weapon plus a big melee arm. Big month for the Goliath Consortium, first they are getting the long worked on and finally finished battle Robots, with 3 different loadouts. A train gets second set of Locomotive Cars to add more choices. Finally the Landviathan Battleship, the first of the 3 super heavy vehicle variants. This month the Orbital Knights got the Fast Battle Tank so next month they will get the Tank Hunter variant. And now we have even more projects happening! I'm finally feeling confident enough to start working on some side projects in more earnest. The first of these the the MK2 Project, which has seen a big positive response (thank you!!!), will get the second part consisting of assault and jump pack equipped models. The second small, in fact very very small (pun), project will start next month with the 3mm/1:600 scale War of Brothers. For playing huge battles in a 30th century with tons (and tons) of tanks and infantry at about half the scale of other "epic" sized games. Whew. Lots to come next month. Now one last thing, there were plans to do a rerelease of the Heavy Armour Elite Lunar Knights next month but that is going to be delayed till later in the year. Apologies for those who were looking forwards to those, I just wanted to really get a jump on the new projects and truck forwards on the current armies. Thanks for your patience! Cheers and thanks for your support! Chris

Third August 2023 Release

Hi folks, This week the huge Goliath Consortium Tunneller is out! For when you absolutely need to get ALL of your small brother behind enemy lines. An absolute unit, comes with 2 different transport choices (carrying and launching). For tribes members it should be in your MMF library already. Also I will be away next week (short vacation, first one in a few years) and so I won't be here for the Thursday August 24th release, instead there will be a double release on Monday the 28th, combining the last two releases for August. The preview for September will be out next Monday, the 21st. Thanks all for the support this month, you have been awesome. Big welcome to all the new folks! Cheers, Chris

The Summer Sale is Live

Get 50% August 16-30th with code Summer23 Cheers, Chris

Second August 2023 Release

Choo! Choo! Here comes the land train! This week the Goliath Consortium get one of their iconic vehicles in the form of the Battle Locomotive Engine, along with four different Battle Cars to be pulled along. The Locomotive has a number of different turret options, two front hull options and includes a conductor to over see it. The Battle Cars were designed with modularity in mind so you can mix and match and none of the turrets need to be permanently attached. This is also the first of 2 (maybe 3?) sets of Battle Cars - more next month. For tribes members these should already be in your MMF library,

In other news the MMF Summer sale has been delayed till the 16th, its unfortunate but it's not in my control - they changed it last minute. I will make an announcement next week so it's not missed by those who are looking for it. Finally be on the look out for a special release this Saturday, August 12th. Cheers! Chris

First August 2023 Release

Hi all, August is here and it's time for a new month of models! First up is something that has been half done for a while and with a certain new set of rules coming this month I decided to finish up - the Orbital Knight Fast Battle Tank! The kit comes with two hulls, four turrets and four sponson options. Also it's been pointed out that the Welcome Box hasn't seen an update in a bit so I thought here is a good time to add a new captain, inspired from somewhere I just can't put my finger on... ;) He is file "ok_kitwb_captain4" under the Welcome Box listing. For Patreon/Tribes members these should be in your MMF library soon. Just a reminder the 50% off summer sale starts next Thursday on the 10th. Cheers, Chris

Fourth July 2023 Release

Hello everyone, For the final July release I've got a triple drop of Goliath Consortium for you all! This week has two tunnellers and their transports - both the small and medium sized versions. And to go along with those, how about some Shield Brothers to deploy from them? Armed with shotguns and a variety of close combat weapons they can get right into the heart of the action, from below! For patrons/tribes members these should be in your MMF library today. Summer sale announcement! Get 50% off August 10th to August 30th at the MMF store - I will make another post closer to the date. As always, thanks again to all those who supported me with pledges or store sales this month - you're awesome! See you next month! Cheers, Chris

Preview Menu for August 2023

Hello folks, Wow, where did July go? Only a week and one release left! Time for next month's preview! The Martian Cyborgs are getting their final (for now?) Ordinatos - the Super Heavy Digger Transport! A massive tunneller able to deploy huge amounts of troops behind enemy lines. For the Goliath Consortium it's finally time for their "land train" - the Battle Locomotive! Choo! Choo! A huge rolling beast with an assortment of battle cars pulled behind it. They are also getting their large tunneller transport as well! Finally a couple of tanks for the Orbital Knights, the last of the Grav-Attack vehicles, this time a tank with some big guns as well as an old war Fast Battle Tank that has a number of hull and turret options. Stick around as we have one more release to drop this week! Cheers, Chris

Third July 2023 Release

Hello folks, Got a double drop this week - first up is the next Martian Cyborg Ordinatos, this time its an rolling multi-artillery-platform with 9 different weapon options. For even more firepower options the weapons from the Artillery Platform Walker also fit on the top mount. Also the second Orbital Knight Grav-Attack vehicle, the AFV, with multiple turret and hull options. For tribes members these should be in your MMF library today. Cheers! Chris

Second July 2023 Release

Hello folks, Pardon the quietness around here - been extra busy but it's Thursday and that means it's time for a release! Woohoo! This week is the massive Goliath Consortium Armoured Airship - a multipart kit with 2 options for the gondola, bombs or troop transport, as well as a couple of small extra choices when building it. For tribes members it should be in your MMF library today.

In other news I have had to futz about with some of the upcoming releases. One of the other kits for this month is the Goliath Consortium Tunnellers, but in designing these I made a couple of goofs. First I forgot that each tunneller would also need a transport, which immediately doubled the amount of models, and I also didn't properly plan for that there are 3 different sizes of them. Long and short - its turned out to be a lot more work, oops :) That's what I get for being overly ambitous. So I have decided in order to do it properly each tunneller will get its own kit, with the "termite" and "mole" coming out this month and their big brother releasing in August. This will get you all the better kits and impact the amount of work I need to do for other releases the least. Thanks all again for the support! Cheers, Chris

First July 2023 Release

Hello folks, Pardon the later post, wasn't feeling great this morning but now it's time for big boy to drop - Martian Cyborg Ordinatos Rocket Battery - 5 huge rockets and a radar dish to guide them. Perfect for when you want to drop pie-plate barrages on the games table at your friends house - from YOUR house :) For Patreons/Tribe supporters these should be in your MMF library already. Cheers, Chris!

July is Here!

Hey folks, July and summer are here and so is another month of models! Starting with this week's release on Thursday - the Martian Cyborg Ordinatos Rocket Battery! Thanks again for the support and I'll see you in a few days with the release. Cheers Chris

Final June 2023 Release

Hi folks, A five week month gets a fifth release - and this time its the Orbital Knight Units of the XIII Legion. The kit comes with 2 captains, 5 axe and shield models, two sets of 5 heavy armour elites and 8 sword and jump pack equipped models. For Tribes members these should be in your library now. Once again I want to thank everyone for their support this month and hope to see you all again next in July! Cheers, Chris

July 2023 Preview

Ooops. Meant to post this on Monday. Hi folks! So here is the menu for next month and a teaser for the Goliath Consortium Airship. We got more big Ordonatos for the the Martian Cyborgs, a trio of releases for the Goliath Consortium and even more Grav-Attack tanks for the Orbital Knights. Cheers! Chris

Fourth June 2023 Release

Hi all, This week the Goliath Consortium are getting a bit triple turreted tank that also has the capacity for troop transport. Comes with 3 different turret options. For Patreon/Tribes members this should be in your library now. Only one week left this month so look out for July previews soon! Cheers, Chris

Third June 2023 Release

Hello folks! This week is another double drop - the second Ordinatos for the Martian Cyborgs in the form a massive transport (with civilian and cargo options) as well as Berzerkers for the Goliath Consortium, armed with 2hand and dual wielded melee weapons (and jump pack option too!) For Patreon/Tribes members these should be in your MMF library already. Still a couple of more weeks to go this month and more releases to go with them as well as a mid-year State of Patreon post to go up on Monday. Thanks all for the support! Cheers, Chris

Second June 2023 Release

Hello everyone, Today I finally begin to release the super heavy Ordinatos vehicles for the Martian Cyborgs. The first is the Ordinatos "Cannon" - a massive rolling machine with 2 different weapon options. The second release today is the Grav-Attack APC for the Orbital Knights - it comes with a bunch of hull and weapon options. Both of these kits took some time to get a version that I really liked and I hope you like them too! For Tribes supporters these should be in your library already. Cheers, Chris

Throwback Pack for June

Hi folks Pardon for the delay on the Throwback Pack for June, the last week has been "a time" here for getting stuff done and I had some work to do on these older kits before getting them to you - this month's pack consists of the Assault Speeder, Assault Special Weapons and the Reconnaissance kit. For Tribes members these should be in your library now. I did a long overdue update to the Assault Special Weapons, finally getting the alt-model flamer thrower in there. I also decided to do an a new compact hull (seen above) for the Assault Speeder, it's shorter and more proportionally fitting (IMO) - all the variants are there and all the weapons and addons should work with it - it's just no longer the stretch limo of speeders :) And if you like the old version no worries its still there as well. So this will be the last Throwback Pack - as with these re-releases it will have fulfilled the purpose of the pack, which was to help new folks catch up with some of the older models from the rather dauntingly large set of Orbital Knight releases. Hope it helped you folks out and I'll see you Thursday for this weeks BIG release. Cheers, Chris

First June 2023 Release

Hello all, Pardon the later in the day release, had to wait for Patreon to finish processing all the month start stuff. This week is the alternative transport option for the Martian Cyborgs - the Drift Raider. It's the same armament wise as the Drift Rider only a different design. Comes with 4 hulls and a bunch of options and weapons. For tribes members these should be in your library already. Also out this week is an extra add on for the Dynamo Cavalry. Some folks were having issues getting them glued down due to the dynamic posing so I did an extra pose for all weapon options (13 more models) with more feet on the ground for easier mounting. For anyone who has them already these have been added to your library entry. Thanks all for sticking with me for another month! Cheers, Chris

Fourth May 2023 Release

Hi folks, This week it's a double release for the Orbital Knights with a transport for the Xeno Hunters and version 2 of the Aggression Unit. Also what good would a transport be without something to put in it? I have also added the Xeno Hunters to the Throwback Pack for May (as promised back in April). Update: There was an issue with the Xeno Hunters Transport files - if you have already downloaded them please do so again. It's been busy month and I still have a few things to finish up for June, it's gonna be another big one. Cheers, Chris

June 2023 Teaser Menu

Hello again :) As we only have about a week or so left this month I wanted to let you guys in on what next month's releases are. The Martian Cyborgs are getting an alternate version of the Driftrider - the Drift Raider, similar size and weapon options, but with a modified hull. Mostly born out of the fact I didn't want to only have a single transport option for them. They are also getting two Ordinatos kits. The original plan was to do them as one big kit but with all the options and variations I want to do it escalated into something that was going to take multiple months, so I decided to break it into multiple kits. The first is armed with a super heavy cannon, with two different huge weapon options and the second kit will be a transport version. The Goliath Consortium are getting the Berserkers infantry kit, armed with 2 melee weapons or double handed weapons and optional jump packs there will be a lot of variety. They are also getting a heavy multi-turret tank - not sure if it will have a direct proxy in any of the existing army lists but I had the idea floating around for some time and I think it turned out great. Finally the Orbital Knights will be getting their Grav-Attack APC, a modified version of the APC that hovers over the battle field impulsively ;)
Whew. Lots to come and still a release for this Friday! Cheers, Chris

Gyrocopter "Mini" Update

Hello all, This is the first of two posts today. :) I had some feedback about the the size of the Goliath Consortium Gyrocopter - so I did a optional smaller version as can be seen above. I rescaled parts of the hull and such of it while keeping similar cockpit size. Overall its about 70-75%-ish the size of the original. It should be downloadable as a separate zip from the Gyrocopter entry in your MMF library.

Sale This Weekend

Hi all! I'm running a 50% off sale at my MMF store this Canada holiday long weekend - use code KMFPDMay50 Cheers, Chris

Third May 2023 Release

Hello everyone! This week the Martian Cyborgs get the Dynamo Cavalry kit, and wow did this one almost do me in LOL. Over 40 distinct models, multiple rider and mount poses, 5 different weapons and a selections of leader models. Warning when printing these - they are fragile! Be careful when taking them off the supports. Also this week is the re-release of the Orbital Knight Heavy APC as promised. More hull options and supports for the original split-hull versions. For Patreon/Tribes subscribers these should be in your library now. Also the 50% Off May Sale starts Saturday the 20th and runs through till the end of Monday the 22nd. Cheers, Chris

Second May 2023 Release

Hello folks, This weeks releases are out and we've got tunneling APCs for the Martian Cyborgs and two big (one of them very big) artillery pieces for the Golitath Consortium. For patrons/tribes members these should be in your MMF library already. Also reminder that next weekend (May 20-22) there will be a 50% off sale! Cheers, Chris

Sneaked in Update

Hi everyone, Couple of things, first it was mentioned that some Squat lists have a weaponless recon-gyrocopter, so I made a hull for that and updated the zip file in the MMF entry. Second some folks were asking about other re-releases for last May's stuff. The alternate hulls for the Orbital Knight Heavy APCs are taking some time - it's quite a few hulls and I still need to support them - they will be out on the 18th. The other kit that saw big changes is the Orbital Knight Aggression Unit (some of you have seen the teaser on discord) - this one was a lot of work, basically rebuilt the kit from the ground up, and will get a full release later this month. Cheers, Chris

First May 2023 Release

Hi everyone! Today is the first release of May and its a double drop for the Goliath Consortium - Exo-Suit Heavy Support and Gyrocopters. The Throwback Pack is also out for patrons/tribes members, its got Orbital Knight Artillery Tanks, Siege Tanks and Assault Troops on foot. All these and the Welcome Box should be in your MMF library (please let me know if its not there by the end of the day). We got a big month of releases ahead of us so buckle up and lets goooo! Cheers, Chris

A New Month!

Hi folks, Wow, May already, 2023 is going quick! Just wanted to give you a little heads up as to what to expect for the start of this month. On Thursday (May 4th) the first release will be the GC Exo Suit Heavy Support and Gyrocopter kits as well as the Throwback Pack. I got over ambitious and ended up a little pressed for time last month so some of the May releases are still needing some last minute tweaking but everything should be ready on time for each week's release. Thanks to all who have stuck with me over the month change. Oh and I almost forgot - there will be a 50% off sale May 20th to 22nd :) Cheers, Chris

Fourth April 2023 Release

Hello folks, Here is the final release for April, Goliath Consortium Field Guns. This includes "thudd guns", "mole mortars", "tarantulas" and "rapiers" as well as a bevy of crew for them. For patreon/tribes members these should be in your MMF library shortly. That wraps up April's kits as I put the finishing touches on a beefy set of May releases. Thank you all for supporting me and hope to see you again next month! Cheers, Chris

Poll Results and Other Stuff

Hello folks, So going through the poll results (both here and on Patreon) it seems there is a close interest in pretty much everything other than "robo-nids" with a surprising amount of "not-necrons" support. This is good though - I don't feel any undue pressure to work on any one particular army. I'm going to work on some ideas as I start to close out the current forces over the next few months. I got a few messages asking about evil-Orbital Knights (aka Havok Knights) and "Knight" knights for the Martians and why they were not on the poll. Two reason - one - I forgot. Two, I am going to be doing them regardless. The MC need Knights as a somewhat core part of their forces so they are on the docket, and for Havok Knights, I am really trying to do something cool, design wise, for them - and not just "OK with spikes".

Now for some general updates on the current armies. Martian Cyborgs : May and June will be the last two main months of release for them but I am on a roll so expect to see their 30k/Old War stuff to follow along with the previously mentioned "knights" (need a name for those). A few other odds and ends I want to get in for them as well. Goliath Consortium : Still quite a few models to for these, the current plan had them going until September. Orbital Knights : For the core force I still have some vehicles to do, mostly fliers, which are not my favorite :) Still trucking away on their Old War units, trying to get one done a month, and getting in some vehicles from that era would be cool. Lunar Knights : The heavy armour update for these will come in September with their 1 year anniversary.

So lots of stuff happening over the rest of the year - once again THANK YOU! for all the support and enthusiasm for my stuff. Cheers, Chris

May 2023 Preview

Hello everyone, As we approach the end of April (with releases still to come) I want to let you all in on what to expect next month, with a transport for the Orbital Knight Xeno-Hunters (but no is stopping you from using for other troops), apair of Martian Cyborg kits (getting close to completing the force) and 3 Goliath Consortium releases. The Exo-Armour Heavy Support was going to be an add-on to the original release but it ending up being large enough to be it's own kit. Thanks again for everyone sticking it out with me here and I'll see you on Monday for the poll results! Cheers, Chris

Third April 2023 Release

Hello folks, Here is this weeks releases. First with some flying infantry for the Martian Cyborgs in the form of Drift Gliders, the kit contains 3 weapon loadouts with various poses. The second kit are Old War Orbital Knights of the III Legion with 3 different units and some captains. For patreon/tribes members these should be in your MMF library already. I'll be back tomorrow with a preview for May! Chers, Chris

Free Bonus Goliath Consortium Ancestor

Hi folks, Here is a free model for everyone - an Ancestor in their own motorized chair. Can be grabbed right here. Cheers, Chris

Second April 2023 Release

Good day everyone! We have a double release this week - a load of HQ models for the Goliath Consortium and the frequently requested Intervention Unit for the Orbital Knights. If you are a Patreon/Tribes member these should be in your MMF library now. Also got some more goodies and a poll coming up on Monday. Have a good one! Cheers, Chris

First April 2023 Release

Hello folks, I hope this month find you all well! To start April the Techno-Lords have arrived to lead your Martian Cyborg forces, with a variety of weapons and details on the these large lads. In addition the Orbital Battle Walker Variants kit is also out for those that missed it last month and as a companion to the Battle Walker Suits in the Throwback Pack. For Patreon/Tribes members these should be in your MMF library now. Cheers, Chris

New Month! New Releases!

Hi all, I've got a big month of releases for April they start today with the Throwback Pack with includes the Orbital Knight Battle Walker Suit and Suppression Unit kits as well as the Welcome Pack. I've also updated the Orbital Knight Master in heavy armour - if you already have the HQ kit it will be available to download, otherwise you can pick it up with the monthly Patreon/Tribes discount code (see the General Post). This Thursday will see the first new releases of the Martian Cyborg Techno-Lords and the Orbital Knight Battle Walker Suit Variants for those that missed it last month (and as mentioned in a previous post for parity with the Battle Walker Suit in the Throwback Pack). Cheers! Chris

Fifth March 2023 Release

Hello folks, Here we are at the end of another month and with it the final release of March 2023 and it's a double release! First up is the Orbital Knight Battle Walker Suit Variants kit. This contains 2 all new chassis and 2 variant chassis both with new weapons as well as new weapons for the original chassis AND a set of arms in a new style. The second release is the updated HQ kit for the Orbital Knight Heavy Armour Elites. Redone in the new style that the previous two kits were including some additional models. Patreon and Tribes members should see these in their MMF library already or very soon. Whew, it's been a busy one. Thanks all for staying with me and hope to see you next month! Cheers, Chris

What's Up? It's a Friday Post

Hey all, Thought I would share some up coming stuff that isn't on the release menu. The Golitath Consortium Exo-Suit kit is going to get a big add-on with heavy weapons. After some folks brought it up I also want to change the arms on the Industrial Combat Walker so that the "hands" are separate with extra types as well as some chonky shoulder guns. I want to do a troop-transport hull for the Driftwalker as well as some additional add-ons like a tesla-styled weapon (requested) and a shield generator. For the Orbital Knights I am working on doing a Recon Speeder without passengers as well as modified hull for the Assault Speeders to make the design more compact. There was a request for assault troopers holding two close combat weapons and double handed weapons that I have been working on, which will probably end up being it's own kit just due to the number of models in it. I also want to revisit the Gunship Transport kit, the longer I look at it the longer I'm not a fan of some part of the design. Its too big and chonky in places and I think it could look better overall. Anyone have anything they would like to see added on to or a variant to an existing kit?

Fourth March 2023 Release

Hello folks, Here it is, a big old boy for the Martian Cyborgs - the super heavy Driftwalker! The kit has 3 different hulls, 2 leg options, 7 weapons and a bunch of other options. For patreon/tribe members it should already be in your MMF library. Cheers! Chris

April Teaser Shot

Hey all, Just going to throw this up here as a teaser for some of the stuff coming in April. If you are a regular on the Discord you may have seen some of these already. Cheers, Chris

April Teaser, Free Mini, Updates and More

Hello everyone, So a bunch of stuff all mashed up into one post on this Monday morning. First up is the teaser menu for April. Martian Cyborgs are getting their Techno-Lord HQ model as well as a kit of winged Drift Gliders infantry. The Goliath Consortium are also getting a HQ kit full of models of all types as well as a set of Field Guns (thuddguns/rapiers/mole mortars/etc.) along with crew to man them. Finally the Orbital Knights are getting the Intervention Unit and the Battle Walker Suit Variants kit. But wait, I hear you say, aren't the Battle Walker Suit Variants slated for March release? Yes they are! But two things, first March is a 5 Friday month and the last Friday is the last day of the month (which I guess isn't a reason so much as a fact?) and second - I goofed. I didn't look at what would be in the Throwback Pack for next month, turns out its the original Battle Walker Suit kit - so I figured pairing it with that would be a good move. Also out today is a free mini for everyone, the RT Surveillance Robot for the Martian Cyborg. You can get it right HERE. Speaking of goofs, I have updated the Goliath Consortium Brotherhood Combat Squad kit to add a pair of missing models, autogun wielding binocular and scanner poses. The models were done but got missed in the export/support part of me setting up the kit. Sorry about that - they are in a extra zip file in it's MMF entry for those who own it. Finally I will be doing new releases on Thursday instead of Friday, this is primarily because of how MMF does it's approval process and how it takes, especially over weekends - preventing the models from being publicly seen on the store in a timely manner. That is it for today, thank you for sitting through this lengthy post. Have a good one! Cheers, Chris

Second March 2023 Release

Hi all, This week the Goliath Consortium get the Industrial Combat Walker. It comes in a couple of poses and different weapons along with separate arms in various poses. This was originally going to be a "dread" sized model but during the process I got carried away and it ended up being much bigger. I'll still probably do a smaller version.

Second March 2023 Release

Hello all, This week is the release of the Drift Stalkers for the Martian Cyborgs. The kit has 3 different sets with multiple weapon load outs and a techno-priest version as well. Some notes about these models - they are pushing the limit of how thin an epic sized model can be and are quite fragile, be careful when removing from the supports. Also you may notice they are not on the standard bases for epic styled infantry and that is because the stride of their legs is much larger than the base size. For patron/tribes members these should be in your MMF library now. Cheers, Chris

Thursday Mini-Update

Hello folks, There was a request on the Discord for a gravity-cannon for the Driftcrawler and I figured I might as well also do them for the Driftstriker turrets as well. Both kits now have an extra zip to download for these turrets in their MMF library entries. Cheers, Chris

Monday Mini-Release

Hi folks, Got a little update to both the Goliath Consortium Bike & Trikes kit and the Huscarl Veterans kit in the form of sidecars with heavy weapons. The files are available as a separate download from the appropriate entry in your MMF library. Cheers, Chris

First March 2023 Release

Good morning all (sips coffee), Today we have one of my favorite kits that I have done so far, the Goliath Consortium Exo-Suits. They turned out exactly how I wanted them to be and they were fun to make. They come on foot, bikes ,trike with a variety of weapons. Also out is Throwback Pack 3 - which contains the Orbital Knights Heavy Weapons an Specialist Weapons kits. For patreon/tribes members these should already be in your MMF library. Lastly I have updated the Orbital Knight AFV and Battle Tank kits to have the two new hulls as previously seen on the APC kit. So if you already have those kits you can redownload them to get those.

Yoooo it's March!

Hello folks, March is here and with is whole lot of new models. Let's do a quick rundown of what to expect this month. The Martian Cyborgs they are getting Drift Stalker infantry kit and a huge Driftwalker vehicle. The Goliath Consortium are getting the Exo-Suit heavy armoured infantry (both on foot and riding bikes), the beefy Industrial Combat Walker and a mini update for the bikes kit. The final mainline Orbital Knights Heavy Armour version 2 upgrade will be out with their HQ models. Lastly the Throwback Pack 3 will include the Orbital Knight Heavy Support and Specialist Support kits. In addition here is a special freebie Orbital Knight Heavy Armour Psion model that is out now for everyone. Whew. Lots of models, which has lead me to being a little behind on getting everything ready. I got a little over ambitious with what I could complete in February and still need to get the finishing touches on some of the kits. This has lead to a little bit of burnout on my part (that Driftwalker model...oof) which for my own health and to maintain the quality of releases I am going to do some rescheduling of some of the future releases. What this means it the Martian Cyborg and Goliath Consortium armies will take a month or so longer to come to completion. This is going to be part of a overall backend change on what I do each month. I have so many half completed models and promised kits that I need to get done, the current schedule just does not allow it. This probably won't mean much for you as all this is just me moving stuff around on my release spreadsheet but I wanted to let you know that some of the estimated dates that I gave to certain releases in the past might not line up in the future. I will continue to be as transparent as possible as to what will be coming out in a given month ahead of time so you can plan accordingly. Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and I thank all of you for your continued patronage. Cheers, Chris

Final February 2023 Release

Hello folks! This week we have the final releases for February 2023 - the Martian Cyborg Battle Robots (with DataMaster) and version 2 of the Orbital Knights Drop Craft. Both kits are up in your MMF library now for Patrons/Tribes members. Whew, its been a big month for being a short month with SIX releases and the Throwback Pack. Going to relax for the last few days before March. Cheers, Chris

Drift Walker March 2023 Preview

Hi all, Quite a few folks have been wondering what the "Drift Walker" is, so I have put a quick preview of what I have done so far for it. It will feature a couple of different "top" pieces and so far a half-dozen main guns. Plus more options. Cheers, Chris

March 2023 Teaser

Hello everyone, As we come into the last week of the month it's time for next month's teaser preview. For the Martian Cyborgs we have the Drift Stalker infantry and a super-sized walker. the Goliath Consortium get a mixed set of Exo-Armour including infantry and bike/trike mounted models as well as a large combat walker. Orbital Knights are (finally) getting the V2 update to the Heavy Armour Elite HQ kit as well as a big mixed kit of alternative Battle Walker variants. This is a big month of releases, including a number of partially done kits that I've been meaning to finish up. Cheers, Chris

Third February 2023 Release

Hello folks, I am unfortunately short on time this morning so let's get to it! Here is this weeks release, a set of veteran infantry for the Goliath Consortium and a Heavy APC for them as well. For patrons/tribes members these should be in you MMF library. Have a great weekend, Chris

Second February 2023 Release

Hello folks, This week's release is the Dynamo Aircopter for the Martian Cyborgs. It has 2 hulls, gunship and transport, multiple weapon options, posable rotor blades and multiple landing gear poses. Hope you all have fun with it. For Patreon/Tribes members it should already be in your library. Cheers, Chris


A little teaser for March, cheers!

First February 2023 Release

Hello folks, February is here and it's Friday so let's gooooo! For the first release the Goliath Consortium gets a kit with a pair of tanks. The first is the Iron Hammer battle tanks and the second is the Iron Shield siege tank. Turrets (for the Iron Hammer), sponson and hatch options included. The Throwback Pack for this month included the Orbital Knight Close Assault Troops and Close Assault Troop Leaders. For Patreon/Tribes members these should be in your MMF libraries shortly. Cheers Chris

February is Here!

Hey folks, New month, new releases! Every Friday there will be new models for you all starting February 3rd with the Iron Tanks kit for the Goliath Consortium. Cheers, Chris

Heavy Armour Elite Assault V2 Released

Hi folks, Here they are as promised, the updated version 2 of the Orbital Knights Heavy Armour Elites Assault kit. Should already be in your MMF library if you did not already have them from before. Cheers and see you in February, Chris

Addendum to February Release Plan

Hi folks, I have to apologize, I was over ambitious this month and got side tracked with some alternative kits and the number of kits I was doing for next month and am not going to have the Heavy Armour Elite Command V2 kit ready for February. I am still neck deep in getting the Martian Cyborg Dynamo Copter complete as well as the final touches on their big robot kit. I have an alternative kit that I will be giving you all instead - the new version of the Orbital Knight Drop Craft. These have been sitting just waiting for their renders to be done for a while now.

Fourth January 2023 Release

Hello folks, This week we have a double Martian Cyborg release, the Artillery Platform Walker and the Auxiliary HQ set. Both of these are somewhat vanity releases - ideas I wanted to do rather than filling particular unit slots. I could make so many more little HQ models for these guys but I stopped myself here :) Hope you like these. For Patreon/Tribes members these should already be in your MMF library. There is still one more release this month, the Heavy Armour Elite Assault V2, which will be out Monday or Tuesday. Cheers, Chris

February Teaser Menu

Heyo folks, I almost forgot to post next month's teaser menu! So much good stuff! Triple release for the Goliath Consortium, two releases for the Martian Cyborgs and the reworked Command/HQ kit for the Orbital Knights Heavy Armour Elites! Also have 1 or 2 other small kits that I am hoping to have done. Cheers, Chris

Bonus Monday

Hello folks, Mondays don't have to suck - how about instead a small update to the Orbital Knights Tactical Leader kit? I added version armed with blasters for those who wanted non-close combat weapon leaders (as was requested by a number of members). For anyone who already has the kit it should already have the additional zip in your MMF library to download. Stay tuned for a double release on Friday! Cheers, Chris

Third January 2023 Release

Hello folks, Today is one many of you have been waiting for - bikes and trikes for the short guys! The kit has bikes with many weapons and leaders, the trikes come in two version, standing and sitting gunners. This week also has an update to the Guildmaster kit, he comes on a bike or with a trike that has a platform where you can mount your model of choice (also comes with a new Guildmaster too). For patreon/tribes members these should already be in your MMF libraries. Cheers, Chris

Second February 2023 Release

Hello folks, Today the Goliath Consortium get their close in assault models. This kit contains over 100 Guild Consortium Brother Assault models, 28 with jump packs, 20 on foot, 26 leaders, 28 with special weapons and 16 on grav-boards. Also included are some blank grav-boards for those who want to put other models on them. For patrons/tribes members these files should already be in your library. Cheers, Chris

First January 2023 Release

Hello everyone, First Friday of the year and first new release of the year - the Martian Cyborg Zzap Priests. This kit was fun was make and I hope you like it. This kit contains 20 models, 5 "C" type and 5 "F" type Zzap Priests with 2 different helmet styles (hexasphere and priest). For more variety the models can all be mirrored left/right as well. Patreon and Tribes members should have them in their MMF library already. Cheers, Chris


And with that an entire year has passed. Hi folks, I decided to do a year end wrap up letter to summarize the past year and let you all know what to expect in the new year. This year the patreon managed to have almost 70 releases. Far more than I thought I would do, with the majority of them being for the Orbital Knights faction. That was never the original plan - I thought I would have them all done by June...oops. New ideas for proxy units and some originals kept creeping in and even now there are still a new more models I want to do for them. Honestly I should have started to mix in a second faction in the summer but I was trying to keep focused, ah well live and learn. You guys have been awesome, with a dedicated group of around 100 patrons and merchants and it's really been great getting feedback, talking to you in discord, in the comments here and seeing your prints and paint jobs. So let's take a gander into the future of the patreon/tribe now... Current Faction Runs The Martian Cyborgs and Goliath Consortium are going to run till summer 2023 at least, keeping a release of 2 kits for each per month, 1 infantry, 1 other (vehicle, etc). Plus sliding in bonus HQ and other ideas that come up. There are a few larger kits for each that may end up taking the entire month (land trains/ordinatus/ect). Upcoming Factions I have not fully decided the next factions - guard, bugs and space orcs are all on the table, I have plenty of ideas for all of them. Once the majority of the current factions are completed I plan to start blending in new releases. Older Kits and the Throwback Pack As previously mentioned the current library is quite large and for folks who have missed them in the past it's becoming quite costly for them to catch up buying ala-carte on MMF, even with sale prices. So as to hopefully bring in new folks and help along older patrons who may have missed them I will be doing a "Throwback Pack" each month that will have some of the releases from the same month in the previous year. I will also be bundling the whole month up in a pack with a discount on the store as well. Alongside these throwback releases I will be doing minor refreshes on them, better pre-supports, more options, etc. These of course will be free updates for those who already have those kits. Old War Kits For those of the HH/30K persuasion, I have not forgotten. I am still trying to do at least 1 kit per month as a bonus, I know I am way behind on getting the legion specific forces out, but they are coming. I also plan to do Old War Martian Cyborg forces as well, they have some of the coolest models and I am eager to get poking at doing my versions of them. Knights Yes capitol "K" knights. Some of you have been asking for quite some time and 2023 will be the year (or at least the year I get started on them). I plan to start futzing with some designs for the smallest of them soon. So many ideas. Other Projects Finally I have a lot of ideas for stuff that is not directly related to the current line of models. Modular hover tanks, "project robos", mecha and the retro space troopers (which are almost done). How and if these are part of the patreon I don't just know yet but regardless I will make sure you all can get involved if you are interested. THANKS AGAIN! And once again thanks to all of you! It's been a crazy year, juggling this work with my other job, medical and health issues at home, changing my responsibilities, and just the current world situation we all are slogging through. Yet everytime I see someone throw a like or a comment on a post or a photo of a print or paint job comes up in the discord or elsewhere it's just really great. CHEERS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! CHRIS

Final 2022 Release

Hi folks, Here is the final 2022 release from me this year - Old War units for the XIX Legion, two squads and some HQ options. These guys were fun to make - getting the wings to look good but also print was a bit of a challenge but I think I got there in the end. For patreon/tribes members these should be in your MMF library. Cheers, Chris

Fourth December 2022 Release

Hi folks, First off Happy Holidays to you all - I hope things are going well for you. This week we have a double release, first the heavy weapon troops of the Goliath Consortium, the Thunder Squads are out - loads of heavy weapons both carried and on small tracked mounts, plus a ammo loader, spotter and some additional squad leaders. The second release is the reworked Orbital Knight Heavy Armour Elites (OK Kit6). As time passed I became increasingly unhappy with how the original kit turned out - the poses and some design choices were not up to the standard I wanted. So I've taken some time the last couple of months do rebuild these. The major changes will be better proportions and poses as well as changes to the shoulder pads and torsos/backs. For patreon/tribes members these should be in your MMF libraries now. I am going to be taking some time off next week - first time off all year so outside of  next Friday's release there probably won't be any other posts going up here. Of course I will still be around in the Discord and answering DMs - just not as fast as I usually do. Take care everyone, cheers! Chris

January 2023 Teaser

Hi everyone, The teaser is going up a bit early this month as I "plan" to take some time off between Christmas and New Years. January is going to be a stonker. Their will be 3 Martian Cyborg kits, Zzap Priests with 2 different infantry types, the Artillery Platform - a big walker with an assortment of big guns and finally a Auxiliary Command kit (I know, I spelt it wrong in the image) to add some character to your HQ stands as well as a mobile command platform for them to ride on. The Goliath Consortium are getting a large kit of stunties with assault weapons, on foot, with jump packs and riding hover-boards. They are also getting a full kit of bikes and heavy weapon trikes. Finally the 2nd release of the Heavy Armour Elites update for their assault versions. And of course their will be other little bonuses and other updates. Cheers, Chris

Second Release for December 2022

Hi all, Pardon the quiet this month - it's been head down pushing forward with this months release and getting set up for the new year. This week's release is an APC for the Goliath Consortium. The kit contains 3 variants of 2 different hulls and a split hull for those printing in larger scales. For patrons and tribes the files should be in your MMF library. Cheers, Chris

Freebie "Mr.Legs"

Hi folks, I was inspired by some concepts I saw online and put this little guy together a a freebie for everyone. You can grab him here or here. For patrons and tribes members he should be in your MMF library. Cheers, Chris

First December 2022 Release

Hi folks, December is here and so begins a new set of releases, first off are Siege Breakers for the Martian Cyborgs. A set of chonky tracked boys with a variety of heavy weaponry. For patrons/tribes members these should be in your MMF library already. Cheers, Chris

Just a Couple of Things

Hi folks, Thanks for a fantastic November! Just wanted to note a couple of things. First the this is the last day for the MMF 50% off sale (code: kmfpbigblackfriday50). Second thing, I updated the artillery/missile launcher on the Orbital Knight Heavy APC, there were some issues with the mesh. There is just a fix zip you can download. Finally here is an early sneak peak for the new year :) Cheers and see you on the 2nd for December's first release!

A Bonus Cyber Monday Release

Hi folks For "Cyber-Monday" how about some cyber assistant servobots? These are version 2 of the ones that are in the Orbital Knight HQ pack. For patrons/tribes members these should be in your MMF library today.

In other "version 2" news, as I gear up for final touches on December's releases, I thought I would update you on some of my plans. V2 Heavy Armour Elite - the first core set is coming in December, with the Assault kit in January and further kits (HQ, Lunar Knight Heavy Armour, ect) after that. These will be added to the existing kits so if you already own them they will just be added to your library. V2 Orbital Drop Craft - I have come to realize the first version I did of these are a little large for what most people were expecting (I tried to make it sized to look like it would actually fit 10 models). I will be doing a second more "old school" smaller set of these at some point in the future. V2 Gunship Transport - Much like the Drop Craft I made this too large, again trying to be "realistic" about a model that could hold a 10 man squad and dreadnought, when I should have gone with what looks better. So this model will get a rescaling and some modified design choices, also to make it easier to print and assemble. Again this will be added to the existing kit so if you already own them they will just be added to your library.

So there you go, things to look forwards too in addition to the continued Martian Cyborg and Goliath Consortium releases. Thanks all again - November has been a great month! Cheers, Chris

Fourth November Release

Hi folks, This week we have another Martian Cyborg infantry release with "TypeH" and "TypeP" troops to guard your knights and titans. EDIT: Woops forgot about the Driftstriker alt turret/hull set - added to the Martian Cyborg Driftrider & Driftstriker entry in your library. For Patreon/Tribes members these should already be in your MMF library. Thank you all for another great month! Cheers Chris

Alternate Dunestriker Turrets

Hi folks, Found an old image of a conversion (done by someone only credited as "Mai") that inspired me to do some alternative turrets for the Dunestriker. Will be available as an update to that kit along with this Friday's release. Cheers, Chris

Teaser Release Menu for December 2022

Hi folks, With only a week left in November it's time for some teasers for December. There will be an infantry and vehicle kit for both the Martian Cyborgs and the Goliath Consortium as well as a huge updated kit for the Orbital Knights Heavy Armour Elites (over the next few months all the Heavy Armour kits will be updated to match). Also a good chance the XIX legion will make an appearance. Check out the work in progress channel on the discord for some early leaked renders if you can't wait. :) Cheers Chris

November 2022 Third Release

Hi folks Once again Friday is here and that means new releases. This week we have 2 kits, the Goliath Consortium Guildmaster/Guildpriest set and a kit of Martian Cyborg Techno Priests (with accompanying servobots). Cheers, Chris

Black Friday Sale

Hi folks, The Black Friday sale launches today - 50% of every release for until the 30th. Cheers, Chris

Second November 2022 Release

Hello everyone, The shorty boys are finally here with the first Goliath Consortium release! This kit contains 80 different models : 21 with laserguns, 21 with autorifles, 12 sergeants, 16 with special weapons, 2 with binoculars, 1 with a scanner and 8 bonus poses. For tribes members theses should already be in your library. Cheers, Chris

First November 2022 Release

Hi folks, Here is the first November release - the Driftrider/Driftstriker combo kit. This kit contains the Driftrider Transport model (4 hull variants + passengers option) and the Driftstriker Tank model (2 hull variants + 2 turret options). Plus multiple extra option for both kits. Tribes members should see these in their libraries already. I would also like to thank everyone who stayed on over the month change - your continued support really helps make these models happen! Cheers! Chris

November 2022 Release Menu

Hello folks, Another month is here and with it new releases. There will be 5 kits released this month, 3 for the Martian Cyborgs and 2 for the Goliath Consortium. For people new to the tribes, I do the releases one each Friday (in the case of the this month there will be a double release on week), starting with the Driftrider / Driftstriker kit on the 4th. Cheers! Chris

Final October 2022 Release

Hi folks, Been a hectic week - almost forgot it was Friday - but no worries today's release is here. This week it is the Dynamo Striders with multiple poses and weapon load outs. For tribes members these should already be in your libraries. A note about these when printing - they can be fragile. The rather spindly nature of these models makes them a little tougher to handle (especially when removing supports) so take care. With this release that wraps up October. Hope everyone has a good weekend and a Happy Halloween!

Preview for November 2022

Hello everyone, With only a week left in the month it's time for next month's previews - some of which you have seen bits and pieces of already. There will be a dual Martian Cyborg infantry kit, a dual vehicles kit for them too, the first Goliath Consortium kit and some stuff that isn't quite ready for preview. Cheers, Chris

Third October 2022 Release

Hello folks! I've got double release for you all today - a set of leaders for your Martian Cyborg Infantry to "marshal" them into battle and a forward deployable remote turret for Orbital Knight (or whoever you like) forces. For tribes members both kits should be in your libraries now. Cheers! Chris

Second October 2022 Release

Hello folks! The second release of October is here and with it the second style of Martain Cyborg infantry - the Type V infantry. This kit contains over 40 models: 20 with rad-carbines, 5 energy-carbines, 5 zapp-rifles, 2 rad-long-rifles, 1 with comm gear, 1 with scanner gear and 9 leaders. For tribes members it should already be in your MMF libraries and a redeem code should be on its way. Cheers, Chris

Some Early Previews For November 2022

Hi folks, Got a number of kits and projects in the works right now and wanted to give you an early look at some of the Martian Cyborg models for next month. Cheers, Chris

October 2022 First Release

Hello folks! Friday is here and with it the first release of October and the first Martian Cyborg models : these are the first of the infantry kits for the army - the Type R infantry. This kit contains over 40 models: 20 with rad-rifles, 5 energy-carbines, 5 zapp-rifles, 2 rad-long-rifles, 1 with comm gear, 1 with scanner gear and 9 leaders. I am quite happy with the way these turned out and I hope you like them too. For tribes members it should already be in your MMF libraries and a redeem code should be on its way. The Welcome Box is also included as usual :) Cheers, Chris

Sneak Peak

Hi folks, Here is a little sneak peak into a future release. Cheers, Chris

October is Here

Hi folks, So here is a list of the releases to expect this month, previews of some of these have be posted here and on the discord. The first kit out this Friday (the 7th) will be the Infantry TypeV. I am really happy with how these kits have come together and I hope you will too. Cheers Chris

One More Preview for October 2022

Hello folks, Here is a preview for the Dynamo Strider for next month, 5 weapon options in a number of poses. Cheers! Chris

Fifth September 2022 Release

Hello folks, Today we have the fifth and final release for the Lunar Knights - the Battle Walker Crusader! This kit comes with 3 full bodies, 3 multipart bodies, 15 arm options and extras. For tribes members it should already be in your MMF library. It was interesting getting this small army out all in one month, let me know if you are looking for anything else for the Lunar Knights. Cheers, Chris

October 2022 Preview

Hi folks, As we head into the last week and releases of September it's time for a preview of next month - the Martian Cyborgs! I know it seems I've been releasing Orbital Knights forever but now it's time for a new army. Looking to get 4 kits out next month, 2 infantry types, an HQ and a "strider" vehicle. The infantry kits will include troops, leaders and a range of special weapons/equipment. Don't have a preview of the strider yet - still very WIP - but soon. Cheers, Chris

Fourth September 2022 Release

Hi folks,

This weeks release is the elite Lunar Knight troops in heavy armour. These come with all 6 standard melee weapons and 3 heavy weapons.

Only 1 release left for the Lunar Knights and that is going to drop on Monday (rather than next Friday).

For tribes members, these should already be in your MMF library. Cheers, Chris

Siege Tank Kit Update

Hi folks,

I just released an update to Kit V3a Siege Tanks to now include the heavy siege "typhaon" and "kerberos" models.

If you already own this kit the updates are in your MMF library. If you want the kit it is currently 50% with code septembersiege50 for the next 3 days (September19th-22nd).
Cheers, Chris

Third September 2022 Release

Hello folks,

The third release this month is the Lunar Knights Assault Troops - for when you need to really "intercept" the enemy ;) . This is a double kit of 30 strike troops with 6 different melee weapons and 15 models with 3 different heavy weapons.

For tribes members, these should already be in your MMF library.

Cheers, Chris

Second Release for September 2022

Hi folks, This week we have core of the Lunar Knights - the Strike Troops. This is a double kit of 30 strike troops with 6 different melee weapons and 15 models with 3 different heavy weapons. For patreon members, these should already be in your MMF/CG&T libraries. Cheers, Chris

First September 2022 Release

Hello folks, A new month and new set of releases are starting. September features a spin-off Orbital Knights army - the Lunar Knights! This first release contains 5 command characters to lead your force. Tribes members will have access via your MMF library.

Final August 2022 Release

Hello folks,

Here is the final release for August, the Orbital Knight Gunship Transport! This kit comes with both open and closed doors (and a set to customize which ones if you want), multiple weapon options, double and single wing options and multiple flight mount options.

For tribes members it should already be in your library.

Also just a reminder the 50% off summer sale at MMF is still going on if you wanted to pick up any old sets you missed,

Thank you all for another month and we will see you in September!



September 2022 Preview

Hello folks,

As August comes to an close with the final release of the month coming this Friday it's time for the September preview - the Lunar Knights!

There will be 5 kits in the release, covering all the units available to them.



August 2022 Second Release

Hello folks,

This week's release we have the Overrunner ATV, armed with 9 different weapon options and 2 different hulls - with and without the signature bumper.

Also I did an update to Kit5 Specialist Weapons to include light gatling cannon and deathray rifles. The whole kit has been added as a little bonus for this week.

For tribes members these files should already be in your MMF libraries.

Cheers, Chris

First August 2022 Release

Hello folks,

August is here and with it comes the first release, the Orbital Knight Pistoliers as well as the updates to the Welcome Box and HQ kit.

The Pistoliers kit contains a huge amount of variety - almost 150 models. Included 7 different pose sets for the basic twin pistol armed troops. A set of leaders armed with two different pistol variants in multiple poses and a set of missile launcher armed models in various poses. All models in the kit come with and without jump packs (both variants) and with both knight and spaceman helmet options.

The Welcome Box update includes a large cargo crate, both open and closed (with hollow version), a selection of smaller boxes and a set of retractable cover walls.

This month marks the final update to the Orbital Knights HQ kit with the Grand Master model. Armed with twin energy fists, each with an attached twin-blaster, wearing heavy armour and a bonus energy sword he is ready to lead your armies.

For tribes members these files should already be in your MMF libraries.

Cheers, Chris

Summer Sale!

Hey folks - for the month of August everything at my MMF store is 50% off with code : KMFPsummer50

Cheers! Chris

Patreon News - August 2022

Good bye July, hello August! Let's goooooo!

Ok folks thanks to all again for those who were able to stick with us another month - very appreciated. Got some great models lined up.

Here is a brief schedule of what to expect and when:

Aug 5 - Pistoliers kit and updates to the Welcome Box and HQ kit

Aug 12 - Overrunner ATV kit

Aug 19 - The VII kit

Aug 26 - Gunship Transport kit

Of course I've got a couple of smaller things that are half done that I would like to sneak in as well, time allowing. Most of these have been previewed here and on the discord - if you have an questions or ideas around them please do comment.



Final July 2022 Release

And as July comes to a close the final release of the month is out - the Orbital Drop Craft.

This kit contains drop craft in various states including:

-in flight (optional post mount) (with hollowed option)

-landed (with hollowed option)

-landed with doors open

-2 support weapon variants, missiles or gatling cannons

-battle walker variant (in flight and landed)

Note: the battle walker version does not come with a battle walker

Note about presupported version - the weather has been to hot here for me to run my printer in the room it's in so I have not been able to test them yet.

I will be sending out the final July MMF library invites to make sure everyone gets all the releases on Sunday morning.  

Thanks all for another month of support! Cheers, Chris


Some cargo for next month.
Cheers, Chris

August 2022 Previews

Hi folks,

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Today I've got the previews for next month which include the Gunship Transport, the Overrun ATV, a big kit of Pistoliers that includes specialists and other accompanying weapons, the final HQ kit update of the Orbital Knights Master and finally a set alternate weapon/styled models for a certain boys in yellow (but could be used for all sorts of unit types).

The pics above don't show all the options/variants for each kit and I don't have renders of the Welcome Box addon yet.

Have a great week!

Third July 2022 Release

Good morning folks,
This week we have double drop. The Point Defense Turret - a large manned turret kit with 2 turret types in 2 positions with both Knight and Spaceman helmets options. And the Grav-Attack Drone - a hover drone with multiple mount options and separate weapons. Large weapon mount will accept all the turrets from the Assault/Outrider Speeder kits. For Tribes members these should already appear in your MMF library.
Cheers! Chris

Extra Mobile Defense Gun Turrets

Here are a pair of additional turrets for your Mobile Defense Guns - just to add a little variety. Should be in your MMF/CG&T libraries.

Cheers, Chris

Second July 2022 Release

Hi folks, This week we have 2 small kits, a mobile mini-artillery piece with an new technician to accompany it and a set of inception orbital knights with jump packs and heavy firepower. For member this should appear in your library sometime today. Have a great weekend, Chris

First July 2022 Release

Hello folks,

The first release this month is the Orbital Knights Siege Armour kit, for when you need armour for your armour. With 5 weapon load outs, 3 poses, 3 different armour styles and both knight and spaceman helmets for a total of 90 different models. Also includes a build-it-yourself parts extra addon.

For members it should be in your libraries already.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Chris

Good Wednesday Folks!

Hello all,

First off, I was finally able to get through the issues with MMF/CG&T/KS to get the packs for July started in your MMF and CG&T libraries. These sites keep getting more and more overwhelmed at the start of each month making updating them timely difficult - thank you for your patience. The Welcome Box and HQ kit should be in there now and they are set up to receive the rest of the months release as they come out.

Secondly the models for the last Painting Contest are also now up in the Welcome Box - the Orbital Knight Marauders, as an ideas collaboration with GM PAUL, the contest winner. These are sort of renegade "madmax" versions of the knights. Not quite "chaos", though there is some ideas that will be used when I finally do some models in that range.



July 2022 Welcome Box and HQ Kit Updates

Morning folks,

The pintle mounted tank weapons and the lieutenants have been uploaded to the Welcome Box and HQ Kit, respectively, for all tribes members.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Cheers, Chris

July 2022 Previews

Better late than never eh?

Hey folks - been a rough month on my end and took more time than usual to get these ready but here they are - hope you like them.

As always these renders just show some of the options and goodies each kit contains.

Cheers, Chris

Future Forces Poll Results

Good morning folks,

The results of the Future Forces Poll are in (this chart combines the results from Patreon and Tribes votes) with Cyborgs from Mars winning (suprised me) in a very close race, only beating out Space Dwarf Miners, Alien Robot Swarms and Mobile Ground Guard by a few percentages.

So what does this mean? Well looking at the numbers, and seeing who voted for which choices and not wanting to push out folks I have made a decision that I hope makes the most folks happy.

Hopefully in October I will start Cyborgs from Mars (they will have a better name I promise) releases. Once I have a month or two of them I will start to mix in Space Dwarf Miners, Alien Robot Swarms and Mobile Ground Guard (again, not final names). Not sure of the ratio of each in a given monthly release but I will try to strike a balance. These forces all have significantly less overall model choices than the Orbital Knights do so they won't take 8 months to each get completed.

I will have more on this and other future patreon/tribes thoughts in the July State of Patreon Post that will go up next weekend.

If you have any thoughts, ideas and/or comments please do so below or on the discord.

Cheers, Chris

July Releases

Here is the monthly menu for July 2022, the four planned releases turned into six. This doesn't include the HQ and Welcome Box updates of course. And there is also the results of the Painting Contest - still very much work in progress.

For anyone who missed the notice earlier this month - these will be released a little different than previous month's all at once - instead the HQ and WB will come out at the start of the month and then there will be 1 or 2 released each week (probably on Friday).

Cheers, Chris

Future Forces Poll

Okay folks, this is the one you have been waiting for. As I wind up the final kits for the Orbital Knights I would like to see what you guys are interested in seeing next.

Here is a description of the choices. (note these are not final names - just placeholders)

Space Dwarf Miners : short chonky boys in armour for mining, trucks and trikes, militarized construction equipment/vehicles

Mobile Ground Guard : many tanks and disposable infantry, aesthetic between deathkorps and solar auxilla

Undead Space Robots : necrobots/warkrons

Robot Space Orcs : big green and made of metal, *kzzz* WAAAGH *kzzz*

Alien Robot Swarms : enemy from deep space looking to devour everything, but mechanical rather than biological

Cyborgs from Mars : not much flesh left on these guys, probably less robes more tentacles

The final option on the poll is for those who are down with a more free from release, rather than a single army being worked on alone until completion, you will get kits from multiple different armies each month, keeping it fresh for both me and you :)

Now it should be noted that this poll is not binding ;) I want to know what you guys are interested in but ultimately I also have to be down to do it. That being said I wouldn't put something on the list if I wasn't wanting to do it.

Did You Get Your Monthly Rewards?

Hi folks,

It seems MMF isn't always pusing through the rewards to your libraries - let me know if you have missed out on the rewards for a month you were a member.



Armoured Assault Speeder

Hello folks!

Today brings an update to this months assault speeder kit release - the armoured assault speeder! This was designs comes with help from patron Zrune Lord, as I was having a mental block with getting a design that I was happy with.

Comes with the standard options for the assault speeder (base/baseless/separate fin) plus optional hull with no top twin-fins and a set of top twin-fins for the other assault speeder hulls.

Should already be in your libraries.

Cheers, Chris

Combat Bikes - Heavy Support Bikes Update

Hi folks!

Just uploaded an update to Kit3 Combat Bikes that allows you to customize your heavy support bikes. More heavy weapon options were asked for in the discord and I figured sure but what if a little more? This will require at least a little knowledge of a 3D program, 3Dbuilder or Meshmixer will be more than enough.

These are also just printable "as is" if you don't want to change anything (all heavy weapon options are now available) but they because of their modular nature they only come unsupported. If you already have this kit, the updated files should already be available in your library. If not you can pick up this kit with a 30% discount if you are a patron using this discount code. Cheers, Chris

June 2022 Release (Public)

New month means new releases. Four new kits this month plus the Welcome Box and HQ updates mean a ton of cool stuff.

Kit7 - Orbital Knights Reconnaissance (6-8mm) : A huge kit has everything needed for Orbital Knight scouting forces. Armed with blasters, shotguns, sniper rifles, pistols and knives, heavy and special weapons they have equipment for every occasion. Troops mounted on combat bikes and assault speeders for quick deployment. Also contains specialists with drop packs and grappling hooks for quick deployment.

Kit2c - Orbital Knights Close Assault Special Weapons (6-8mm) : This kit contains Orbital Knights equipped with special weapons and jump packs to support your assault troops. With five different weapons, 2 helmet and 2 jump pack options.

KitP3 - Orbital Knight Bodyguard Veterans (6-8mm) : This kit contains two groups of models. First, a set of bodyguards for your HQ models, armed with protective shields and a variety of close combat weapons. The second set is shield and sword armed veterans that can be used for a variety of special units or just to spice up your squads.

Veh6 - Assault Speeders (6-8mm) : Zooming onto the battlefield this vehicle kit has 3 different speeder hulls both with and without flight pegs. To arm your assault speeders this kit has 11 weapons in 2 positions mountable on either point for many combinations.

KitHQ - June Update : This month's update ot the HQ kit mounts command characters on combat bikes. Multiple Captain options, medic, psion, morale officer and technician are included. Also 3 different rear bike options, a banner, and a blank pole to add your own.

KitWB - June Update : To help secure victory the Welcome Box gets a set of Orbital Knight themed objective markers. Dropped in from low orbit once captured they deploy in various designs.

Assault Speeder Preview for June

The vehicle release for June is an Assault Speeder. The kit comes with 3 separate hulls, each with both helmet types, 11 different weapons in two positions that can be mounted to either of the hard points on the hulls and an extra fin for detail. Each hull also comes with a built in flight peg or a hole for your own flight stand.

June Bodyguard Kit Preview

This kit contains two groups of models. First, a set of bodyguards for your HQ models, armed with protective shields and a variety of close combat weapons. The second set is shield and sword armed veterans that can be used for a variety of special units or just to spice up your squads.

Cheers! Chris

June HQ Kit Update Preview

Next month will see the HQ kit getting combat bike mounted versions. Included are both types of bikes, both helmets and multiple bike back detail options. The bikes all come with blank back mounts so you can add any custom parts you want.

Cheers, Chris

Orbital Knight Units of the XIV

Hello folks, I bring you a May bonus on this Friday morning!

In the days of the Old War the forces of the Orbital Knights used more esoteric weapons and equipment. The forces of the XIV armed their heavy armoured units with energy-scythes and grenade launchers.

This kit contains three captains and two 5 man heavy armour units with alternate weaponry and details. Both Orbital Knight helmet variants included - both fully supported. The set also unsupported baseless versions for upscaling.

These will already be in your MMF package for May 2022.

Kit 6 Heavy Armour Update

Hey folks,

I realized that I had missed including a certain energy/plasma cannon heavy weapon to this kit and have now fixed that. If you already have this kit in your library it should be updated now (ok_kit6_update).

May the 4th Be With You

Little conversion for you guys on this day. For Tribes subscribers it's already on the in your Welcome Box folder.

Cheers, Chris

May 2022 Release

Welcome to May everyone! New month and a ton of new releases!

Let's take a look at what is in this months kits:

KitJ1 - Orbital Knights Jupiter Heavy Armour (6-8mm) : Huge suits of armour from before the Old War. Armed with v-blasters, energy gauntlets and top mounted heavy weapons. Designed to add variety and a unique look to your Orbital Knight forces.

KitP2 - Orbital Knights Aggression Unit (6-8mm) : A mini set of Orbital Knights in heavy armour with 2 specialized loadouts of either flame-gauntlets or blaster-gauntlets and mini-rockets.

Kit2b - Orbital Knight Close Assault Troops NJP (6-8mm) : Orbital Knight close combat troops with no jump packs (NJP), including sergeants. Can be mixed with other Orbital Knight squads for variation or used on their own to represent a variety of units.

Veh2a - Artillery Tanks (6-8mm) : A set of tanks armed with long range rocket launchers to barrage the enemy and anti-air missiles. Comes with 7 different turrets in 2 poses. A basic tank hull and one with deployable stabilizers (in both deployed and stowed versions).

Veh3a - Seige Tanks (6-8mm) : A set of 3 heavily armoured tanks with large hull mounted cannons. Comes with 3 different weapon options, 2 blast shields types, a dozer blade or the signature Orbital Knight bumper-bars.

Veh4 - Heavy APCs (6-8mm) : A large armoured transport with a huge variety of weapons and hull types. Mix and match with different sponsons and hull mounted weapons and equipment. Multiple hull types and even deployed door versions.

KitHQ - May Update : This month a Commander model is added to the kit along with a set of Comms Officers and a second Technician.

KitWB - May Update : Suggested by fellow patrons the Welcome Box will gets Tank HQ models that can be added to the various tank models. "Drive me closer so I can hit them with my SWORD!" Includes a variety of tank officers as well as pintle mounted twin-blasters and a pair flags to detail your tanks.

May 2022 Previews

Hello! Here are some previews for some of the next kits coming out in May. Each of these will come with a number of options and variants.

May 2022 Release Menu

This week is the start of previews for next month - beginning with the menu to show what kits will be coming out in May. Of course this is just the planned stuff...who know what might pop up :)

Tribes Launch

Today the Tribes launches with the April 2022 release.

Checking out the Tribes to see what we offer?

Kit6 - Orbital Knights Heavy Armour Infantry : This kit has heavy armoured Orbital Knights in 7 different poses armed with a huge variety of weapons. Almost 100 different models in total.

Kit6a - Orbital Knights Heavy Assault Armour Infanty : Close combat support to kit6, a variety of Orbital Knights in heavy armour armed with either energy hammers and shields or a set of twin energy claws.

Kit6HQ - Orbital Knight Heavy Armour Command : Command models in heavy armour including 2 captains, 2 medics, flag bearer, morale officer and a psion.

Veh5 - Battle Walker Suits : A multi-part kit allowing you to assemble any battle walkers you need. Multiple legs and many torso options. A huge variety of weapons in various configurations and poses. Also includes a number of specialist options such a psion or siege walker.

KitP1 - Suppression Unit : A mini-kit of 3 jump pack equipped Orbital Knights armed with rapid fire cannons.

KitHQ - April Update : This month the kit sees the addition of an Orbital Knights morale officer, flag bearers and another captain (with a variety of weapons).

