Tribe Intro

Hello and welcome! Terrainify wants to make incredibly detailed, high-quality, awesome terrain available for tabletop gamers everywhere! Once your models are printed, our tutorial videos will show you the materials and techniques that we use to make the terrain pieces that you see in our photos. Although we're just getting started with Tribes, we've been making terrain for several years at this point (and we have an extensive catalog at our website, Terrainify.com). Whether you're an existing fan who's been with us from the beginning, or discovering us here for the first time, there is something here for you.

Current and Past Bundles

Tribes Posts
Bonus Tile!!

Hey Members, In celebration of our upcoming Kickstarter, we are excited to share with you all Basic Module #2- Tile A as bonus model this month. Pair it with the free sample tile for the Modular Spires, Basic Module #1- Tile B to create a full module. With these two tiles you can create the module on the left. The fact that you can mix and match the modules of Modular Spires Design Master Tiles is my favorite part of the newest DMT line.

Basic Module #2- Tile A should be in you account. I'll even make things easy for you and add Basic Module #1- Tile B as well. And, as always, we'd love to see how you print, paint, and/or use these modules. Don't forget to sign up to be notified when the Module Spires DMT Kickstarter goes live to get the best deal on the tiles.

January Member Rewards

Pictured above is December's new monthly models: Basic Column Wall, Door and Window Corner, and Extended Door and Window Corner, finished in Basic Gray

Welcome all to January, the new year, and to the monthly rewards of the Terrainify Tribe. We are thankful for every single one of yall's support.

THE DEETS Basic, Founders and Members Level: See below for your classic monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF is automatic, no code needed! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post. Founders and Members Level: See below for your NEW monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already.

THE REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level December Classic Monthly Model: Stepped Spiral- Outcropping (retail value: $6.95), from our Dynamic Hills collection. This is an oldie but goodie. This unique piece of terrain features a large rock formation at one end and several rows of low ridges to break up a flat playing surface. Pictured above: Stepped Spiral - Outcropping, finished in Broken Ground

November New Monthly Model - Available to Founders and Member Level This January we are adding to another one of our most popular collections, Ancient Ruins. We haven't had any new additions to this collection in a while and are excited to expand this collection. Create new areas of your already existing ruined city that your party has just discovered. Was a curse broken, a portal opened, or did an earthquake just reveal what many thought was lost long ago? The new monthly models are not always available for retail purchase and are sometimes a Patron and Founder level exclusive. These three new models, Basic Column Wall, Door and Window Corner, and Extended Door and Window Corner, will be available for retail purchase later this month. You can also pick up painted and unpainted prints on our website at that time. Shown Above: Basic Column Wall, finished in Basic Gray

Shown Above: Door and Window Corner, finished in Basic Gray

Shown Above: Extended Door and Window Corner*, finished in Basic Gray*

November Monthly Member Bundle: The Monthly Member Bundle (MMB) is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for all Tribe members, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. This month we are skipping the bundle again (its a busy time of year, ok) and giving you 60% on all Ancient Ruins STL files and bundles. Grab all the Ancient Ruins you don't have yet and create a giant ruined city. The code is in this post for all paying members.

Winter Sales

There are a few sales happening this month and into January. First up, unpainted prints over on Only-Games. Save 30% Dec 20 to Dec 27 for their XMAS sale and from Jan 2 to Jan 15 for their Winter Sale. Only-Games in based in the UK. While the prices are higher than our website due to fees, it may save our overseas customers some money due to shipping costs. The discount is automatic so no code is needed. Just fill your cart and check out. Check out the sale here. Please note, there will NOT be a sale on prints on our site. Next, STL files will be on sale on our site and MyMiniFactory. From Dec 20 to Jan 10, you can save 40% off all STL files on both platforms with code WINTER24. If you are a paying member, you can save 60%*! *Code will be in a separate post.

December Tribe Member Rewards

Pictured above is December's new monthly model: Playable Deciduous Double Copse A, finished in Standard Tree Welcome (ok...I'm a little behind with this post) all to December and to the monthly rewards of the Terrainify Tribe. We are thankful for every single one of yall's support. THE DEETS Basic, Founders and Members Level: See below for your free classic monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF is automatic, no code needed! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post. Founders and Members Level: See below for your NEW monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. THE REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level December Classic Monthly Model: Archway (retail value: $8.95), from our Spires and Plateaus collection. Pictured above: Archway, finished in Red Rock

November New Monthly Model - Availiable to Founders and Member Level For December we are adding to one of our most popular collections, Playable Deciduous Trees. We have single trees and triple copses, now we have double copses. Two new styles for all for your ambushing and hiding places needs. The new monthly models are not always available for retail purchase and are sometimes a Patron and Founder level exclusive. Double Copse A and Double Copse B are now available for retail purchase on MyMiniFactory. You can also pick up painted and unpainted prints on our website. Shown Above: Playable Deciduous Double Copse A, finished in Standard Tree

Shown Above: Playable Deciduous Double Copse B, finished in Standard Tree

November Monthly Member Bundle: The Monthly Member Bundle (MMB) is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for all Tribe members, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. This month we are offering 60% off all Playable Deciduous Trees, Copses, and Bundles. The code is in this post for all paying members.

Holiday Freebie

Just dropping in to tell you all Happy Holidays!! And to celebrate this hectic time of year, we have a couple of goodies to share with you. COASTERS! In TWO sizes, soda can and mug. They are available free for everyone on the listing but we added the files to you accounts to make it easy for you.

STL Black Friday Sales

From Now (Nov 18) to Dec 3, 2024... Everybody can save 40% on all STL files on our site or MMF with code BF24. All paying members can save 60% on all STL files on our site or MMF with the code in this post.

Sales and Reminders

Today is the beginning of the Black Friday sale over on Only-Games and the first day you can save on unpainted prints. From Nov 14 to Nov 24 you can save 30% and from Nov 25th to Dec 3rd you can save 40%. Only-Games in based in the UK. While the prices are higher than our website due to fees, it may save our overseas customers some money due to shipping costs. The discount is automatic so no code is needed. Just fill your cart and check out. Check out the sale here. The black friday sale on STL files will begin on Nov 18 and I'll be back then for a reminder post. Today is also the day to remind you that the Ultimate Dungeon Terrain FronTier ends on this Saturday, November 16, 2024. Be sure to grab all versions of Ultimate Dungeon Terrain plus the Dungeon Walls for more than 50% off before it ends. This would give you plenty of time to get one printed and painted up before Thanksgiving. Gather Grandpa Mike, Aunt Karen, and Cousin Kevin for a quick game taking place at the mall during the chaos that was 90s/early 2000s Black Friday Sales. Oh, that would sure be a Thanksgiving to remember.

The Beginning of a New Era

Pictured above is November's free classic monthly model: Basic Wall A, finished in Basic Gray

Welcome all to November and to the new monthly rewards of the Terrainify Patreon. We are thankful for every single one of yall's support.

THE NEW DEETS Basic, Founders and Members Level: See below for your free classic monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF is automatic, no code needed! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post. Founders and Members Level: See below for your NEW monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already.

THE NEW REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level November Classic Monthly Model: Basic Wall A (retail value: $4.95), from our Ancient Ruins collection. Once, this wall shut things outside of the structure of which it was part.  Once, this wall kept inside all the things valued by those who built it.  Now, this wall does nothing but keep whoever is on one side from seeing whomever is on the other side...until they walk around it... Pictured above: Basic Wall A, finished in Basic Gray

November New Monthly Model - Availiable to Founders and Member Level To kick off our first New Monthly Model, we have a pair of new Dynamic Hills, each mounted on an integrated Scatter Terrain Universal Base (STUB), with special guest star Sir Conlan (from Reaper miniatures) to help convey a sense of scale. These hills feature a large amount of rocky surfaces and detail that will impact movement and gameplay. They can also be scaled up or down (at least 25% in either direction) while still retaining their details. The new monthly models are not available for retail purchase and are currently a Member and Founder level exclusive. They may or may not be available for retail purchase in the future. Shown Above: STUB Dynamic Hills 1, November New Monthly Model, finished in Broken Ground

Shown Above: STUB Dynamic Hills 2, November New Monthly Model, finished in Broken Ground

November Monthly Member Bundle: The Monthly Member Bundle (MMB) is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for all Tribe members, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. For November and December we are skipping the monthly member bundle and doing a black Friday sale. From November 18 to December 3 you get 60% off all STL purchases on our site or MyMiniFactory. We'll post the code closer to the sale date.

October Rewards - All Tiers

!{textAlign:center} Arcane Astrolabe, finished in Basic Gold

Hello and welcome to your October rewards! As always, thank you so, so much for your support.

THE DEETS Basic, Founders and Patron Level members: See below for your free monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Founders and Members: Your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF is automatic, no code needed! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post.

THE REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level October Free Monthly Model: Arcane Astrolab (retail value: $6.95), from our Scenic Elements collection. Arcane Astrolabe comes in 2 sizes, small and large and prints in two parts. What secrets does this arcane device hold? Is it part of your gameplay? Is it part of your cosplay? Part of your awesome decor of your awesome bookshelf filled with fantasic books? There are really no limits to this one. I (Megan) find this piece to be one of our pieces that is more than just for tabletop gaming. It looks awesome on a shelf (It's on my bookshelf now next to one of the first pieces I helped design for Terrainify and a costume dagger I used once and looked too cool to be banished to a box.) and I have eventual plans of attaching the halves to bookends. Also, its my favorite Terrainify piece and its my birthday month. Perhaps we should feature other Terrainify employees favorite models during their birthday months. Download Arcane Astrolab now - it's in you library! !{textAlign:center} Arcane Astrolabe, finished in Basic Silver

October Monthly Member Bundle: Extinction **(Available to anyone, but 60% off for Patrons and Founders! Retail value: $39.70) The Monthly Member Bundle (MMB) is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for Patrons and Founders, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. October's MMB is "Extinction," a collection of models featuring terrain that brings your world on the edge of extinction to life. Inspired by "The Rite of Spring" animation in Fantasia (1940), blast craters help create a world bombarded with meteoroids and print Craggy Hills in multiple parts to create a world that is dividing. Play with scaling the z-axis on the blast craters to create volcanos that pair perfectly with the bonus Inferno Game Mat.

Rough Stone Scatter Tiles STLs Now Available at Retail

The Rough Stone Scatter Tile STL files are now available for purchase at retail price on our website and MyMiniFactory. Member and Founder level automatic discount will work for the files.

September Rewards - All Tiers

Hello and welcome to your September rewards! As always, thank you so, so much for your support.

THE DEETS Basic, Founders and Patron Level members: See below for your free monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Founders and Members: Your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF is automatic, no code needed! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post.

THE REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level September Free Monthly Model: Plague Cluster A, B, and C (retail value: $14.85), from our Plaguelands collection. Plague Clusters A, B, and C are the smallest three of our Plaguelands set. These small scatter terrain pieces are perfect for breaking up movement lanes and line of sight. Each cluster comes in 3 sizes. Download the rubble pile now - they are in you library!

!{textAlign:center} Plague Cluster A, B, and C shown unpainted.

September Monthly Member Bundle: We're skipping the bundle again this month and offering our Member and Founders level 65% off all STL files on our site but this time you'll need a code. The code will be in a seperate post. The 65% off discount ends Sept 9, 2024 (the same time as the Summer Sale). You'll still have the 35% off the rest of the month. Go ahead, get all the goodies you've been wanting or forgot to get last month

August Rewards - All Tiers

Hello and welcome to your August rewards! As always, thank you so, so much for your support.

THE DEETS Basic, Founders and Patron Level members: See below for your free monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Founders and Members: Thanks to a new update from the MMF team, you now receive your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF automatically, no code needed! There's only one way to celebrate this news - get out there and get yourself some new terrain files! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post.

THE REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level August Free Monthly Model: Craggy Hill B (retail value: $8.95), from our Craggy Hills collection. Craggy Hill B is one of the larger 3 pieces in our Craggy Hills Collection. Jagged, rocky formations define this rugged landscape. It features a claw-like grouping of pointed outcroppings that create two playable paths that lead upwards to a great place from which to survey the battle or adventure ahead. Download the rubble pile now - they are in you library! 📷 !{textAlign:center} Craggy Hill B*, finished in our "Broken Lands" theme*

August Monthly Member Bundle: We're skipping the bundle this month and offering our Member and Founders level 65% off all STL files on our site. Go ahead, get all the goodies you've been wanting. Just add all the things to your cart and checkout, the discount is automatic. There will not be a sale like this one for a while.

Attention Procrastinators

Procrastinators, it is now your time. There are only about 48 hours left to save up to 40% on our Rough Stone Scatter Tiles FronTier. So don't delay if you had plans to pick it up. It ends July 6th.

July Rewards - All Tiers

Pictured above is July's free monthly model: Rubble Pile Bundle - Grimdark, from our Ancient Ruins - Grimdark collection, finished in our "Basic Grimdark" theme Hello and welcome to your July rewards! As always, thank you so, so much for your support.

THE DEETS Basic, Founders and Member Level subscribers: See below for your free monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Founders and Members: Thanks to a new update from the MMF team, you now receive your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF automatically, no code needed! There's only one way to celebrate this news - get out there and get yourself some new terrain files! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post.

THE REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level July Free Monthly Model: Rubble Pile Bundle - Grimdark (retail value: $8.95), from our Ancient Ruins - Grimdark collection. The Ancient Ruins Rubble Pile Bundle includes five individual models that work well to break line of sight or give cover to your minis. This version has been covered with skulls and spikes to make the ruins look a bit scarier. Download the rubble pile now - they are in you library! Rubble Pile Bundle - Grimdark*, finished in our "Basic Grimdark" theme*

July Monthly Member Bundle: Hide & Seek (Available to anyone, but 60% off for Members and Founders! Retail value: $44.70) The Monthly Member Bundle (MMB) is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for Patrons and Founders, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. This month we are featuring a collection of models that have spaces to hide and bring your game play off the table. Hide in a cave or under an archway. Use the trees to ambush your enemy. Or get the bundle cause you see great ways to use each piece and with your discount, its an absolutely amazing price.

**Note: if you ever have an issue accessing any of your rewards, please reach out to us via dm or email info@terrainify.com and we will get you taken care of! Terrainify Tribe Tiers & Rewards Basic Level ($3): Welcome Pack (new members), Monthly Model Founders Level (closed) and Members Level ($6): everything at the Basic Level PLUS an automatic 35% off all Terrainify products on MMF PLUS coupon code for 60% off Monthly Member Bundle

Rough Stone Scatter Tiles: Available NOW!

The Rough Stone Scatter Tiles, with gridlines, finished in our new "Fields of Battle" theme, with minis and scatter terrain: Ancient Ruined Columns and Playable Deciduous Trees. Our newest modular terrain tile set, the Rough Stone Scatter Tiles, are available now! The STL files will be 35% off or more until July 6th via MMF FronTiers - back in the first 72 hours and save even more as an early bird! Click here to learn more and get your Rough Stone Scatter Tiles! Quick deets on the Rough Stone Scatter Tiles:

  • Mix of bare earth and eroded stone textures
  • Textured but otherwise flat: designed to be a realistic-looking base for scatter terrain
  • All tiles come in two versions: with one-inch gridlines and without gridlines
  • Core Tiles are 8x8 inches, Adapter Tiles come in three sizes (scroll down for image)
  • Just over 5mm in height: quick to print, easy to store
  • Compatible with Ancient Ruined City and Rugged Hills Design Master Tiles, and can be used to transition between the two sets or on their own
  • Similar in style to the ARC Transition Tiles you may have pledged for and received via the Rugged Hills Kickstarter (All-In backers, or if you added it as an option Add-On)
  • A pledge level for every backer: we designed enough pledge levels so that you can choose to pay for only the files you don't already have
  • More details on our FronTiers campaign page- back now for the best savings on these awesome files! Let us know if you have any questions or comments by sharing on this post or messaging us at info@terrainify.com!

June Rewards - All Tiers

!{textAlign:center} Pictured above is June's free monthly model: Pedestal, from our Dynamic Hills collection, finished in our "Wild" theme Hello and welcome to your June rewards! As always, thank you so, so much for your support - we have some extra posts and a bonus goodie planned for later this month, so stay tuned! We are continuing to release the Monthly Member Bundle/Discount at the beginning of the month. In the past, we have released it mid-month as a fun way to extend the rewards throughout the month, but we thought it'd be easier for you take advantage of it if it's released at the same time as your other codes and rewards. Since this is the fourth month of this release schedule, let us know if you like this change (or not!) and do you prefer the specially curated bundles or do you like general collection discounts better? Last month all tiers received a bonus model, Rough Stone Open Tile A, as a special preview to our newest FronTier that will launch June 5, 2024. Check out the pre-market page to sign up to be notified when the Rough Stone Scatter Tiles go live. !{textAlign:center} Photo of the bonus model from May, Rough Stone Open Tile A, grid and no-grid versions. Finished in our new "Fields of Battle" theme.

THE DEETS Basic, Founders and Member Level subscribers: See below for your free monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Founders and Members: Thanks to a new update from the MMF team, you now receive your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF automatically, no code needed! There's only one way to celebrate this news - get out there and get yourself some new terrain files! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post.

THE REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level May Free Monthly Model: Pedestal (retail value: $12.95), from our Dynamic Hills collection. Pedestal is one of our larger pieces and features multiple layers and an arch. Use the piece as an addition to your other terrain for an epic landscape or use it alone for a compact and simple excursion. Download Pedestal now - it's in you library!

!{textAlign:center} Pedestal*, finished in our "Broken Ground" theme*

June Monthly Member Bundle: Any (or all) piece(s) from a selection of scatter terrain** (Available to anyone, but 60% off for Members and Founders Level! Retail value: $3.95-34.95) **The Monthly Member Bundle (MMB) is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for Patrons and Founders, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. This month we again offer you a simple discount. This month we are offering a selection of scatter terrain that will pair nicely with our newest FronTier, Rough Stone Scatter Tiles.

**Note: if you ever have an issue accessing any of your rewards, please reach out to us via dm or email info@terrainify.com and we will get you taken care of! Terrainify Tribe Tiers & Rewards Basic Level ($3): Welcome Pack (new members), Monthly Model Founders Level (closed) and Members Level ($6): everything at the Basic Level PLUS an automatic 35% off all Terrainify products on MMF PLUS coupon code for 60% off Monthly Member Bundle

Insider Update: Rough Stone Scatter Tiles

Hey all! Jumping in mid-month to give you all the first word, insider news on our next new release, the Rough Stone Scatter Tiles, coming this June! As a triber, you are hearing this news first, before we release it anywhere else! Thank you for your support! The first update is...

A Rough Stone Scatter Tile, with one-inch gridlines, shown here finished in a new painting theme we developed just for the Rough Stone tiles, with Ruined Columns Rubble Piles and Sir Conlan for scale. ...GRIDLINES!!! Each and every tile included in the Rough Stone Scatter Tile bundle - both our standard 8x8 inch tiles and the adapter tiles shown below - will be offered in two versions: with one-inch gridlines and without gridlines. So you'll have the option to print one or the other, or both! Rough Stone Scatter Tiles, with gridlines, shown here with minis, Ruined Columns and Playable Deciduous Trees. The second update: savings details! We will be launching the STL files via FronTiers on MyMiniFactory June 5-July 6. You'll be able to save more than 35% on the files by pledging during the FronTier. We're also offering several Early Bird discounts for the first 72 hours, during which you can save even more!

Included in the Rough Stone Scatter Tiles bundle: Adapter Tiles in three different sizes, with a total of twelve unique designs, each of which is available with and without gridlines. These tiles allow you to create any standard or nonstandard board size for any popular tabletop miniature game. (Yup, we did the math for evvvvery single popular board size. You're welcome!) Let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or other thoughts about this new release in the comments below! Thank you as always for your financial and moral support of our small business - you make it that much easier for us to create and roll out new products like this. All the best - Terrainify

May Rewards - All Tiers

Pictured above is May's free monthly model: Jutting Rock STUB Outcropping A, from our STUB Outcropping collection, finished in our "Scrubland" theme

Hello and welcome to your May rewards! As always, thank you so, so much for your support - we have some extra posts and a bonus goodie planned for later this month, so stay tuned! We are continuing to release the Monthly Member Bundle/Discount at the beginning of the month. In the past, we have released it mid-month as a fun way to extend the rewards throughout the month, but we thought it'd be easier for you take advantage of it if it's released at the same time as your other codes and rewards. Since this is the third month of this release schedule, let us know if you like this change (or not!) and do you prefer the specially curated bundles or do you like general collection discounts better?

THE DEETS Basic, Founders and Member Level subscribers: See below for your free monthly model - it should be in your MMF library already. Founders and Members: Thanks to a new update from the MMF team, you now receive your 35% off all Terrainify files on MMF automatically, no code needed! There's only one way to celebrate this news - get out there and get yourself some new terrain files! You'll still need a code to save 60% off the Monthly Member Bundle, which you can find in the separate "Monthly Member Bundle Coupon Code" post.

THE REWARDS - Availiable to Basic, Founders, and Member Level May Free Monthly Model: Jutting Rock STUB Outcropping A (retail value: $9.95), from our STUB Outcroppings collection. These pieces have a small footprint and are perfect for scaling. You can print all three heights and in all three sizes, and then scale and mirror the pieces to have a huge variety of terrain from only 3 pieces. Download Jutting Rock now - it's in you library!

Jutting Rock STUB Outcropping A in small, medium, and tall (mini shown for scale), finished in our "Scrubland" theme

May Monthly Member Bundle: All of the STUB Outcropping collection** (Available to anyone, but 60% off for Members and Founders Level! Retail value: $3.95-18.95) **The Monthly Member Bundle (MMB) is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for Patrons and Founders, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. This month we again offer you a simple discount on an entire collection. Get some more STUB pieces to go along with Jutting Rock.

**Note: if you ever have an issue accessing any of your rewards, please reach out to us via dm or email info@terrainify.com and we will get you taken care of!

Terrainify Tribe Tiers & Rewards Basic Level ($3): Welcome Pack (new members), Monthly Model Founders Level (closed) and Members Level ($6): everything at the Basic Level PLUS an automatic 35% off all Terrainify products on MMF PLUS coupon code for 60% off Monthly Member Bundle

Rough Stone Scatter Tiles: Coming June 2024!!

We're excited to announce our next big new release, coming June 2024: the Rough Stone Scatter Tiles!

Rough Stone Scatter Tiles, shown here finished in our Broken Ground painting theme. The Rough Stone tiles are textured 8x8 inch tiles featuring areas of rough-cut stone and bare earth textures. While they have a high level of detail and realism, in terms of elevation they are essentially flat, making them a perfect surface on which to place scatter terrain. (Which is why we named them Scatter Tiles; they're modular tiles that serve as a base for your scatter terrain!)

Exhibit A: Scatter terrain on the Scatter Tiles, featuring our Ancient Ruins and Deciduous Trees on the Rough Stone Scatter Tiles The Rough Stone Scatter Tiles are completely compatible with our other Design Master Tiles (Ancient Ruined City and Rugged Hills) and they can even be used to transition between the Ancient Ruined City and Rugged Hills tile sets. The STL files are scheduled for a June 5th launch via MyMiniFactory FronTiers, where you'll have the opportunity to choose between a variety of pledge options to get exactly the files you want - and save a chunk of cash at the same time! Physical models will also go live on our site at that time. MMF preview page: https://www.myminifactory.com/frontier/rough-stone-scatter-tiles-1037?preview=premarketing More details to come, but as our inner circle of supporters, we wanted to share these photos and the launch date with YOU FIRST! If you have any questions or feedback, hit us up in the comments or dm us, we'd love to hear what you think!

New Terrainify community + Adepticon photos

Hi all! Two updates for you today:

  1. We recently relaunched our Terrainify Facebook group: the Official Terrainify Fan Community! This group is in response to a need we saw to give fans and customers an easier way to share photos of what you create with our models, ask questions, and get input! We know you're already a member here on Tribes, and we certainly don't need to jam all your social circuits with Terrainify content (unless that's what you want, then we definitely can!). The benefit of joining the Facebook group is that you and other fans can post your own photos, comments and questions regarding Terrainify models and gaming directly, and get feedback and answers from other fans, as well as from Terrainify staff who are also in the group. If that sounds like something you want, come join us!
  2. At this year's Adepticon in March, we sponsored a Horus Heresy table through the Taking of Phyrix team. The Taking of Phyrix team generously took the time to snap a bunch of in-game photographs of the full 6x4 set of Rugged Hills tiles we sent them. They just sent us the photos - what do you think? This set of Rugged Hills tiles were finished in a customized version of our "Broken Lands" theme - the same theme that was featured in our Rugged Hills showcase video. Let us know what you think of the tiles, and whether we have any Horus Heresy fans in this Tribe!

Rugged Hills Late Pledges are LIVE!!!

If you missed the Rugged Hills Design Master Tiles Kickstarter, you can still get a discount on any of the files offered in the campaign through the end of April via our MyMiniFactory Pledge Manager! Save up to 50% on these modular terrain tiles and assorted scatter models!

You can go All-In and get the entire set of modular tiles and all the tile and scatter terrain add-ons, or just pick and choose a few add-ons. These deals will only be available through the end of April - get them while you can!

Let us know if you have any questions!

April Rewards: Public Post

April Free Monthly Model: Single Spire F - A brand new model avaliable in our Spires and Plateaus collection. This model is an exclusive for our Tribe members.

April Monthly Member Bundle: Any Bundle from our Spires and Plateaus Collection (Available to anyone, but 60% off for Members and Founders! Retail value: $24.95-79.95) The Monthly Member Bundle (MMB) is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for Members and Founders, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. This month we did not create a new bundle for you but instead thought we'd offer 60% off ANY BUNDLE from our Spires and Plateaus Collection. There are 4 bundles to choose from (2 will be made avaliable later in the day on April 1.)

Terrainify Tribe Tiers & Rewards Basic Level ($3): Welcome Pack (new members), Monthly Model Founders Level (closed) and Members Level ($6): everything at the Basic Level PLUS an automatic 35% off all Terrainify products on MMF PLUS coupon code for 60% off Monthly Member Bundle

April Rewards Spoiler!

Just a sneak peek at the free monthly model for April - more photos to come! This is a brand new model, guys!

We made a new(ish) terrain bundle!

Hey all! Hope you are all enjoying life and printing up a storm! Thanks so much to everyone who gave us feedback about the cobblestone roads we are planning to create later this year; we got a lot of ideas we hadn't thought of! If you'd like to share your thoughts, you can do so here. Just popping in to highlight an existing terrain bundle! This bundle is available to anyone, but as subscribers, you're getting the full scoop on why we're releasing this bundle now, and how you can save on it! The details below are about adding this bundle to our home site, Terrainify.com - this bundle has been available for a while on MyMiniFactory, but we thought you'd enjoy the story and photos nonetheless!

Clockwise from bottom left: Stepped Hill C, Stepped Hill B, Stepped Hill A, Stepped Hill D, Stepped Hill E. Hills A-C are painted in our "Inferno" theme, Hills D-E are painted in our "Wild" theme. The five Stepped Hills are existing models in our catalog, and one of them (Stepped Hill E, bottom right above) was previously a free monthly model in the Tribe. These are our design that answers the need for "hills that look great but are way more playable than most hills." We usually try to group like models together into bundles so customers can save a few bucks if they want more than one model. Unfortunately, the files for these models are so large (each hill comes in three sizes, and they vary in size from small hill to huuuuuge hill) that the bundled file was over our home website's file size limit.

Stepped Hill D, finished in our "Wild" theme However, our website host recently increased their file size limit, so we can now offer everyone all five Stepped Hills, each in three sizes, for a discounted bundle price! Each of the five hills is $12.95 if purchased alone, but the bundle is $49.95, which is like buying five hills for the price of four. For Founders and Patron Level members, you can use your automatic 35% off all Terrainify STLs to get the bundle for about $33, which is essentially 50% off the price of buying all the hills individually!  Go here to get the bundle or learn more! Want to upgrade your membership and get 35% off this bundle, plus 35% off all Terrainify STLs every month and other great discounts? Become a Member Level subscriber!

Stepped Hill D, unpainted, in all three sizes

Hive Mind Help Requested! Cobblestone Roads

Hey all! John is designing a new set of cobblestone roads tiles to accompany our existing Ancient Ruined City and Rugged Hills Design Master Tiles. These aren't scheduled for release yet - they are very much in the planning stages right now, but not too early to get some feedback from our inner circle - you! We would love your input on some design decisions in order to give them the functionality you all (and other gamers) would want from them. Below are a few questions; can you comment with your answers to these questions, images of what you'd be looking for in a road tile, or any other suggestions or ideas you have?

  • Assuming the scale is about 5 feet per inch, how many inches wide should the road be?
  • Besides straight sections and curves, are there any other types of sections we should make?
  • Should there be other types of features included on any of the tiles (landforms, rocks, etc)?
  • Would you be interested in scatter versions of the roads (not mounted on tiles)?
  • How many different total tile designs would you want to see?
  • Other ideas, suggestions, and concept art welcome! (Photo is a close-up of some of the Ancient Ruined City tiles - this is not necessarily the texture the road tiles will have. Just wanted to add some visual interest to this post!)

March Rewards: Public Post

March Free Monthly Model: Scythe ]([https://www.terrainify.com/product-page/scythe)(retail[(retail) value: $12.95) A sprawling hill, broken by a cliff down the center, with plenty of playable area and a huge footprint. Stepped elevation along the side of the model allows minis access to all levels of the hill. March Monthly Member Bundle: Faces and Fragments (Available to anyone, but 60% off for Founders and Members! Retail value: $48.70)** **The Monthly Member Bundle is a collection of models from our catalog that is specially curated each month for our members, with an accompanying steep discount for Members and Founders, around a seasonal theme or gaming scenario. March's MMB is "Faces and Fragments," a collection of models featuring a number of our models sporting ruined statues, our friend Heathcliff the cliff, and a number of our favorite scatter terrain ruins. This bundle features one model, Ancient Ruined Statue Head, that was in August's MMB, but it fit the theme of this bundle so well we just had to throw it in.

Terrainify Patreon Tiers & Rewards Basic Level ($3): Welcome Pack (new members), Monthly Model Founders Level (closed) and Patron Level ($6): everything at the Basic Level PLUS an automatic 35% off all Terrainify products on MMF PLUS coupon code for 60% off Monthly Member Bundle

Fan photo and a free tile!

Hey all! Just wanted to share a photo from patron Karl Johnson, who printed and painted the Trailhead module we shared with you. Thanks for sharing, Karl, it looks awesome! Photo credit: One tile from the Trailhead module, printed, painted and photographed by patron Karl Johnson. Printed at 56% (1:100 scale/15mm, also suitable for smaller scales). Minis for scale, from Wake's Emporeum's Morghei Orc Rabble 10mm set. Also wanted to let you know that we just posted a sample tile for test-printing the Rugged Hills Design Master Tiles; link is below if you are interested! (It's free!) It's one tile from a larger module, which we're providing to our backers so they can test the print and design quality. Not quite as nice as a two-tile stand-alone module like you guys already got, but that's the benefit of being a monthly supporter! As always, your monthly support means the world; THANK YOU! Free sample Rugged Hills Tile: https://www.terrainify.com/product-page/design-master-tiles-preview-rocky-valley-tile-c-stl

February 2024 Monthly Model

You all are in for a treat this month. This month you are getting TWO brand new models! Not only are these models brand new, they are not even available to the general public yet. This is the Mystic Pool with Ghost Stones in both the tile and scatter version. The tile version fits perfectly into the Ancient Ruined City Modular Tiles and the new Rugged Hills Design Master Tiles that just released on Kickstarter. And of course, we have a scatter version so you can use it however you see fit and add it to your other scatter terrain.

Members and Founders level, your monthly 35% off STL files is now automatic. No more need to find the monthly code or remember to enter it in. There will also be the 60% off monthly member bundle but that will be created later this month and that code posted on that announcement post.

Oh...and you can follow this link if you'd like to check our the new Kickstarter. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/terrainify/rugged-hills-design-master-tiles?ref=eu580e

Daring Expedition - January's Monthly Member Bundle

Tribe members at our Member (and old Founder's ) level get this bundle for 60% off. The discount code can be found in the pinned post for those members. January's Monthly Member Bundle is designed to help your imagination escape from the cold to a desert adventure greater than any other and full of treasure. If you are loving the cold or wish you had it, you could paint the terrain in a winter theme to truly embrace the winter weather. Let us aid you on this adventure with January's Monthly Member Bundle. But don't let our ideas inhibit your own; these models are ready to go wherever your imagination leads you. Included in the bundle this month are: the Shrine of Desolation, Flat Top, Crescent, Ancient Ruined Columns Starter Bundle A, Temple Wall B, and Double Spire A. Can anyone guess what "childhood" favorite movie was behind Megan's inspiration for this bundle?

You can find out more information and purchase the bundle here: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-daring-expedition-january-monthly-member-bundle-353806

Oops...My bad

Hey you guys, I just noticed that I forgot to create the coupon for the Deciduous Trees Deluxe Bundle. I applogize for that. It is now live and Members and Founders level can now get the Deluxe Bundle for 65% off. -Megan

January STL files

The cold winter weather has inspired us to choose some files that make us (ok...just Megan) think the same. This month we are featuring some of our Ghost Stone STUB pieces. You will receive STUB Outcropping Cluster A and B and Dynamic Hills STUB Outcropping F with Ghost Stones. Find out more about these pieces, including printing recommendations here: Dynamic Hills STUB Outcropping F with Ghost Stones: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-ghost-stones-stub-outcropping-f-151663 STUB Outcropping Cluster A: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-stub-outcropping-cluster-a-ghost-stones-terrain-set-195620 STUB Outcropping Cluster B: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-stub-outcropping-cluster-b-ghost-stones-terrain-set-195621 Our Member level members this month get their normal 35% off all STL files. They will also receive a code to get the Monthly Member Bundle 60%. Those codes will be posted in a separate post.

It is time...

Howdy Ya'll! It's that time of the month again, the beginning, the time when you get the free monthly model. This month we are giving you all the Starter Bundle to our NEW and long awaited Deciduous Trees. This bundle includes single tree A, B, C, and Double Copse A. For our Founders and Members pledge level, you will get a coupon code for 65% off the Deluxe Bundle (which will be live later today).

Public Post: November Rewards Run-Down

November Free Monthly Model: Stepped Hill E (retail value: $12.95) Our Stepped Hills are hybrid terrain pieces that combine Terrainify's signature level of aesthetic quality with a maximized amount of playable area. The tops of the models are flat but textured, and offer an  impressively-sized arena for adventures and battles. November Monthly Member Bundle: Instead of a monthly member bundle, this month we gave Founders and Patron level members a code for 45% off ALL STL files, plus 25% off physical models! Start the early holiday season off right with copious amount of gaming terrain! :D ++Terrainify Patreon Tiers & Rewards++ Basic Level ($3): Welcome Pack (new members), Monthly Model, Monthly Member Bundle coupon code Founders Level ($3) and Patron Level ($6): everything at the Basic Level PLUS monthly coupon codes for 25-35% off ALL products at Terrainify.com

New trees coming down the pipe!

So, we posted these trees as a WIP on Facebook on Wednesday, and people went crazy over them. They aren't as beautiful as super-realistic trees, so we were a bit surprised. I mean, we worked really hard on them, and we're really happy with them, but I guess we didn't realize everyone was as desperate for some new trees as we were! These follow our normal design criteria of stylistic realism, beginner-friendly printing and painting, playable, durable, and beautiful. In addition, John worked his arse off to make this file print supportlessly in one piece. The photo shows them painted with several coats, dry-brushing, flock on the base, and coarse flock on the brances. Can we get your input - do you like these? Any suggestions? Why do you think people are excited about these? I mean, of course, everyone should be excited about ALL of our models, but this got a much better response than our last release. And if you like these, you're going to love your December rewards! ;)

November's Free Piece - Stepped Hill E

This month, all our members get files for "Stepped Hill E" from our Stepped Hills terrain set! Our Stepped Hills are hybrid terrain pieces that combine Terrainify's signature level of aesthetic quality with a maximized amount of playable area. The tops of the models are flat but textured, and offer an  impressively-sized arena for adventures and battles.

We chose Stepped Hill E for a few different reasons. It is super versatile. The shape and size allow miniatures to be placed on top of it as well as to the side; it's even large enough to add smaller scatter terrain on top. The download includes files for Stepped Hill E in three different sizes (small, medium and large) to make it that much quicker to get from your hard drive to your table. We've found that it looks great in any painting theme, and it also coordinates nicely with a future monthly member bundle which will be available for purchase in December (hint hint, keep an eye on your messages for that code next month!).

Below is a link to the complete info about Stepped Hill E (description, dimensions, printing recommendations). Stepped Hills E Details: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-stepped-hill-e-stepped-hills-terrain-set-257722

WIP: Need input!!

Working on a new model that has a section that needs to show a transition from rough-hewn stone basing to bare earth. Can you see the transition in this render? Does it need more or less stones? Also, let me know what you think about the level of detail.  TIA, you are my inner circle of fans and I'd love to hear your thoughts!!

Painting Tutorials?

Hey all! You may have seen us post this painting tutorial flier a few weeks ago on Facebook. (FYI, if the video link in the flier doesn't work for you, you can find it here.) We have wanted to make painting tutorials a bigger part of the Patreon. Is that something you'd be interested in? Let us know in the poll below!

Sneak Peek: New Model!

Wanted to share a sneak peek of a new model we are releasing later this month. The Altar of Chaos is a centerpiece-quality model designed in two versions - Original and Grimdark - each of which comes in two sizes - small and large.  This model prints supportlessly, like all Terrainify models, in several pieces with jigsaw cuts to make assembly a breeze. The Altar of Chaos launches Friday, Sept. 29 on FronTiers here on MyMiniFactory! Preview it here!

September 2023 Monthly Model

This month we're featuring one of the hidden gems from our older terrain series: Triple Spire B from our Spires and Plateaus set. It is a model with a huge footprint, and has plenty of playable space and multiple levels to create a sense of dimension in your game or display. Shown here finished in our "Red Rock" theme.

Kickstarter ending tomorrow!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/terrainify/ancient-ruined-city Hey, folks! Just a reminder that there are just 24 hours left for Kickstarter for the Ancient Ruined City modular tiles! If it's been a while since you checked on it, we've added a bunch of optional Add-Ons since the start -- including Scatter Tiles that give you unlimited flexibility for the placement of scatter terrain. Whether you want scatter terrain or ruined terrain pieces with an integrated base, or a little of both, the Kickstarter has something for you! We've also added an All-In pledge level so that you can get all of the rewards at an even better price! All of the models that are part of the Kickstarter will be available for purchase in our shop, but getting them through the Kickstarter will get you the best price available. Thank you for all of your support and for being part of the Terrainify community!

Kickstarter launching tomorrow!

Hey, folks! We're just a few hours away from the launch of the Kickstarter! You can check out the preview page using the link below. In the meantime, here's another photo of some of the models we'll be releasing, painted and finished in the "Ice and Snow" theme. Hope to see you all there!


Announcing the Ancient Ruined City modular terrain tiles!

Hey folks, we've got some exciting news: We are pleased to announce the official unveiling of the Ancient Ruined City, the first set of tiles in our new modular tile terrain! By integrating terrain features and playing surface, we are able to achieve and even level higher level of aesthetic quality than before, and their modularity allows for a tremendous amount of variety in board layouts. We will be launching our FIRST EVER Kickstarter in the coming weeks, which is especially exciting because it's something we've wanted to do for a long time in order help get the word out to more people about Terrainify.) For fans of our scatter terrain, don't worry! We will continue releasing new scatter terrain models along with our new modular tiles, and the Tribe will continue to feature scatter terrain models as part of the monthly rewards! And who knows, perhaps some of the Kickstarter Stretch Goals will even be compatible with scatter terrain... More details about the Ancient Ruined City to come. In the meantime, it would be a huge help for us if you would click the link below and sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter launches. You'll know anyway because we’ll announce it and share updates here; however the more people who sign up to be notified at the pre-launch link below, the more visible our project will be to other people, which will hopefully make it even more successful. So please take a second to sign up at the link below, and to share the link below with friends and on social media!) Thank you for being a part of the Terrainify community. Your support means the world to us! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/terrainify/ancient-ruined-city

Terrainify Monthly Model for May

This month, Tribers get "Craggy Hill A" from our Craggy Hills terrain set! This is a beefy model, with a large footprint, and features both blocking terrain and large playable areas to place and maneuver minis. Join the Tribe to get this model today!

April Monthly Model Preview

Hey, folks! Just putting the final touches on the April's Monthly Model -- hang tight and it'll be ready soon! The image above may give you an idea of what it is. Suffice it to say, we're pretty sure that you'll think it's a blast, no foolin'!

March Special: Secret of Scrying Rock Encounter Bundle

Hey, folks! We've got something special this month that we're really excited to share with you all! Recently, we've started packaging groups of different terrain pieces into "Encounter Bundles." These are sets of terrain that can be used to create a complete setup for encounters in D&D or a battlefield for miniatures games. The terrain pieces in each bundle can also be used individually, or combined with other terrain pieces to create even more variety. "The Secret of Scrying Rock" Encounter Bundle includes all of our Playable Deciduous Trees, several models from the Ancient Ruins terrain set, and Dragon Perch, our single largest terrain piece to date, guaranteed to make an impressive centerpiece on your game table! As a special reward for our Tribers, through the end of this month, you can get it for 60% off the regular price -- an even bigger savings over the normally discounted bundle price!


Withered Trees for everyone!

Hey folks! We're really excited about our new Withered Tree models and we want to get them onto as many game tables as possible. Now through the end of the month, use the coupon code below to get 20% off of the Withered Trees Deluxe Bundle!* https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-withered-trees-deluxe-bundle-274257 Coupon code: 6vaP8gg2

*Or, join our Tribe and get a 60% discount on this bundle, in addition to other great benefits!

February Monthly Model: Withered Tree Starter Bundle

Hey folks, sorry for the delay with this month's Monthly Model. I appreciate your patience because this month, we have a brand new set of models, the Withered Trees Starter Bundle!

What malady has caused these trees to shed their leaves? An evil curse, some fell disease... or was it just winter? Whatever it is, you get to decide how to use them on your table! Paint them up as dead trees, add some snow effects to create winter trees, or if you're really ambitious, use flock and foliage to make them vibrant, living trees!

Photos and tutorials coming later. Thank you for being a part of the Terrainify community!

Craggy Outcropping A added to the Welcome Pack!

Congrats on hitting another stretch goal, Tribers! Craggy Hill A has been added to the Welcome Pack! Thank you for your continued support and for being part of the Terrainify community!

Single Blast Crater A added to the Welcome Pack!

Great news, Tribers! We've hit our first membership goal, so Single Crater A has now been added to the Welcome Pack! Thank you so much for supporting us and being a part of the Terrainify community!
