Tribe Intro
My Tribes Subscription is focused on Generic Low Fantasy Miniatures Grounded in History, as well as Pure Historicals it covers the same as my Patreon but instead off waiting for the sub to be processed manually the files are given to you instantly! aswell as the files for each month, you get 33.3% off my MMF Store if you would like full bundles/prior months, email
Current and Past Bundles
Tribes Posts
February Release Update
There's been a change of schedule with the historical figures, in place of the mounted kits for february, we are pushing those back to put out some command sets which are missing from the range, 4 Sets of infantry commanders/personalities because we haven't really done any musicians and banners, ive got a preview of the first 5, the rest are well on the way
so the infantry commanders are the Knight who here is shown still with the older out of fashion split surcoat, the banner bearer and drummer, drummers in warfare are pretty new to this period, but did exist, the crossbow command set will be depicted in the archery duel with the archers across the field, that's the banner bearer here, in my mind im thinking of the crecy genoese Xbowmen against the english, and the commanders here aren't behind the pavises so are cowering&tab;
The archer command set have this inept hornblower who has fumbled his arrows and 2 cocky leaders in there Banner and Leader,
January Fantasy Release!
Here is the Fantasy preview for the January Release! This month is a bit of a few things in before we return to elves in February, we have some additional Orcs, but mostly new Fantasy/vendel Figures, this month we have also done something i dont usually do which is do the kits with multiple equipment options on 2 kits So firstly we will look at the orcs, this kit is another 4 orcs with spears, this time without shields! This set is inline with the other orc rabble kits, they are modelled with empty hands to use either wire spears or printed spears/bills, they all are in varied armour but still in a cohesive style matching the most recent orc warriors The next 2 kits, are the jutish Thanes, in these 2 kits each figure has 2 versions, 1 with a sword, and 1 with a spear(his sword is in his scabbard) there are 4 foot figures and 3 mounted, with a couple of new Horse themed Shields,these figures are generally uniform however with subtle differences in the helmet and kit, they will be easily identifiable as a different unit, a little detail on their helmets is there a mix of the spangenhelm(which originates in mainland europe) and the vendel helmets from scandinavia, this is because the jutes are said to have travelled from germany through to england so that is represented here in their helmets, the same was done to our hengst and horsa The last kit is finn, finn goes with the set of characters from finn and hengst started last month, essentially there a excuse to do just do more personality figures, in the story when the 2 sides start feuding and then fighting finn is doesn't get involved in the fighting and generally tries to settle things out, his figure here both foot and mounted although wielding there weapons, arent so much combative but rather trying to draw attention likely to stop the fighting Next month's release is back to elves, from next monday we have our new Designer starting full time in the office! We have a lot of plans to utilise the extra pair of hands in both new content but also far more regular updates, it will take a little while before you start seeing to many changes but through the first few months of the year hopefully we will be starting to post more regularly with WIP’s and concept art and such,
ExpandJanuary Historical Release!
Happy new year everyone! For us in Australia it's the morning of the first of January right now so that makes it time for this month's Previews! Right now we have the historicals releases to show off, the fantasy will be here shortly, this months Historicals are Scottish cavalry for the 100 years war Period, we have Named them as Hobelar’s, Hobelar is a term term used in ireland/scotland/england for a type of light cavalry, the name derives from the breed of horse the irish originally road them on, both the english and scots used hobilars later in the scottish wars of independence, which these figures are intended to represent the scottish hobelars in the early 14th century As per usual these figures will be ready to download from the 5th of the month onwards, a quick note on the physical figures, the last few months of figures have been molded and cast, but havent hit the store just, they will go live some point in mid january, the same is true for this set of figures, by that point the stock of plastic horses will have arrived to supply these riders with! So this months kits figures are split into 2 kits, 1 set of riders with spears and shields, and another set with hand weapons, all of these figures bar 1 have the Shield straps over there arm for you to attach a shield, in our display renders we have used heater shields but small round ones are also appropriate and will be in the kit, All the riders in these sets are in similar kit, generally a gambeson shirt long or short sleeved, mostly helmeted with cloth or chain coifs, some other general kit on them including a horn on 1 rider, this figures broadly match as well the scottish infantry kits from the last 2 months, Next months historicals is another set of cavalry, this time mounted men at arms, these will fit the english/french primarily, the kits be will be similar in format to this months, 6 spear 6 hand weapons, but be far more well armoured, We will be back soon with the fantasy preview, for those wondering its 2 kits of the fantasy/vendel Hearthguard, 3 foot and 3 mounted, this kit has 2 options, sword or spear, same figures with alt versions, 4 orc warriors with spears, and then some characters,
Expanddecember Fantasy Release!
hey guys, here is the Fantasy Preview for the december release! as we mentioned a few days back this month is a short break from the elves, this month we are covering Personality figures designed to fit in with the old hengstland fantasy range aswell as Vendel Range as either characters or variety the characters in this months and next months releases are a mix of archeotypes for you to use as RPG or Wargaming characters, aswell as characters loosely inspired by Beowulf and Finn/hengst Story, the latter is one which is a story brought up in Beowulf, and which Tolkein Wrote a book on, with War of the rohirrum out this month and the stories having somewhat of an overlap it seemed fitting to touch on it, this was something i never got around to covering back when i did the original vendel range, im covering the key characters next month so will talk about the story then, so for this month! first up we have garulf, Garulf is a Jutish thane, who Left and settled in frisia when the danes stole there land, he has a feud with Hengst who sided with the danes who conqoured part of jutland, so when they meet by coincidence in frisia, he leads a attack on the danes/jutes but unfortunetly for him is the first to die, he is dipictedhere foot and mounted, Next up is another beowulf figure, one thing with the existing beowulf, is he has a sword, however when beowulf fights grendel, he goes in with his weapons but ultimatly ends up fighting bare hand, so this new beowulf figure is bareing both fists, his cloths/cloak are quite damaged, and his mail shirt is missing a few links, then we have the first unamed hero, this is a dark ages shieldmaiden, her pose is intended to be stoic, and reluctant, she wasnt out looking for a fight, but because one has found her, shes picked up a battered shield and sword, and is ready to defend herself, after her are 2 leader figures, labelled as jutish thanes, these guys are great as unit leaders or characters, the angry looking figure standing still, is wearing splint body armour, this is contempory for the time and 1 does still exist, but not a peice of armour i got around to using in the vendel range before, next we have a Young attendent, this model is ideal as some sort of messenger, hes got a helmet and sword on his hip but certainly not looking to fight, he is here foot and mounted, then next we have frioiwulf, he is the foster son of the danish king Hnaef, he unfortunetly dies at finnsburg during the battle, my model of him is decked out in Lammeller armour and a decorated helmet, something befitting his status, but also is quite slender to represent he is still quite young, and 2nd last we have another generic character, unlike the Shieldmaiden above, this women is quick to take action, this could be her desperatly defending her village from a raid, whatever it is, she hasnt had the time to don any armour, only quickly pick up a sword and lastly is a older shieldmaiden, she is done up in armour matching some of the older shieldmaidens we did previously, the foot model of her would fit very neatly into a shield wall holding the line with 2 feet strongly planted on the ground, Next month the plan is to continue with some more characters, covering Hnaef and finn, and then a couple of other kits , from january onwards, i have a new designer working with me full time in the office, and we will be returning to elves then! theres a bit more news to talk about, but that will come in a dedicated post, with a extra sculptor designer, theres plently of things on the to do list, like revamping the welcomepack, but also then expanding the content each month,
ExpandDecember Historical Release!
hey guys, last release for the year is coming up! So here is the first preview for that, but first some housekeeping, we have been away for a little over a month! But got back just over a week ago, so this week we have been getting back to everyone's emails, aswell as all the orders people had placed, they are all in the mail bar a couple we are reaching out to do with horses* Before we get into the Historical Release, i want to quickly talk about the fantasy release for this month, i had elves planned for this month, but we decided it would be timely to do some more pseudo fantasy anglo saxon type figures because of a completely unrelated movie coming out in 2 weeks, that release is mostly finished, but the full preview will likely be a day later then usual, ive dropped a image in with this preview so you know what to expect, it is the Render that is in a different style to all the rest So for the Historicals, this month we have 100yw Artillery! This is specifically modelled of the Guns edward III had at crecy, doing research on this was a bit tricky, so we have called the kit 100yw artillery because ive seen conflicting information about what he actually had, so at the battle of crecy and that campaign, edward is said to have had some of the first or the first gunpowder artillery in that part of europe, the 2 pieces people talk about are a early cannon of some form, and a “ribauldequin” which is essentially a early organ gun, said to have 12 barrels, For both of these pieces of equipment, all the reference material we found was from almost 50years later, for the ribauldequin specifically the most famous design is a da vinci design, and there is a earlier one from 1405, but thats still 50 years to late, so with our versions we attempted to further simply the design to push it back to 1346, the bombard is a classic design and builds in 1 way, however the ribauldequin can be adjusted to angle up and down, if you build it and dont glue the frame to the gun platform, your able to slide a bit of wire into the piece of wood at the back to set the firing position, This release is also accompanied by the 8 Crew, a lot of the crew are interchangeable, but naturally the one carrying the cannon ball is suited for the bombard and the model holding up the back of the ribauldequin is in the same boat. they are all dressed in unique kit with different gambesons and tunics, and even tho in my mind, these are english, there's nothing to say they couldn't be used in any western european army from 1350-1450, in addition theres a variety of loose scatter to dress the bases with As per usual these figures will be available to download from the 5th of december, the physical release will be around mid December alongwith the november figures,, theres some good news on this front, to put it simply we have someone starting with us full time from the start of january, so ill no longer be playing double duty sculpting and casting! Will talk more about this down the line, additionally im expecting the big shipment of plastic horses to come inside of December, as soon as they are here we will do the Mounted men at arms, for Patreon/Tribes as well as Physical! As i mentioned the fantasy preview will come in a couple of days, it will be centered around characters from a few different sagas, the release has a bunch of different heroes, some shield maidens, a variety of characters foot and mounted, they are all grounded in a loose historical setting so will match the existing vendel range, but some of the ones yet to show are dialed up in the fantasy department
ExpandNovember Fantasy Release
I've got the preview ready for the November fantasy release! The 2nd month in the series of elves were doing at the moment, this month is a set of wood elf spearmen! About a year ago, in fact it may have been 2023 november, we did a set of woodelf Rangers, and ever since then people have asked for those designs but with spears. So here they are! So this month there are 3 kits, 1 command kit with a Leader, Standard bearer and Musician, the next 2 kits are sets of 6 warriors with spears, 1 with arms fit for shields, and 1 with the spears in 2 hands, all of the models with spears unlike usual, have sculpted on spears attached to the model, these spear shafts arent straight and wont slide into the hands, however there is a duplicate of each model with the standard empty hand so you can use plane spears, or the 1mm Wire spears like our usual models, next month is the december release! the last set of models for 2024, i have a few ideas bouncing around we could do, but open to some specific suggestions for the month of christmas, reindeer cavalry could be a fun one as per usual the models will be ready to download in a few days on the 5th of november!
ExpandNovember Releases Pt1
hey guys, heres the First preview for the November Release! primarily looking at the Historicals in this post, this is the 2nd month of the scottish release for HYW period, these models are intended to compliment the prior months release, with more infantry and some characters to lead them! These kits will be available in metal when were back from our Reorganising Break around mid november so first 2 kits to talk about are the figures we have labeled, King David II and John Randolph III. before i go to much further its worth mentioning, there is little no infomation about what these guys looked like, with other characters, we get lucky with tombes, effigies, statues, contempory art, or even some bits of kit surviving to base the figures on, but with these 2 that was not the case, so even though we have labeled them with names, it is equally valid to just treat these guys as standard command type figures in both a english or french army, so starting with King David II, a quick history of king david II is he’s the is the son of robert the bruce from the first war of scottish independence, who died when david was 5, not long after he fled to scotland to france because of Edward the III stirring up trouble in scotland, when he was 17 he returned to scotland (year was 1341) and 5 years later with Edward III now fighting in france, at the request of King Phillip david Invaded england, the campaign lasted only a few months before they were thoroughly defeated at Nevilles cross, and david was captured, and thats the battle we chose to make up the scottish army from! One of the other scottish commanders was John Randolph who had been fighting the english for a good while by this point, unfortunately was killed at nevilles cross, Both these command Figures are single piece figures with separate Shields, unlike the prior characters there is no specific horse for these 2, instead what you see pictured are 2 of 4 new horses for you to pick from, and of course these horses will be good extra variety for the mounted Knights Next up are the 2nd kit of Scottish pikemen, these guys pikes are slightly raised compared to last months and are intended to be the rank behind, once again they are all in unique kit, some well armoured and some poorly equipped, as is standard they are provided with empty hands for wire spears or printed pikes, And lastly are some unarmoured Archers, a bit like the command figures, we have them here labelled as scotts but thats really more out of the month they were sculpted in, nothing to say these couldn't be used in other forces or periods, these are intended to be the small contingent of Scottish bowmen at Nevilles cross (who were quite outgunned by the english longbowmen) that Skirmishes in front of the Schiltrons at the start of the battle The main missing component from the French, English and Scots, is light/medium Cavalry! These are likely coming in the January Release provided the plastic horses have arrived, the December Historicals are going to be the guns from Crecy brought by the english! The full Fantasy Preview will be out next!
ExpandOctober Fantasy Release!
and now heres the preveiw post for this months fantasy models! This month we start a new collection of elves, the idea is each months worth of figures will be there own theme or regiments worth, for this first month we went with unarmoured elves, these are all more casual poses more inline for RPG settings or Scenarios, but still naturally usable in wargaming for variety in your poses the first kit are 4 NPC figures, these elves are all unarmoured and modestly dressed, 2 are carrying lamps which is an oppertunity to paint some OSL, they will look great to flesh out display board or fill a scene or be used as a character model, the next 3 kits are unarmoured elven warriors, 1 command set and 2 warrior packs 1 set with spears, another with bows. these models are all fairly uniquely dressed but done in the same coheisive style, (side note there are multiple sets of spears included in the packs, some specific elvish ones, for the renders we forgot and used the standard ones) the banner bearers Flag like usual is seperate from the bearer, and is in here both as a seperate componant for a wire spear, or a fully printed flag, for next months elves, i was planning to do Woodelf rangers with spears to compliment the rangers with bows we have done already last year, but if there is interest it would also be good to do these style of elves once more in combative poses as per usual these figures will be available to download around the 5th of this month! and ill be back tomorrow with a post for MOAB coming up this weekend with some previews of some of the new kits were bringing there
ExpandOctober Historical Release!
hey everyone, that time of the month again for the next previews! theres a flurry of posts coming in the next few days to do with the october Releases, an update on the 10mm WW2, and MOAB and Hard plastics? this weekend, but for now im just concerned with the Historical models for October, these models as per usual will be available to download after a few days into the month, the metal figures are ready to go awaiting photography! so the last 4 months covered the early 100YW period in mainland europe, english and the french for crecy and poitiers, (and there is still more to come on those!) but at the same time that was happening, the scottish led by King David II son of robert the bruce, took the oppertunity to attempt to invade england, this did not go well, one of the notable battles was Neville's Cross, a big scottish defeat, and one we will be covering both english and scottish for* so to begin this month we have some more foot knights, this time with 2 handed swords, these knights work for all of the nations in this period, they are an extension of the existing Footknight/mounted knight kits, done in the same armour style, as is standard there are 2 with basinets 2 with great helmets the next kit is Scottish Pikemen, these models are dipicted in a broad range of gear, while ive done with them with pikemen in mind, you could easily swap these into spears or halberds to use in another force, these pikes are all horizontal, next month we will do pikes at a angle to serve as the 3rd rank the 3rd and final kit for this month, is Scottish infantry with axe and shield, this might sound very specific and odd, but the intent is you put these models at the front of your shiltron, these guys are all done in crouching poses to duck under the pikes, Next month the intention is to do more scottish troops, and then King david II and william douglas, who is also related to james douglas, another figure we did a few years back
- its also worth noting edward III who we have already covered also had some run ins with the scottish prior to the 100YW Really kicking off, but what i was reffering to here was doing the specific english figures for the battle ill be back tomorrow with the Fantasy Release post!
September Fantasy release!
The September Fantasy Release is here for a Preview! This is the last dedicated month of the southrons, i believe its number 6 for them, additionally this month there's a couple of other fantasy kits, as per usual all of these models will be ready on the 5th of the month for download from MMF The first kit to talk about are the southron casualties, these are suited for your display boards or scenic bases, (ideally if your regular opponents play a faction similar to these!) they are made up of the different warrior types we have done in the prior releases The next 2 kits are the Southron Characters, the first is the Southron sultan, the 2nd is the Wraith, both of these figures are single part prints, however i have included the wraiths mounted body separately, so you can put it on another mount! And then we have the 4 goblin spider riders! These are the mounted versions of the kit from last month, you'll notice the figures match the dismounts, for the smaller scale skirmish games im a big fan of the matching dismounts personally, and that's what these are more suited for, Lastly we have 2 praying Knights, these will go well in a vignette with the handmaiden from last month, So from October onwards we are going to be looking at elves! Elves of all sorts, like we have done in the southrons, there will still be the odd kit here and there to keep fleshing out other ranges or doing the niche things that don't warrant a full months content,
ExpandSeptember Historical Release!
Coming to the end of the month and its time to Preview the September Releases! So today we're going over the Historical release, and in the next few days we will look at the Fantasy release The STL's will be released on Patreon/tribes on the 5th of September, the Metal figures for this Release are live and available in a bundle with the August release as a french starter army This is the 2nd french release for the 100 Years war, with 2 characters and 2 more infantry units, the 2 characters we picked this month are more suited to Poitiers rather then Crecy as with the english, but not to worry, the remaining notable figures will be coming down the line, So the 2 characters we picked to do were King John the 2nd, and Geoffroi de Charny with the Oriflamme banner, king john was the french king at the battle of poitiers, who lost to the english and was taken prisoner, when he surrendered to the English, he was apparently on foot, helmet nocked off swinging his Axe defending his son Prince phillip* so our foot figure here is done to represent that, while the mounted figure is a standard commander figure, The 2nd character is a knight called Geoffroi de charny who carried the Oriflamme banner, the Oriflamme was a French Banner said to have dated back to charlemagne and was meant to indicate they werent going to take prisoners, Geoffroi is killed during the battle and the english captured the banner, so his foot figure is him on the defensive fighting to protect it, The next 2 units this month are more French Spearman, and more Crossbowmen, these are less suited to Poitiers and rather match the crecy figures, these are continuation of the august models, which will now give you 2 units of 8 Spearman with shields or pavises, or 8 Genoese Crossbowmen The October Release for the Historicals will start to look at mounted men at arms and then infantry with hand weapons, as opposed to the spear and bill which is all ive done up until now,
- prince phillip will come in October most likely to finish the little diorama,
August Fantasy Preview!
This is the Preview post for the August Fantasy Models! This month is a little bit different, its the 2nd last month of southrons, but because last month had no random kit, we did 2 characters this month in place of those, So Starting with the Southron kits we have this month, we have 4 more Palace guard this this time with Swords over spears, and another set of warriors this time throwing Rocks down Castle walls, or from whatever elevated position there standing on, all of these models are single piece figures Next up we have 4 Goblins, these ones were one i through into the mix, there specifically the dismounts to Goblin Spider riders i have to drop next month, as long as i can remember ive heard people say they wanted to see these on the table, so for a upcoming event we have done a profile so people can finally run them! The riders are coming in september, there are both Spear/bow options and Throwing Spear options in this set and the next Next up is the veteran Captain, this model is foot and mounted, the Spear is a Seperate component and so is the shield just as usual, his armour is more elaborate then the Knights, but beaten up, hes also dropped his Mail coat in favour of a quieter padded coat as he transitions into more of a Ranger, which he has already begun with the cloak and hood The last model was a last minute impulsive choice to do, 5 or 6 days ago one of the patrons in the discord asked about a model in this Vein, i don't do very many female models in general, tho that will change perhaps with the elves coming from october onwards, the rider on this piece is detached from the Unicorn, so you can put her on a horse or any other mount, the Foot figure would work well by herself in a diorama piece alongside a knight being Dressed by there Squires, perhaps a piece i should do soon on the historical front Next month is the last month of southrons ill round it out with characters and casualties, and of course the spider riders, after that we are onto Elves! The Files for these will be up in the next few hours
ExpandAugust Historical Release!
going into Month 3 of 100 years war releases, this Month,(august) we start the French! and also the first go of any mounted Knights! i sculpted this month alongside the September Releases back to back, like the english in june/july, they will combine to make the beginnings of a French army so we will show that off mid next month. The Metal Kits for These are all Done and Ready to go awaiting photography, we will do a Post for them Seperatly, so starting with the 2 Knights Kits, we have 1 set with basinets, and optional visors, and another with great helmets, both have 1 couched lance and 1 upright, they are done in a similar style to the foot knights from June, and the heads and visors will be compatible with those figures, i currently have 2 new horses for these guys, pictured here mirrored, believe it or not, doing the robes on these horses takes alot longer then youd think, and personally look bad when rushed, so im replacing the old, "Robed Horses" pack with a new Barded horses pack which ill be putting the new horses in 1 at a time ongoingly, these are only the first mounted knights, i have more on the way with different gear and Armour sets, moving onto the 2 infantry Kits, we have French Spearman with Shields or Pavises, and Genowise Crossbowmen, both these are listed as Kit 1, because next month is the Kit 2, so by september youll have 2 complete units of 8, both these kits come with Shields and pavises, we have 16 new pavises, 4 are flat boards as are on the spearman, and 12 later pavises in a variety of shapes, these 2 kits Share some new armour components, namely coat of plates, and some brigadines, and a bunch of new helmets, specificaly on the french spearman there are some helmets based of some manuscripts, (this is more so in kit 2 then 1) but each figure is quite diverse from one another, next month is September, we will cover 2 French Characters, and the additonal 8 Infantry, after which we will move onto Mounted Men at arms
ExpandJuly Fantasy Release!
Hey guys, the Fantasy Models for this month are pretty much Ready to show off! These models will be available to download from the 5th Onwards as usual! This is the 4th month of the Southron Releases! All 4 kits are southrons this time The first 2 Kits to preview are the first more Elite Troops, these Palace Guard are in a more Standardized Kit embossed with Serpent Motifs, and will be Easy to distinguish on the table because of there Cloaks, the cloaks were modelled to look like a Lighter Fabric which would be ideally painted maybe a deep Red/Purple Perhaps almost silk like, which will stand out next to the thicker heavy fabrics of the conscripts, there are 4 Models foot and mounted, Each with hollow hands for wire Spears or printed Spears, The next 2 kits work as Mounts Dismounts but less Directly the Above 2, the 3rd Kit this month is the first set of Camel Riders, These 4 models are the same Southrons we have been doing Foot and mounted so far but on camels, the Mounted bodies are designed to sit onto the camels and dont work on the horses, the Riders can be Equipped with or without Shields, which leads us to the 4th kit, which is 4 more Spearman this time designed to take Shields in the left hand, ill quickly note at the time the renders were taken only 2 camels were ready, there are now more poses and ill point those out next time they are used, you'll see them in the downloads once the files are published on the 5th, The August Fantasy release will cover more Camel Riders, I have done some Fantasy Camel Cataphracts! They will of course be cross compatible with the standard camels this month, additionally will start looking at some character/leader models,
ExpandJuly Historical Release!
Hey guys, ive got the first Preview for the July Releases ready, this one is the Historicals preview. This is the 2nd Month of content for the 100YW, this release combined with June’s models both Cover the English forces from Early 100YW The first 4 Models to talk about this month are the 2 Characters, Edward the III, the current king of england, whom is depicted at Rest here likely watching his son “earn his spurs”, and his Son edward of Woodstock “the black Prince” is modelled here leading a charge, he is modelled with his iconic Helmet decorations, both of these figures come in Matching Foot and mounted with 2 Different Horses, they are single piece figures bar the Shield, and the riders are detached from there horses, The next kit is another 14thC billmen, they models all have empty hands for the wire Spears, or printed Bills like usual, these models are designed to fit with the last set of billmen from june to create a cohesive unit of 8 all with Different kit, Naturally while ive labled them as English, they are certainly useful for other Factions from the same period, following Men at arms kits will start to include Spear and Pavise/shield, and other Equipment The last kit for this month is 4 more archers, these archers are depicted with no armour bar the helmet, they are all Single piece models, being less armoured there arent really any visual identifiers that would have them out of place earlier in history aswell, In the next 2 months, the August and September releases we will cover the French forces from the Early 100YW period in a similar manner, but with mounted Knights and Crossbows in place off foot and archers, from there we will go back and forth to add extra variety and equipment options to flesh out both sides and the Different Characters worth Making from the Different battles, , the June&July and August&September Releases also work as 2 Starter 3-Point Saga forces for age of chivalry with 2 Warlord options for both sides
ExpandJune Fantasy Release!
Hey guys the Fantasy Preveiw for June is finished! this is the 3rd month of the Southron Releases focusing on cavalry this time, and 1 extra kit for a different faction, these models will be available to download in a few hours time! the first kit to talk about this month is the Arnadudin Veterens, these 4 models are designed to include amongst your existing figures to add variety and character with there cloaks, bags and pack, we have done a variety of different armour sets for this faction going back to 2021, and in these figures ive included a elements from a bunch of them, they are modelled with empty hands like usual to use printed or wire spears, the shields are modelled on before i go onto the southrons, i should first mention there are 4 New horse poses this month, i almost just did the usual galloping horse poses with different gear, but at the last minute took some time to make some cantering horses, these 4 obviously have the apparel of the faction, but the basic horse will find its way into a generic Horse kit soon enough so they will be useful for other factions aswell, some cantering horses were sorely needed because the options recently have been galloping or walking, so onto the 3 Cavalry kits, these models are all designed with the infantry we have done prior in mind as dismounts, as sucht they feature the same armour designs, helmets and so on, with the exception of the sword and board cav, dismounts for them will be coming soon, so the 3 kits are, Southron Cav with Sword and Shield, southron Cav with Spear, and then Horse archers, additionally there are 6 Shield Designs, and the Quivers for the Horse archers are detached, this was primarily to make the supports simpler, they simply plug into the rider, the spears like normal are seperate, and the riders have empty hands for July's Releases will be 4 Camel Riders! and 4 dedicated Dismounts, aswell as 4 more elite Cavalry, and there Dedicated dismounts, after that i plan to round out the faction with a bunch of characters in august, and whatever other peices you guys would like, the Metal Figures for the Southrons will be ready early next week, they are taking longer to produce because they need new Horses, the Veterans are already available
ExpandJune Historical Release!
This is the First Month starting our 100YW Models for The Patreon/MMF and Monthly Metal figures! We kick off starting with the English, but its worth noting these models for the most part will work in more periods then just 100yw, and in more factions then english, and as such the naming convention on the kits will remain generic So the first 2 kits to show off are 2 packs of knights, 1 set with Basinets, 1 with modular great helms, all 4 knights are equipped with hand weapon and shield, 1 which is already attached, the Great helmets are modular because the neck joint is hidden, this will be the standard going forward for knights with great helms, these knights are very much intended to be early 100YW, with the Shorter Surcoats and more plate then other knights we have done before, The next kit is a pack of 4 Infantry with bills, these guys are fairly unarmoured compared to some of the infantry coming down the line, they all have empty hands for you to use a 1mm wire spear with a printed bill head, or a fully printed bill, The last kit is 4 English longbowmen, originally this month i had planned to do release 8 archers to complete the unit, but ive opted to save the remaining 4 unarmoured archers till next month so that people could get started with infantry as well, all the archers are single piece miniatures with the exception of the arrows in the ground on 1, Next month we will release 2 English Characters F/M, 4 more infantry and 4 more archers, i have a Roadmap i hope to polish later this week which will cover through to the end of the year, As per usual the files for these figures will be available to download from the 5th, the Metal figures will be up around the same time once photography is done Ill be back tomorrow with the Fantasy Release breakdown
ExpandMay Fantasy Release!
And the 2nd post for today is the fantasy digital releases preview! This is the 2nd month of southrons alongside 1 other kit to an existing faction So starting with the southrons, we have a chieftain/captains type foot and mounted, he is equipped bow and spear, the foot model could easily lead a regiment of conscripts with the models from last month, but there is also the mounted model as well, the mounted model is a single piece model, the rider is not separate in this case, I don't do this often but with this figure I felt it appropriate, The next 3 kits are sets of assassins, 4 with melee gear 2 with bows, these are all single piece figures, they are in a variety if poses ether watching waiting around a corner, running, or preparing to strike, and then the last one is a indiana Jones easter egg, The next kit is an additional set of southron archers, one of the bits of feedback from the last 4 were they were to armoured for some people's taste, so I've done these 4 with no helmets and armour, this will also help to have less duplicates in your army The last kit for the month for a different faction is long awaited arnaudin cavalry, the 3 knights in this kit are a slight upgrade on the existing warriors i've done and as such required a single warrior as a dismount to match, these guys all have updated modular heads, with and without visors and head wrappings, The physical releases for these kits are on the go however we have the 80 sculpts from the KS who are all getting added to the store very soon who are getting in the way, hopefully the may models will be up inside of a week, the KS stuff will likely be start of june or July, Next months release will continue with southron cavalry, then another fantasy kit for an existing faction, I havent picked one yet so if you have any suggestions let me know!
ExpandMay Historical Release
Hey guys this is the first of 2 posts today covering the may digital releases, these files will already be in your library if your a tribes or patron user, This month is the last of the carolingian releases for now, we have 6 skirmishers on foot and 6 mounted, they are designed to be equipped with javelins in both hands and optional shields, The skirmishers will blend nicely with the existing dark age skirmishers for a set of 12 unique sculpts, i made sure not to reuse any of the poses from those prior sets These 12 figures brings the total carolingian range up to 60 sculpts now, covering all the bases so from June onwards were shifting focus to medievals, specifically 1300-1350 and way 100yw starting with French and English, The physical kits for these sculpts will be up in a week or so, we have the full vendel range hitting the store inside the next month now all the KS parcels are done, so there will be a small delay because there's a Good 80 figures in that which need listings photography and stock,
ExpandMay Tribes & Patreon Release!
hey guys, here is the combined Preview for the May Releases, this is the 2nd month of southrons, and the final month of carolingians! like usual these figures will be ready to download on the 5th of the month which is this sunday, the physical figures will be available shortly after and will get a dedicated post with them and other kits that are ready so starting with the Carolingians, this month we have 6 Skirmishers on foot and 6 more mounted with javelins, these guys are provided with empty hands to hold javalins in each hand, and optional shields to go over the left hand, as i alluded to before, this will wrap up the Carolingian range finishing on 60 unique Sculpts! for fantasy this is the 2nd month of Southrons, after last month one of the biggest requests as 4 more archers with no helmets or armour, so ive gone and done 4 more in a similar style, additionally ive done a captain/champion foot and mounted to lead the spearman/archers, he is depicted with both spear/bow and as usual has empty hands for a separate spear, next up I've done 6 Assassins, 4 with Daggors 2 with bows, 2 of which are pictured in the render, and lastly for the last kit for another faction is 4 Arnaduin Knights, these are a multipart kit and will be previewed in the specific fantasy Post coming in the next few days, they are an evolution of the style of the previous warriors, but still consistent, keep an eye out in the next few days for the specific posts for Fantasy and Historicals, and then next week hopefully Wednesday-ish for the post for metal listings for these kits, next months releases for historicals will be diving into the new Medieval range, starting with early 100YW, some of these have been previewed as I've been working on this range for a few months now so i have a lot of content in the bag ready in advance,
ExpandApril Fantasy Release!
Here is Full Preview for the Fantasy Miniatures, apologies we are a bit late this month, we are 4 Days away from the due date for Baby no.2, so things have been moving alot slower the last 2 weeks, So this month is the first month of Arabian Inspired models, usually we come up with a faction name and unit names, for now we haven't done that until we have done a bit more research so we're sticking with “southrons” as the faction name until we have a original one, this faction will be the May and june releases with 3 kits, and the 4th kit of the month will be something else So starting with the 2 models not from this new faction, is a New orc captain on foot and on wolf, this is the first captain in almost 2 years! This model is depicted with a desecrated elf shield and helmet, based of my elves from prior months, and is a similar size and build the recent orc rabble kits, the wolf is also slightly updated from last years wolf riders So onto the first southron kits, this month we have done the basic warrior types, there are 12 warriors and a banner and hornblower, (Champion/Chieftains will come next month) so we have, 4 Southron conscripts with bows 4 southron conscripts with spears 4 southron conscripts with spears and bows 2x Banner and hornblower All 14 of these warriors are done in a similar style with subtle differences, so they will work as a cohesive regiment, The banner once again is printable with the pole, and then comes with hollow holes for use with a 1mm wire spear the files for these are ready to download on MMF, patrons will get the link shortly, and the casts will be available in the next few days
ExpandApril Historical Release!
Here is the Full Preview for the April historical files, this is the 2nd last month of carolingians, with 2 characters and alternate heathguard The 2 characters this month are the 2 Warlord options in SAGA, Charlemagne and Roland, both of these Characters have foot and mounted options, they are depicted with walking horses but would be equally suitable with galloping horses both options are in these kits, The next 2 kits are the alternate hearthguard, these are based of the tapestries that depict carolingian warriors in a Roman esque aesthetic, they have a mix of Scale and sculpted Cuirass and morian esque helmets, its a hot topic weather these actually existed in the way they are depicted, and i decided that it was better to do them as depicted for those who are a fan of the style, rather then to try and do a blending of the more grounded takes of the armour i've done with the prior models, these will certainly stand out as an elite unit on the table compared to the regular carolingian warriors, As mentioned previously this is the 2nd last month of carolingians, the next release will cover the levies with javelins, likey 6 on foot and 6 mounted, after this release in may, we are back to medievals! Most likely starting with english and french 100YW but will also look back to cover some the bits i missed for 13thc the files for these are ready to download on MMF, patreons will get the link shortly, and the casts will be available in the next few days
ExpandApril Releases!
Despite posting this on April first, rest assured this is not a Joke post, this is indeed the preview for the April releases! So Starting with the historical release, this month is back to Carolingians, there are 2 Characters this month both whom have a Foot & Mounted Version, Charlemagne and Roland, the next 2 kits this month are alternate hearthguard, there are 4 foot and 4 mounted Hearthguard whom are depicted in the curias/scale and Morion style helmets from the tapestries, 1x Charlemagne Foot & Mounted 1x Roland Foot & Mounted 4x Alternate Hearthguard on foot 4x Alternate Hearthguard Mounted The Fantasy release this month has an Orc captain F/M on a wolf, he is wearing a desecrated elf Helmet with a matching elf shield, these both come from the Wood Elves recently released, the next 4 kits for fantasy are all the start of the first eastern faction from us, this first release is a bunch of basic warriors with spears and bows, and a banner and hornblower, there is also an additional set of bow/quiver pieces to place on the hips of the spearman to have some spearman with bows. The full breakdown is 1x Orc Captain Foot & Mounted 4x Southron Conscripts with bows 4x Southron Conscripts with Spears 4x Southron Conscripts with bows & Spears 4x Southron Banner & Hornblower Like usual the full breakdowns and images will come in the next few days, with the kits ready to download by the 5th, the May release for historicals will be the last carolingian release covering skirmishers before we move back to medievals, and fantasy will again be these eastern faction(hopefully with a name)
ExpandMarch fantasy Release!
And finally the last preview for March, the fantasy models, this is the 2nd half of the ghostly Gauls for now, along with 2 orc models, all of these kits are available to download to tribes/patrons The first kit is the King and the commanders, there are 2 Banner bearers and 1 banner alongside the King, the King is modelled after the statue of king Vercingetorix found in france The Musician and banners are intended to go alongside the warriors from the first release. The 2nd kit for this month is the Riders, this kit has 3 New horses, with similar armour to the troops, but very gaunt, the 3 riders match the troops from january, but are supplied with round shields not hexagonal, you can do your dismounts with the same round shields to tell them apart if you choose, The last 2 kits for this month are the Gual archers, and then 2 Orcs done in the style of the legionnaire orcs from last year, these 2 are a drummer and standard bearer, the Standard is supplied as a single piece, or without a shaft for a more durable wire shaft.
ExpandMarch Historical Release!
The Files for the March releases are Ready to download! so it's past time for the previews, Starting with the Historicals, these are the 12 Norman Knights, this is a quick break from the Carolingians we have been doing recently due to popular request The first 2 kits are both 4 Knights with spears, 1 kit with more rest poses and the 2nd with attacking poses, the figures are supplied with open hands for printed spears or Wire spears, the Shields are detached and intended to be slung on the arm against the shield strap, the 3rd kit is the last 4 knights who have swords, and have some attacking some travelling poses. There are 8 horses included in each kit aswell The April release will be back to Carolingians as will may
ExpandMarch Releases!
Hey guys quick post to outline the March Fantasy and Historical releases, the full Breakdown will come on monday with files/web listings up from tuesday. Starting with the Fantasy Release! This month we're wrapping up the Ghostly Gauls we started in january. pictured in this preview is the King, 1 archer and a rider, the full release will contain 1 king, 1 musician and 2 banners, 4 Archers, 3 Riders and 3 Horses, and then lastly an orc legionnaire standard bearer and musician to fill out the release, Onto the historical release, this month is a 1 off release of 12 Norman Knights, these have been hotly requested for a fair while now, this release comes with 8 with spear, and 4 with hand weapons, and will be mounted on the 8 Dark age horses, Looking forward into april, for historicals we are back to carolingians, and for fantasy looking at something something eastern related, Keep an eye out from monday for the full breakdowns
ExpandMonthly Tribes Discount Codes
Hey guys, Just a quick post to say from next month we won't have to post the discount code on our MMF page anymore as our current Tribes subscribers will recieve automatic discounts when they purchase from the account they're subscribed through. These codes should refresh each month but please let us know if there are any issues as it's a new system there may be some learning curves.
ExpandFantasy Release!
And last post for tonight is the Feb Fantasy Release! This is another batch of rangers and outlaws, i believe it was 2022 i did the first batch of these, recently a bunch of folks have been asking for more of these so i slotted them in here! So the kits for this month are, 4x Ranger characters 4x Archers 1 4x Archers 1 4x Spearman The models from this month are primarily the unarmoured variety, and were they do have any it is hidden under their coats, the 2 archer kits are split as such. the models not directly firing there bows also have there bows sheathed and some quivers too, these are the spearman and the characters. the models will go together to make a cohesive warband, there are a couple of options for a leader, a hornblower, and a potential banner bearer conversion as well with the model with a spear able to double as a standard bearer because the spear is a modular part that you could replace with a wire rod and banner tip. Next month for Fantasy, we are finishing the Ghostly Gauls with Cavalry and characters!
ExpandHistorical Release!
Finally caught up post cancon and have the 2 Previews ready for February, models will be Live soon, so Starting with the Historicals! The units are
- Banner bearer foot and mounted
- Hornblower foot and mounted
- 8 Carolingian warriors with bows The warriors with bows are the main feature for this month, a full unit of 8, they are visually consistent with the prior warriors from earlier months, The banner and hornblower are intended to go on your command stands alongside a warlord, the foot and mounted options will work well considering the warlord may also be mounted, The banner tips come with hollow holes designed to go with northstar wire spears or any 1mm wire, or can be printed with a shaft. Reminder that next month the march release won't be carolingians, it will be the 12 mounted norman knights, but the following month in april will see the Carolingian heroes!
February Releases!
Hey guys quick post with the 1st Preview for February, the Detailed posts will come out like usual over the next few days with Physical/Digital Kits being released on the 5th of the month, So as mentioned previously this months Carolingians will Feature the 8 archers, and the last 4 figure slots to fill became the Banner bearer and hornblower foot and mounted, pictures below is the foot horn, and mounted banner, Like is the norm, the 2 Banner/pennant tips will be separate component designed for use with a 1mm Wire spear, For Fantasy this month, we have 16 new Ranger/outlaw type figures, these are done in a similar vein to ones we did almost 2 years ago, but brought up to the current standards, on a side note this is quite timely because over the weekend many people came to rummage through out sorting tubs for DnD characters, and Rangers was the main one missing, I will go into more detail by monday about the march releases, but reminder for March we are taking a 1 month break on carolingians, to redo the norman knights! And for fantasy will be doing more of the ghostly gauls, cav, characters and archers. Keep an eye out over the next couple of days for the full breakdown posts
ExpandJanuary Historical Release!
Here is the Full Preveiw of the January Historical Release, these Figures will be released as STL’s on Tribes/Patreon this friday, and the Metal casts will also be live from friday, they were Moulded a week ago so are ready to go! So the first kit is the mounted equivalents of the carolingian hearthguard on foot from last month, done in the exact same visual style to be a cohesive unit, they come with Empty hands for use with wire spears or printed spears, The 2nd kit is 4 mounted carolingian warriors with spears, again these are mounted equivalents of the warriors from december, new in January are 3 new Plain shields, they are simple round dark ages shields, which will help breakup the more unique shields from last month, there are a total of 9 Shields now, The 3rd kit is mounted carolingian warriors with hand weapons, 2 with Axes and 2 with scramasax the long Knife the food warriors were mostly carrying from December, these figures come with attached weapons Not pictured in these renders, because the Renders were started before the Horses were exported, but there are now 8 Horse poses, and they will get Shown off in a separate post covering the 2024 Welcome pack For the February Release were doing 8 Archers on Foot and 4 Mounted archers, i'm Hoping to have these figures ready for Cancon at the end of january, after these, it's time for characters/standard bearers so you can start rounding out your armies and playing them on the table, Ill be back tomorrow with the Fantasy release previews
ExpandJanuary Fantasy Release!
Here is the Preview for the January fantasy release, this is a Part 1 of 2 for this theme*, the Files for these will be available to download within in the next day, along with the metal casts will also go up for release This month there are 4 kits of 4 ghostly gauls, these warriors are all very similar so i'll talk about them in 1 go rather than unit by unit, but nonetheless the kits are 4 x ghostly gauls with spears 4 x ghostly gauls with spear and shield 4 x ghostly gauls with sword and shield 4 x ghostly gauls with axe and shield the Warriors with hand weapons are all modelled onto to the figure like usual, but one difference between these and other releases, is both the prints and casts have separate modelled spears, the reason for the separate spears has always been for ease of printing, so the spears don't snap, but in these guys case, its because they are a little more stylised, it was worth doing modelled spears not wire, The Plan for February are new Ranger models, these have been requested by many people for a few months, so im ticking those off, like with the february fantasy, youll hopefully see the first glimpses of these before Cancon because i hope to bring them there! *I'll return to this theme in March, coming back with Cavalry, archers, and then leaders such as banner musician, and some other undead characters
ExpandJanuary Releases
Little bit of a Change from the normal preview posts because of new years and christmas and not getting quite as much time to work, so instead of dropping the previews separately, will do a combined post first, then in the first few days of jan ill post a full breakdown for both Fantasy and Historical, the models are done, but the Renders have taken a bit longer, So starting with historicals there are 12 Carolingian Cavalry, 4 armoured warriors with spears, 4 with Hand weapons, and 4 with Spears, additionally there are 4 new horses for a total of 8 Dark ages horses, and 3 new round shields for a total of 9 Then to Fantasy are 16 Ghostly Gauls, this is a part 1 to be finished in a following month, likely february or march, but for this month we have 4 kits of 4 warriors, 1 kit with swords, 1 with axes, 1 with 2 handed Separate spears, and 1 with spear and shield, Separate spears, The Spears for these models are “modelled on” instead of the usual wire spear route, because they have unique designs, they are all held in the same position so you can get a little bit of variety All the Models and Metal casts will be available from the 5th, Additionally for the Webstore, The december Fantasy models have all been cast in the correct Scale(i screwed it the first time.) and there are some extra kits as well we have been working on, As i said in the next few days the full previews will come after new years, but at least now you know what is coming for Jan
ExpandDecember Fantasy Release!
The Final preview for 2023 is here! And in full christmas Spirit it is full of elves! These Figures will be Available for download on MMF and metals purchasable on the store by the 5th of December. So the Main Figures this month are a Regiment of 12 Elven Rangers, they have 3 Clear Command figures, a Standard bearer, musician and Leader, there are additionally 9 Figures in various shooting or preparing to shoot poses. All of these figures are single piece prints, while the metals many of the hands holding arrows are a Separate component, aswell the banner figure has empty hands for a Brass/wire banner shaft, and the Pennant component is also hollow allowing you to slide it onto the wire, also included is a full printable banner, The last 4 Figures this month are Armoured warriors with hand and a half axes and shields, these figures are in a similar style to the Pikemen from 2 months ago but slightly different, they come as single piece prints, and separate axes for some of the metals, and separate Shields for both mediums, the Shields in my mind are trying to evoke some greek Shields, with the beaten metal look and shape, i think they will be quite effective in a bronze gold colour, they are also smaller than the usual Elf tear drop shields, because there meant to be Slung over the back or arm so they can use there Axes, More Elven warriors in this Style have been made, and will come down the line, Spear sword and such, So end of the year, atleast 400 Figures sculpted this year, and still somehow i didnt find time to do any eastern models, except for the 3 Kingdoms stuff which hasnt really got shown off yet, but after the Release on the 5th, time to start looking to 2024! Ill have to do a full post on that later on, aswell a kickstarter update post, but just on that quickly, we are somewhere between 60%-70% finished Casting all the figures, and brett has a bunch of time of his other work to do many extra days in december which has always been the plan anyway, so i dont doubt that will be done in january, Keep an Eye out for a post on the 5th to let you know the downloads and kits are ready!
ExpandDecember Historical Release!
Last Historical Releases for 2023 Tribes/Patreon and First month on Dark ages Mainland Europe, Specifically the start of the Carolingian/merovingian Ranges. These Figures both Digital/Metal as per usual Will be Live on the Website/MMF by the 5th of the month if not sooner. A Quick foreword on my Approach to Carolingians, there is quite well known illustrations based on some contemporary Art that depicts them in Morion esque helmets and Sculpted body Armour akin to Classical/Roman esque Designs, while very popular, its in conflict with other contemporary Art, does not Fit in with contemporary Technology or Match what came before and what came after. So i've chosen to completely Separate the Fantastical Illustrations from the more grounded approach i've taken. Models Representing These Depictions can come at a later time, So the First 2 Kits for this month are 2 Carolingian Warrior kits, 1 at rest, 1 Attacking, both with 4 Figures, these Combine to make a unit of 8 Warriors, they Come with 6 New shields depicted in the renders, as well as Generic Dark age Shields, my suggestion is to combine them for Flavour, the Spears are all separate as per usual to use printed or Wire spears. The 3rd Kit contains 4 Armoured Warriors which would work well in the Hearthguard profile, Here the differences between the Franks and The Scandinavians becomes a bit more pronounced which is more or less forced upon the models by me in a Attempt to make them feel different, with New helmets, new Cuts of chainmail and belt details, The plan for January is to do the same 3 kits again but mounted, in fact i've already done half of those figures because the plan was to do half mounted this month, but im still working on New horses, so next month, 8 Carolingian Horsemen, and 4 With heavy armour, One of the things about the vendel era Figures, the amount of equipment each figure had was quite romanticised because it was very much inspired from the Poems which depict everyone in Mail with long spears and gilded helmets, so thats what the figures were, within the bounds of the Archeological Finds and Designs, so starting Franks both carolingian and Merovingians, is ill Take it down a Notch back to a level of realism. Fantasy Preview is coming tomorrow! With Elven Rangers and warriors
ExpandNovember Fantasy Release
Here is the preview for the November fantasy release. This wasn't the plan for this month, but Enough people pointed it out it was orctober! And that ends with Halloween, so this month we have 14 Orcs and some Undead Elves. So the first 2 Kits we have are Orc Rabble, 4 with Spear and shield, these guys have hollow Hands for brass or printed Spears, and mostly attached Shields, additionally there are 4 more poses with 2 handed Axes, these are in the sale The last plain orc is a Banner bearer, this figure can be a simple spear and shield warrior, but has a Banner which is hollow for a Brass rod for strength The next 5 Orcs have a roman tilt, 1 Centurion type and 4 legionnaires modelled on Hastati/Dacian War romans, they are in the Style of the Orc crossbowmen and armoured Scouts, and come with 4 scutums The last 2 Kits are undead elves for halloween, these are modelled of the Gwyrdgalas elves, the same as the pikemen from last month. The Files for these figures will be Available over the weekend, by the 5th as per Usual. Next month is the December release, i would like to finally get to the pirates and eastern figures, but it is Christmas Season, so open to some christmas ideas!
ExpandNovember Historical release!
The November Release previews are both ready today! The STL’s will be available for download this Friday Evening Aussie time. And the Metal kits for each release will be up on the webstore the same time. So this months historical release continues on the Vendel Period with 4 new kits, Horsa foot and mounted, this is the brother to previously released Hengst, 8 Jutish Hearthguard, and Grendel and Grendels mother. So Starting of with Horsa, Horsa was the younger Brother of Hengst, the 2 Most likely mythical germanic/Jutish warriors made there way over to Britain in the 5th century, hengst becoming a king of Kent, not before Horsa being killed that is. The Model for Horsa foot and mounted has a empty hand for you to add a brass spear, and has a unique Horse shield consistent with the other vendel era Shields. The next 2 kits really need to be Spoken about together, which are the 8 Jutish hearthguard, these 2 kits of 4 figures are Sculpted with matching foot and mounted models and in the style of Horsa with the Lammeller armour. They will work great as variety in amongst the rest of the Vendel era figures as warriors or huscarls. Additionally whats possible with these figures is that they can be used in Small Skirmish/BC or RPG style games were the individual figure is Important because you are able swap a matching Mounted figure in. The last 2 Figures are grendel and grendels mother. They are based of the Art from J. R. Skelton a English artist. These are some of the last sculpts from the Kickstarter to be released as STL’s the last of which are the dragon/old Beowulf. The fantasy Release for this month will be previewed this arvo, it consists of 14 orcs for a late orctober! And 2 Undead Elves for halloween.
ExpandOctober Historical Release!
the October Historical Release begins to wrap up the Vendel era range, with only 1 month to go after this. more on that later, but for now! here are a whole bunch of characters! before the characters, there are 4 Huscarls with spear and shield, these guys are in the same style as the existing huscarls but with alternate gear, they will be great to accompany the named characters also in this release so the List of characters includes, Beowulf, with 2 build options* hrothgar and unferth, Wulfgar & Æschere, heardred, and Lastly wiglaf, these characters are all present in the Beowulf poem, there appearances are all my interpretation, but are inferred based on references in the text. All these characters will be suitable for fantasy or historical gaming, and can be used as any character you like, Lastly the banner bearer, the banner is a separate component and his hand is empty to allow a wire rod to hold it up which is much more durable, Next month will be the final vendel era Month for now, this has been my favourite range of fingers, certainly the one im most proud off, and theres more i want to do with it but i need a break from it so it dosnt just get repetitive, All off the figures for october will be released on the 6th.
ExpandOctober Fantasy Release!
The first Preview for October is here! The Historicals will be up Shortly, this month finishing the torgorod releases from August, with some long awaited Elf Models. We have been pretty radio silent this month because we have Moved into a Unit both for manufacturing and Office which has only just got WIFI. that has just taken so much time, it's pretty much done so next month should return to normal. So first up we have 4 Torgorod warriors with spears, these guys have the same modular heads as you've seen previously, and will have the same shield options as the other kits, but new for these models are some lithuanian themed shields, which fits the eastern european vibes this faction fits into, lastly the spears for these guys are separate to allow for wire spears or printed spears Next up are 3 Sappers/siege crew, perfect for dioramas, or siege Equipment such as the trebuchet and balista in the welcome pack, or something more tailored for the game your playing them in, the model with arms crossed from august would also sit well with these figures, The last torgorod kit we have are 5 commanders, 2 captains 1 with sword 1 with bow, a banner bearer, and 2 horn blowers, these guys fit right in with the 12 Warriors and good for Named NPC’s in a Roleplaying game aswell Lastly are some elven Pikemen, the first drafts of these are 18months old and have been the most requested models since then, there hands are empty to allow for printed spears/banners or wire spears The last 4 months were alternating Dwarves/torgorod, and i think that pace worked well, so for november and december i was thinking of doing the same thing, was going to do some eastern models next, then after that thought of a few things, pirates for instance would be fun! But open to ideas
ExpandSeptember Fantasy Release
A couple days late but here it is, the fantasy september preview, the files are all live for Tribes, and patreon will be up once ive finished writing this. Apologies we have been sick, and or busy then getting sick for the last week so this took a few days longer then the usual. In other news, were starting our move on thursday, a proper set up for our casting, and very soon printed sets, thats going to take a a couple of weeks before its finished, aswell the kickstarter has concluded, ill have a post up after this one talking about that. So onto this months releases! So first up is 4 Commanders for the SR dwarves, one of which is the long requested dwarf with raven, which we have 2 of this month 1 in each style, then a banner and hornblower, the banner is designed to use a 1mm-1.2mm rod and will slide up the flag and into the dwarfs hand for rigidity, you can ofcourse just print the full banner and slide it into the hand but i wouldnt recommend that, aswell with this set we have a hornblower, and ranger captain, The next command set has 5 figures, a bunch of characters to lead the warriors from july, so 3 cloaked captains with different gear good, then a hornblower, and dwarf with a raven and crossbow, and some travel gear, these are intended for either smaller skirmish games were personality matters, or as leaders. Lastly there are 4 Dwarven Markhor riders, 3 of these have 2 handed spear poses inspired by byzantine cataphracts, were the prior ones these were based on had couched lances, which didnt really gell with the eastern vibes, these are also done in the new style, to accompany these, there are 2 new spearmen with no shield option holding the spear in 2 hands that match the riders as dismounts. The riders are separate to the goats so you can get some variety, however with the horns, there is a pose that wont work with a goat just based on the various positions the horns are in. Next month we are returning to torgorod with more infantry and characters,
ExpandSeptember Historical Release
Hey guys just a quick post today, preview for the September Historical releases for Tribes/Patreon is now ready! These will be live in the next few days, Patreon won’t see much of a difference in release time but Tribes will be a few days later than usual, we’re just away today and tomorrow and have been ill for the last few days, so we won’t be home to upload all the files. This Release follows on with the Vendel Era Figures, so the first kit contains 4 x unarmoured spearmen warriors. From now on all the Kits will be in 4s instead of 3s, Hindsight we should have done this from the start because it is more conducive to gamers, then 3 x armored spearmen warriors kneeling/bracing these are in the same style as the prior 6 armored spearman, and will help you make a shield wall if your into multibasing Then lastly 6 x casualties (3 x unarmoured, 3x armored), the poses are simple enough you'll be able to mirror these into 12, and will look great on dioramas or used as tokens in game Spearmen hands come empty so you have the option to print and use brass or steel spears, or print the resin ones The fantasy release preview will be available Monday, unless I get a quick minute to post tomorrow (Aussie Fathers Day)
ExpandAugust Fantasy Release!
The Fantasy Release for August is ready for Preview! The models will be on patreon/Tribes by the end of the Week. This month we bounce Back to Torogod, Our Fictional Medieval Slavic Faction, and its Genuis Naming convention changing a single Letter from the very Real ‘Novgorod’... So starting out with My favourite Models are the Druzhina, these like there Namesake are essentially the Keiven Rus Equivilent to Heathguard. In our Minds these will Pair well with some of the Eastern Varangian Dwarves These 4 Models are all equipped with Decorative helmets, Spears modelled on, however removable Shields. The Shields are all attached via a strap slung over the models shoulder under the Cloak, so you can use whichever Alternate Shields you like. Mounted Versions will certainly be coming down the line Next up is a little diorama, a Boyar in Plate armour with an Advisor, and a Milita Banner bearer whos design is brought back from the original milita sculpts, the Banner bearer has a Modular Head, and the table is also separate The last 2 Kits are City Guard, they are Dressed in Warm fur lined coats over mail, aswell as the standard issue gorget, but drop the Shoulder armour and Vambraces. The Shields and heads are all removable, the heads are compatible with the existing heads, aswell as new options provided, the Shields are classic Medieval shields, changing both Heads and Shields can really redefine the look and purpose of these figures, they are prime for kitbashing. Down the line i intend to do Mounted versions for these models. I like the idea of doing a few on horses at rest poses, and having them patrol the Streets of your RP game. Then using the dismounts to chase the Player characters down the ally ways. Next month im going back to the Dwarves from July, a mainly covering Cav, but potentially Archers, and Blunderbusses. Drop any requests below!
ExpandAugust Historical Release!
Here is the August Preview for Historicals! These Sculpts will be Available in the next few days on Patreon/Tribes, and In metal on Our Kickstarter We finally cover Light Troops for the Vendel Era range this month, with archers and Skirmishers. These are all done in the Same visual Style to match the armored troops with the same buckles and cloaks but will fit in any Dark Age army The first 2 Kits are Both 2 sets of 3 Archers. 3 Are shooting their bows while the other 3 are either drawing the bow, pulling the Arrow, or cautiously finding a Safer spot to shoot from The 3rd and 4th Kits are Both Skirmishers with Javelins, these have optional Shields. Both Hands on Each model are empty so you can hold a spear in both hands, hidden behind the Shields you can also put a 2nd Spear to run alongside the 1st tho it will need to break in the Hand. That's it for this Month these models are pretty straight to the point, Down the Line id like to do Some armored Archers so let me know if that's something youd be after, for the remainder of the year, i have Casualties, more warriors at rest, a plethora of additional Characters, kneeling warriors all fully Sculpted and ready to go done in Adv for the Kickstarter, if there's anything not mentioned your after before we move on to goths/franks, drop a comment! Tomorrow Morning the Fantasy Post will drop with more torgorod Models!
ExpandJuly Fantasy Release!
The July Release for Fantasy Is now Fully uploaded! And here is the Preview This months Fantasy Release are a Eastern Dwarf Faction Named Gur-Adur (thankyou harnmaeron on Patreon) the Premise is Dwarves that do not solely Originate From Nordic/saxon influences, so i first looked at this idea a year ago with Ivaldi and brogir, and the Dwarven Cataphracts, the Idea was Dwarves who Just like the Vikings, might Have travelled from there Home down to a Empire analogous to the Byzantines, and taken up service as a Equivalent to the Varangian guard, These Dwarves are a Extension off that concept, but as there Own fully Fledged kingdom to be Fleshed out down the Line.These Dwarves Draw Cues from Babylonian and Assyrian Beards, Shields and Lamellar Cuirass as well as later eastern Cultures. So the First Kit of note are the 4 2 Handed Weapons dwarves, normally the Models come in 1 Configuration, they have axes or hammers or whatever, this month i tried something new, these 4 Models each come in 3 varieties, pole arms, Axes, and Mattocks, so you can mix them in a Unit for Variety, or have Seperate Weapon Profiles. The next 2 Kits are Dwarven 5 Spearmen and 3 Warriors with Swords, these all are designed to be Used with the tower Shields, of which there are 7, 6 with animal Designs and the 7th is Blank, they will rank up Nicely Into a Phalanx on Square Bases or work on rounds, The Spears are a Separate component, this is to make the printing Process easier as Spears on models are prone to breaking, this also future proofs your models cause if the spear does break on the model after painting, it will be easier to remove and replace, it also means the Spearman at rest Has the option of a Banner The Last kit is 4 Dwarven Crossbowmen, these are all Single Piece Miniatures, with Swords in Sheaths, and Depending on your Game System, can use the Shields from the other Models as Pavises In a coming month, potentially next month, or the one after, i will Continue on with Heros, and Updating the Cataphracts but For Now the troops will Standalone as a Unique Regiment in your army and if you do need a Model to Lead them Ivaldi and Brogir will be Perfect stand ins until dedicated captains and kings are sculpted!
ExpandJuly Historical Release!
The July Historical Release is Ready for Previews! This is the 4th Month Focusing on 5-7th century Scandinavia, this time Looking at some of the Character names Mentioned in the Sagas, as well as some Huscarls So First just quickly, these Figures are all coming to the Physical Range, same as last Months cavalry, as well as the Future releases, they will all be coming by the end of the Year through Kickstarter Rather then the Slow Drip on the Website, we have been doing alot of Stuff behind the Scenes working on that but nothing Ready to Show right now, Ok so onto the Figures! Firstly a Little Disclaimer, so the figures with Names or Titles be it like ‘huscarl’ or a specific Name, this is just 1 man's interpretation, so if you see these figures and go, that's not what i picture in my head, that is fine! Use them as or for anything else. There are Models for you to Paint and interpret, to Use in your games for whatever Role you want. So starting with the 2 Sets of Huscarls, the first set are the ones at rest, these guys are more leaning towards Camp Scenes or inside a village Guarding a Hall, they have Splint Grieves and Vambraces, and thats whats tying these guys together visually, as well as the chain faces, this is a bit of artistic liberty to have them be a bit uniform, this is more so when your playing games, they won't get mixed up with your regular troops, the Model holding his Helmet or with the 2 hands on the Axes would also be Perfect as a thane or character in your army, and to compliment these 3, are another 3 but this time in Attacking Poses, they Share the Same Splint Armour Vambraces so there Unit profile is recognizable on the table. I would like to do Spear and Shield Variants down the Line. So before I move onto the characters, there is a Hornblower Peice, he is just a Simple Dude Practising his Music, nothing more to see here. Next up! 5 Characters who Appear in the Beowulf Poem, so the Goal is to create most of the Named characters from the Poem and in some cases, the Variants as well. So this Month i focused on the Geats, with King Hygelac, Beowulf Post grendel, Pre King, Eofor and his Brother Wulf, as well as the Older Swedish King Ogentheow on foot, So King Hygelac and Beowulf are in a Pack together this in my mind are intended to be Around the raid on Frisia, when Hygelac is Killed, Hygelac is wearing His necklace which is more or less hidden by the Shield but you can see it from some angles, Aswell as A beowulf Depicted More as a Standard Warrior then other depictions, as i mentioned this is post Grendel, Pre Becoming King, so he has the Arm Braces and Gilded Helmet with the Boar given to him after Killing Grendel. In another Month, i have a WIP dragon, and King Beowulf on the Way with His Iron Shield so dont worry a proper Beowulf is on the Way, The next 3 Characters Eofor and Wulf, who are Potentially Brothers, these 2 are Notable for Killing the Swedish King Ongetheow, so, a few Points of note for these 3, Beowulf's Company are Described as Having Cheek Guards on their Helmets, as well as Boar Motifs, eofor and Wulf are not named as Being his companions but also Being Geats of note, they Either May have been, or, would potentially be Similar Enough to also fill the same Description, as well as that, eofor’s name means Boar in old english, which brings up another neat piece off trivia, the King Ogentheow is Known by another Name Egil Vendelcrow, who have the same position in the line off kings, and he is described as being killed, by a Boar, so it Likely that both versions come from the Same Story that have just been twisted through Mistranslation, all 3 Characters have been Given a Unique Shield Depicting the Animal of their Namesake, in the same Style as the Animals on Recovered Contemporary Shields Found at Burial Sites So! Whats next, well i need to start covering some off the Poorer troops, so that is a Priority, as well as to continue Fleshing out the named Characters, the 3 Huscarl’s at Rest were Originally to be Part of a Heorot Set of NPC’s, so that as well will come one day, as well as! The Dragon! And Grendel and his Mother, so, next month i think will be 3 characters maybe then skirmishers and such This post is Long enough as is, so ill Leave this Here as it is! And be back tomorrow with the Dwarves!
ExpandJune Historical Release!
Hey guys, here is the preview for the June Historical Patreon and Tribes Release! The Models Will Be Released a Few days Later this month, For Patreon Users you won't see any Difference, Tribes users who would typically Receive files on the first won't see anything till the 3rd, Excuses at the bottom off the post* The Metals Release For these Figures will be by the 10th off June, 6 6 off the Figures have already been Cast, infact that was almost a month ago, the next 6 Havent been, and nor have the Horses, that will happen after the Tournament this weekend* So! Whats in this Months Release, this is another Vendel Era release, so previously we had the Foot Figures for sword and Board, axes, 2 handed axes, and Spearman, and some unarmoured Warriors aswell, This month is Mounted Versions off those models. A Tabletop Army from this Period likely Might not Contain any Cav, or if they did, maybe 4? Again it really depends what its for, but these will open the Doors to what you ‘Could’ do with these figures, So the first 3 kits, are Armoured Warriors with Spears either Thrusting, Stabbing, throwing, either in front or to the Side, the Kits are in pairs, but are all essentially the Same, the Hands like usual are Open so you can Use Brass Spears or printed Resin ones, which help avoid breakages The 4th kit is armoured warriors with upright Spears, these could go with the walking horses or galloping, and the 5th kit is unarmoured Spearmen with Upright Spears and are intended for Walking Horses. The last 2 Models are Riders with Axes. Next Month will Focus on Characters from the Era, not Necessarily all Combat poses either, After this i will have well enough Covered the Saxon/Scandinavian looking figures and will Reassess and either move into goths/Franks or Bounce to another Period for a Brief time, If there's any units for a game you play and your utilising these Models, let me know and ill make sure i do them before i move on *so as i've mentioned Before june 3rd im Running a 50 player Tournament, so 25 Terrain Tables, Catering, Prizes… Aswell My daughter picked the worst last week to get sick, so that's been taking up alot off our time, we regretfully will be a few days late.
ExpandMay Fantasy Release!
The May Fantasy Previews are here, Before i go on, this is Totally different to the models i had planned, ill talk more about that at the end, Instead we Have a bunch off bits month, this month we have 23 Pieces, a bunch of Extras because some off these in here are quite Niche. These kits will be available tomorrow morning for tribes, within 3 days for patreon, The dwarf Ponies are already available in white metal, and the bandits are Mastered, ready for a production mould. So speaking off the bandits, first up! These 7 Models are all single piece figures, and are off outlaws up to no good, with a mix off clubs and Knives, as well as an arsonist, the genesis for these figures were for a personal project for a themey project. But naturally make nice small kits for Role Playing Games or skirmish games Next up are Ponies, 2 types! So firstly 2 Baggage ponies, i contemplated doing 3 or 4, but i think ill save that for pack mules and other baggage animals! So for now we have 2 pack ponies, all single piece figures, perfect for a baggage train, the 2nd lot off ponies are designed for Conversions to make Dwarf Cavalry, or to Mount your RP figure for WYSIWYG, there are 4 Variants all with Different travel kit, and dwarf legs. And following up those animals with some more, are some Bird flocks, and a singular bird, this is again perfect for RP games, and some wargames, were your leader might have a bird companion, the 3 models have a 1mm hole pre cut for brass rods, but the 2 flocks also slot into the rocks, you may want to use clear acrylic rod as well which should be possible with the hole cut, with some finesse Lastly some more Arnaduin models, 5 more multipart spearman, as well as a banner Bearer which is a remaster off the first one! Aswell the kings counsellor. So if you remember last month i was talking about doing wolf riders and such, those got to about 80% completion, and i hadn't test printed them yet, so i simply didn't have the time and especially dealing with someone else's artwork, i wasn't going to take the risk off them not living up to what i want to do, as well as daniels art, so they will come next month instead!
ExpandMay Historical Release!
Hey guys, here is the Preview for the May Historical releases for Tribes/Patreon, these will be live for tribes tomorrow morning and on the 3rd for Patreon, and will be ready by the 8th on the Webstore in Metal, This Release follows on with the Saxon Scandinavian Vendel Figures, so the first 2 Kits are the warriors with Axes and shields, as well as 2 handed axes all 6 minis are in 1 Piece, with the exception off the Shields, this brings the count off Hand weapon models to 8, and 2 handed Axes up to 4 The back half off the Release are my Fav, these are the Unarmoured Warriors with Spears, these are partially inspired by the very colourful reenactors off the period as well as keeping inline with the gear off the models i have done in the past, there are 3 at rest and 3 attacking, There hands come empty so you can print a resin spear, or use a brass/steel spear. The plan for Next month is Partially Mounted Figures, i have 3 New horses. This month I will finish the set off 6, as well as 3 Armoured Horses. In total i have 12 spearman, 8 hand weapon, and 4 2 handed weapon Figures, the figures so far have been fairly tied to the Burial finds in england but mostly scandinavia, after next month i will move onwards and start covering some more generic Warriors, as well as goths and franks
ExpandApril Fantasy Release!
The April Fantasy Release is Ready for Preview! This is month 4 or 5 fleshing out the hengstland faction, and last one for a little while so we can give some other factions some love. So first up is a mini that will be in both releases this month. Hengest is a Most likely a fictional Historical Figure, that features in 2 main stories. Most notably Hengest and his brother Horsa are said to be the First Jutish Kings off Kent, and potentially also related to the Hengest who in another Story is said to have killed the King Finn, this is my rendition off him and he is made to fit both into the Historical Minis from this month but naturally the Fantasy models share a name, and because he likely did not exist in the way he's described naturally suits being included in Fantasy, the model is single Piece on both the foot and mounted, with empty hands for you to use brass spears or resin, as well as a Suitable Shield befitting His Name Next up we Have 2 Kits off 6, the Scouts and Shieldmaidans, both Kits feature 3 mounted Models and 3 troops on foot with Riders and Dismounts being clearly Related, the Models are on 3 New Horses, the 3 Horse Poses have similar counterparts in the current Horse kit, but these 3 are slightly updated And Lastly we have 2 Horse Archers to compliment the Riders we did Back in 2022, the Plans For May Focus on more Mounted Figures, but not Horses.. Or humans riding them, if all goes to plan, we should see, both New definitive Wolf Riders, and Goblin Spider Riders,
ExpandApril Historical Release!
The April Historical Release has been finished for a little while, and for the first time will be Available in both STL’s as well as white Metal. (12 For STL’s while 10 will be available in Pewter) So April marks the start of a new Range, so moving on from 13th century we go right back to the Vendel Era 5-7th Century which should span 4-6 Months. So this month we have Covered some Armoured Warriors which will serve as saxon/scandinavian Core troops, with Swords and Spears, as well as some Personality Figures The 6 Spearman this month, 3 Have spears over hand while 3 Under, all come with Empty Hands for use with Metal Spears or printed, The Metal Figures Will Require These to be Drilled out while the Resin printed Figures are Already Open The Sword and Board Figures STL’s are all single Piece with Swords attached like Usual, while the Metal Figures 3 of them Come with the Arm as a Separate Component There are 6 New Shields, which Resemble both those found at Burial Sites as well as More generic Shields Suitable for the timeframe Not Featured in the Previews here today but will be Later in the Week is a Figure Off my rendition of Hengst, From Hengist & Horsa and Finn & Hengst Stories, Treating him as 1 individual. This figure is in both the Fantasy and Historical Releases for obvious reasons, and will make his way to Metal during April Next months Figures will see More Axe wielding infantry, both 1 handed and 2 handed which combined with this Kit will see a Core off 24 Infantry models for you to add More specialised troops into to Create your army The Stls will be released through Patreon and Tribes on the usual Days, 1st off april for Tribes and 2/3rd For Patreon, and on Our Website in Pewter, More info to come Still on the Pewter Figures
ExpandMarch Fantasy Release!
This preview is a day late because Sparky* was here yesterday and the power was off inside the House, so we couldn't do renderings until today… Anyway, that's fixed now! So this months Fantasy Release is focused Around Siege And city Guard, so Perfect For dnd Town Guard with the At rest poses for the Player characters to avoid, and siege for them to use or sabotage, as well as a nice Sombre Display piece, that even if you don't use as a miniature will make a good statue. So Starting with the Siege weapons, the Trebuchet and ballista, so these 2 are going in the welcome pack, just like the Horse kits down the Line ill do More crew for historicals and fantasy for the Siege equipment, and due to the modularity off the treb i can do new addons and pieces, to make it the way you want, right now it has 2 weights and 2 Frame pieces but there is more that could be done down the line, the trebuchet currently is intended for you to print off, position, then add string for the rope for the pulley system, i did this for mine, it wasnt ‘easy’ but wasn't prohibitively difficult, let me know how you go with this if you'd prefer sculpted on string.The Ballista is a lot simpler, 3 Parts, i would like to do Wheels on the Frame to feel like the Age of Empires 2 Scorpion later on. The captain figure’s mounted model can be based by himself or in the little Scene, he is attached to his Horse, these are the only figures with attached heads in this release. And speaking off detached heads, 10 city Guard, foot and mounted, mostly in day to day poses to populate scenes, so there are a few different head varieties with different faces, as well as the 4 walking Horses, so you can get a good amount of variety, these are slightly updated versions off the city guard kit on MMF already with lowered spears, however those have Fixed heads, if there is enough demand i can chop them off to be inline with these guys. Lastly is the Siege Crew, same deal modular Heads with standing around directing poses! Next months Figures are again, back to hengstland, with currently looking to be a giant collection off Horse archers, with some shield maidens in there for good measure, as well as a few characters, after this looking at may, i have some dwarves on the go coming up for a release… but could go a few ways. *Sparky is Convict Speech for electrician.
ExpandMarch Historical Release!
This is the 11th month Off late 13th Century early 14th century minis… and finally we have got to Mounted Men at arms/Sergeants! So this month there are 2 kits off 3 Riders, both men at arms with Spears either Riding or at Rest, The first Kit is designed to match the men at arms on foot from the prior months, the 2nd Kit i've done the other is chainmail/surcoats, all the hands are empty for printed or Brass spears to go into their hands Speaking off the at rest poses, there are 4 new Horses to go with them! These 4 walking horses are in the welcome pack and have been for the last week or so The 3rd kit is 4 men at arms with hand weapons, they are in a variety off gear and very much in the thick of it, 3 off them are equipped with Swords 1 is with an axe The last kit started as a Knight to lead them which then became but i couldnt bring myself not to make a dismount, so i took the opportunity to do a Character to add to the series, so i've done James douglas to complement the other Scottish Characters from last year, His armour is based on the Statue off him, and the foot figure is very much inspired off the Victorian artwork off the scottish leaders, with the ‘interesting’ helmet and all he is not Attached to his Horse, so you can use a barded horse or plain My plan for the rest off this year was to move into the vendel period, and do a realistic grounded take on the stories and sagas but that would be another 10+ month commitment, and there have been many requests for different periods and units, the April release will be a quick return to Saxons, these will complement the fantasy release for that month, but for may and june, i'm going to try and tick off a bunch off the specific requests i've had, this will also serve to test the waters and be a good distraction so things like Swiss pikes specific things from 100yw, i'm still gonna limit what i do from 5thc to 16thc so no modern or ancients, so if there's something missing or you can't find let me know!
ExpandFebuary Historical Release!
February Historical Minis Preview! Not going to lie, this was the most monotonous Month to do, all just cloth and fabric, but hey it was worth it, not least of all because it's out of the way! So we have 4 kits this month off 3 figures, first up is 3 Peasants at rest with empty hands to hold spears or farm implements, there are some pitchforks, bill/spear/scythe options, as well as next 3 figures with empty hands attacking Then there are 3 new unarmoured archers, if you stack these with the ones from november you shouldn't have any duplicates at this point! Lastly is 3 Slingers, all up that makes 12 Peasants 6 off which you'll be able to use a few times with alternate Gear to get some more mileage out of them. Next month as im winding down this period im recapping the early 1200s knights, with 6 on foot 6 Mounted, i have done these right at the start but im gonna go back and do some new ones and update the barded horses as well, Sometime late next week ill start posting the first previews for march!
ExpandFebuary Fantasy Release!
The Fantasy Release for Feb is Ready for Preview, for patrons it will be Posted on the 3rd or 4th off Feb, ++ So this month as promised we Moved East! And started a New Faction Torgorod which is clearly a play on the real City off Novgorod. The name came to mind a year ago, and I can't recall what it meant.. Anyway! So starting this faction is a Bunch of Militia! Lead by a Boyar, So there are 12 Troops, some are simple peasants who have picked up arms and some who have scavenged armour or have some from prior service, so there are 4 archers, 4 spearmen/women, and 4 Swordsmen, with some Shield options, some off the Heads are multipart for these figures to help get some more variety The Boyar Dobrynya Comes foot and mounted. His foot pose is separate from the rock, so it could be on timber, bricks or dirt, he is depicted firing his bow right until the last moment when he needs to draw his sword, and the mounted figure is your standard commander pose! There are 2 other models in this release, 1 orc leader for the January Models, as well as a new Highlander! Monday next week ill post the previews for march, but if you in the FB group and discord you'll have seen the Trebuchet and other pieces!
ExpandJanuary Fantasy Release!
And now 4 Hours left till 2023! And fantasy Renders are done. So here's the breakdown! First up the Next Beowulf Character Unferth, foot and mounted! He isn't a pleasant fellow and clearly the Horse agrees Next up is the Dwarf From the Stream 10 days ago! Smoking a pipe, perfect for a Siege engineer sitting back telling his subordinates what to do! Next up is 3 unarmoured Wildmen! With axes and swords, next up for these guys is 2 handed gear Then we have 3 Orc rabble with Spears, these guys have 2 options, resin Spears, or Brass spears, the brass spears has the bill attachments on a separate sprue, designed for 1mm brass rods, there is also resin spears as well as 2 sets off bodies for both diameters Lastly 7 Armoured Orc Scouts, with bows and sword and shield, as well as a banner, these guys will get 2 handed guys, and a drummer down the line! Next up! For Febuary are Survivors and Militia! Surely will feature some family, not so friendly pieces*, as well as this, they will compliment the historical release of peasants so for february there will be 30+ minis suited for Survivors and militia! That's all from me today! So have a good evening folks! Stay safe *How friendly can it be if they're fighting?
ExpandJanuary Historical Release!
Hey guys, 5 Hours till 2023, and the Renders are done for January's Historical minis! Next year remind me to get this done before christmas holidays… So this month! The majority off models come from Requests from Patrons/tribes supporters, mainly Aleksander whos been asking for Crossbowmen suitable for the 13th century period onwards for a few months, and Don is Def off discord for the Pavises which is for slightly later So first up! 3 13thc Knights at rest, 2 on foot 1 mounted, these guys are intended to go on command Bases or on stands off other Troops as leaders for example here the 3 Knights/nobles leading the Crossbowmen. Aswell perfect for Camp scenes. The 2nd Kit is the 3 Medieval Warriors with Large shields or pavises, these guys have both options shields wise, and can be used as the dedicated pavise bearer or as regular Men at arms with a mix off Swords and Falchions The Last 6 models are 2 kits off 3 Crossbowmen in Gambeson. They all feature a Similar Kit with different helmets but are clearly a Cohesive unit. Leaving the door open later to expand into Crossbowmen in Surcoats or other kit That's all for January for Now. Early next year revamping the welcome pack is high on the to do list, so there will be some extra pieces going in there in the first few months. For February atm im looking at doing Peasant militia/levy’s something i haven't tackled yet but is suitable for a wide range off periods. Happy new years folks! Thank you to everyone who's been following me through 2022!
ExpandDecember Fantasy Release!
Hey folks, here is the full breakdown of the historical release! This month has 14 minis for early 14th men at arms, so suitable for late scottish wars or early 100 years war. The 3 kits are of 4 men at arms, 1 with swords, 1 with factions, and 1 with 2 handed weapons, 3 of which are empty handed, for mace axes or Bill hooks while 1 has a 2 handed sword. The last kit is another banner and Hornblower, the banner has a empty hand so can be another billmen at rest The Jan release is going to be something a little more fun because I'm sculpting it over the holiday period and will be taking the last 2 weeks off! Not 100% what it will be but ill try and post more frequently to keep you more informed then this month!
ExpandDecember Historical Release!
Hey folks, here is the full breakdown of the historical release! This month has 14 minis for early 14th men at arms, so suitable for late scottish wars or early 100 years war. The 3 kits are of 4 men at arms, 1 with swords, 1 with factions, and 1 with 2 handed weapons, 3 of which are empty handed, for mace axes or Bill hooks while 1 has a 2 handed sword. The last kit is another banner and Hornblower, the banner has a empty hand so can be another billmen at rest The Jan release is going to be something a little more fun because I'm sculpting it over the holiday period and will be taking the last 2 weeks off! Not 100% what it will be but ill try and post more frequently to keep you more informed then this month!
ExpandNovember Fantasy Release
The November Fantasy Release contains 22 Models, Orc Shaman Foot and mounted, 3 Orc Scouts, 3 Orc Scout archers, 3 Orc Crossbowmen and 2 half trolls, as well as 4 Hengstland Warriors with hand Weapons, and 4 Archers and a Small Character Aldin. So first up are the Orcs! So we have a Orc Shaman And mounted, His wolf is bigger than the prior wolves and fits better with existing plastics/metals he is armed with a knife and Staff. There are 6 Orc Scouts which were a impulse Creation, 3 are just armed with swords while the other 3 with bows, they will add some variety to your orc hordes. Then we have 2 half trolls, these half orc half trolls are armoured like my existing orc warriors but bigger! And both have 2 wooden clubs. And lastly 3 orc Crossbowmen, these gym going grunts were very fun and you will see more of them next month, perfect for dismounted last months riders. And on the flip side. There are 4 hengstland warriors with axes and swords, perfect dismounts for last months riders, as well as 4 archers. There is also a young teen to lead them aldin, he's a bit nervous and outnumbered 11 orcs to 8 men this month, but not to worry next month will feature more dismounts and more riders! As Well as some more orcs, and i hope (fingers crossed) to squeeze some elf models in there as well for december
ExpandNovember Historical Release!
The November Historical Release contains 14 Medieval Archers, suitable from the barons wars, Scottish war of independence, and 100 Years war There are 4 kits, first up is the Captain & Hornblower. These 2 models a both single piece minis which will neatly slide into warbands made up from the 8 Medieval archers this month. Speaking off which, there are 2 kits off Medieval archers, the first off which is a assortment off different styles, gambeson chain, and cloth, while the 2nd are more cohesive all in cloth, the stand out pose in my mind is the stringing off the bow model, i couldn't find a definitive method for how they would have strung there bows, but it makes sense to do it the simplest and effective way, and this is how i was taught when i did archery. The last kit is the welsh archers, this kits depiction off welsh archers comes from the decently well known sketch off the welsh archer and spearman, with 1 shoe each, cloaks, and hair pulled back over the ears, i've read for and against this description as to how valid it really is, so firstly if you disagree with this depiction then go ahead and use the 2nd archer kit as that would be appropriate. But nonetheless some people do think it is genuine so this kit is designed to capture that aesthetic, in a future month i think they should be complemented with 4 spearmen as well. Next month the December Release. I have no Concrete plans but a few Ideas. I believe January will be a relaxed month, so things like squires, folks standing around in the camp, diorama pieces and the like, so in other words… What would you like to see?
ExpandOctober Fantasy Release
The October Fantasy Release contains 22 models and 5 Horses, and somehow is still only the first part of the Hengstland Releases, this month covers most off the cavalry i didn't get a chance for any troops on foot this month pretty much so they will come starting next month so going through the list of minis first up is a rendition of Beowulf designed to fit in with my Hengstland minis, of course his story is set in scandinavia but for my purposes he is a nice addition, his foot pose is inspired by artwork depicting him slaying grendel, in this mini he is slaying a orc instead, and ofcourse a mounted figure for use in tabletop games The next mini and the first i sculpted was a banner bearer, he notably is the only mini without a cloak, i intended to do many more without cloaks but got carried away, he has a shield on his back and a axe in his hand, as well as a mounted figure Then we have 10 mounted models, so firstly the 2 wildmen cav, these are single piece models, then there are 8 Mounted figures 7 off which are detached from there horse, the model not detached is one off the lancers who is holding the reins out to the side, the other 7 are interchangeable with the new 5 Horses, or with the 6 blank horses in the welcome pack The last 8 Models are the Huscarls, without a king or lord yet.. Will be fulfilled next month! The first 6 are all spearman, 3 mounted 3 on foot as well as a unhelmeted character In this release are 9 New Shields, essentially just updated Saxon shields both round and kite Shields for the cav
ExpandOctober Historical Release!
The October Historical Release contains 14 13th century Billmen, suitable from the barons wars, Scottish war of independence, and potentially early 100yw. All the minis hands are empty so you can use appropriate bills or pikes as well, I of course suggest brass pikes, or even metal bills but of course included are printable pikes and a sprue off halberds. The first kit is a simple captain and banner, the captain is dressed better than the rest and can be used to depict a noble or named character, the banner bearer has 2 options, first a modelled on banner, as well as a empty handed model to use as a pikemen/billmen. The next kit is 3 kits off 4 models, 4 at rest, 4 advancing, and 4 attacking, mostly dressed in gambeson with the odd chain elements and shirts all dressed in similar gear but no 2 are the same. Next month's historicals will likely focus on the Welsh contingent on both sides from the Scottish wars, both under Edward then on the side of the scotts.
ExpandSeptember historical Release
the Renders and test Prints for the September models are all done! this is month 5 off the Scottish wars, and finally covered William Wallace!, which i have some things to say, so! William Wallace, he is essentially just a exemplary Knight if i understand it correctly and of course the legend off him kinda blows it a bit out off proportion, notably with our favourite documentary Braveheart, so anyway with this model i naturally went towards the Knight aesthetic off chain harness and Surcoat, because he is such a legendary Figure i opted to make a bold move and go helmetless, were typically most off my models have been helmeted, with wallace i thought it was a fun way to sorta acknowledge the mythic and legendary status he's taken on, that little fantasy element off the characters being helmetless, but still match a Historical Force, (if you wanted a mel gibson figure, have a look at the clansmen noble from last month, it isnt mel gibson, but its the next best thing) ok so troops this month, personally the ones im going to get the most mileage out off, so sword and board, spear and shield, and pikemen in surcoats, so the reason for these guys is more orientated around gameplay then history. most skirmish games have men at arms or sergeants or warriors with sword and shield spear and shield, or you basically want to give the guys a shield, because the profile demands it or assists there toughness or defence value, so ive done the same Scottish troops from the pikemen, in sword and shield and spear and shield, these could be represented on the large bases off pikes for the big rank and file games, if used sparsely to add variety, or represent once the ranks off the schiltron have broken down, they are generic enough though they can really be any early medieval troops in gambeson, the shields ive chosen to go with are smaller bucklers or round shields, but in both kits i have put kite shields too, i think you can change the flavour off the unit with the shields, the spears are also separate, this is so they can be pikes, spears, metal weapons, but also bills and halberds, next month is looking to be a bunch off billmen and men at arms focusing more on the English side off things, and i want them to be backwards compatible lastly 4 pikemen in Surcoats, these will add good variety to the 10 pikemen sculpts that already exist, before i move on from this conflict i want to have towards 20-30 sculpts for schiltrons, so you have the variety off poses to represent Wealth and status or battle, and have as little as possible repeat poses so looking to next month, i haven't picked a English hero, so if you have one in mind let me know! ill be back tomorrow or Tuesday with the fantasy release,
ExpandAugust Fantasy Release
Hey guys, the models are pretty much finished for August, before i get started this is omitting a 1 kit, which i will wrap up next week, which is ponies with dwarf legs cut off at the waist, that was going to be included in this month which i had spoke about, instead it is going in the welcome pack and i did more dwarves instead Now that's out of the way, let's go over the models! So first up we have some character/player character types, we have a dwarf on pony and dismounted, he is a classic dwarf with a jewelled belt, simple clothing, a classic hood and cloak, it's a simple piece that is kinda my response to some off the over designed dwarves that exist, the next 2 characters are 2 with names, thanks folks in the discord for these! ivaldi(bow), Brogir(shield) these guys are the first foray into some eastern byzantine ideas for dwarves, more on that later, i think they have a pretty decent look and i want to build on these designs later on Now we have 5 dwarf verjags, these came before ivaldi/brogir and were part off that lets look east thing i am thinking about, so these are a dwarven varangian guard equivalent, which was unintentional but once i saw the comparison, i thought i'd lean into that Then we have 6 dwarf rangers, 2 bow, 2 2 handed axe, throwing axe, and axe and shield, they have a variety off gear, almost all have hoods, perfect for a random encounter in a roleplaying campaign or to spice up your army For the non dwarves, pretty simple 3 more wildmen! These are more on the classic viking tropes following on from last month, not much to say about these they speak for themselves, just fun to do! And lastly a clansmen noble, so this guy came out off the remastering off the highlanders, i'd love to do way more fantasy scotts but we have other focuses right now, but i found time to do the 1 The last kit for this month not shown, will be 4 ponies with dwarf legs and packs on them, this kit will go into the welcome pack, and be great for conversions Next month im trying something new, i'm just going to make a whole bunch off random minis, some additions to old ranges, some experiments for new ranges, and some ideas that are too small to have made a whole month for, i don't wanna say anything for certain, but i'm pretty sure were gonna see some mounted dwarven cataphracts, Barded goats… mhmm,
ExpandAugust Dwarves teaser
Just a quick Post today! This is just a brief teaser for the August models. Now you might be asking the valid question; "August is 3 days away, shouldn't you be done by now?" Well that's true and I almost am! Only a few to go, I've shown off the other models already but I said Rangers were the focus of this month, and while I still have some more to go, I realised I haven't really shown any. So these guys all have their travel packs and various gear. That shield is likely going to change and the helmets are intentionally varied to show they come from different places. There are 3 styles of helmets here, 1 is on the fellas back. So this month so far: 1 Dwarf F/M 6 Rangers (so far) 5 Heavy Hammer Blokes 4 Wildmen 1 Clansmen Noble I also have 4 ponies with legs attached which are intended to be used as conversion bits for other dwarves, these will likely just go into the welcome pack like all my mounts. Anyway I'm back to work!
ExpandAugust Historical Release
Hey folks, the models for this months Historical Release are finished. They serve as mounted equivalents for the 16 knights for the last few months releases. All of the models this month come with empty hands in place of spears/lances. I suggest using metal spears which are far sturdier, there are printable spears and lances included separately, so they don't break while removing supports from the models. This months Character Figure is Sir Henry De Bohun, who famously died at the battle of Bannockburn to Robert the Bruce. The model depicts the version of the story where he charges Robert in his Full Harness, rather than the more realistic version where he is on patrol. This way you can field him next to your other Knights and he doesn’t look out of place, because that’s where as a gaming piece he will spend most of his time. Both the mounted and on foot models are in 1 piece. The lance is not included. I suggest as mentioned before to use a Wire lance. The first kit of Knights are the Late 13th, Early 14th Century Knights to match the ones from last month. They again have 2 options, with and without face plates, as well as printable faceplates. The 2nd/3rd/4th kits are the 13th Century Knights with Swords/Lances. These are broadly suitable for Barons War right up to the Scottish War of independence. The helmets are all flat topped helmets. This is a conscious decision because the kits are in batches off 3s, you’ll be able to pick the style and pose that you would like to use. For instance; flat topped helms, surcoats, vertical lances, and have 3 models for that specification, so in a following month I’ll go ahead and do new poses with Great Helms. In a few days I’ll post up the Fantasy Models. Next months Historicals are likely to revolve around Billmen/Spearman. Less armoured than the Earlier Scottish Pikemen. William Wallace will be the Character, not the Mel Gibson version don't worry, if you want that model look at August's fantasy, there's one in there.
ExpandAugust Teaser
Fantasy: Hey guys, the first few models for August's dwarves are getting finished and are ready to show off. So the theme for this month is mainly focused on Dwarven Ranger types, building on the doomed expedition kit, with the packs and hoods and simpler garments. This opens the door for Dwarves holding lamps and other more character types for NPC/PC for role playing games but will add alot of flavour to an army for wargaming. One thing I want to do this month is also Dwarves on ponies. The figure in the middle for instance, will have a mounted equivalent. The 2 either side of him will go into a kit of 3 Dwarven Rangers with 2 handed axes. There will also be some models not Dwarven related. I have 2 kits I'm working on for this month and next; more Woodsmen and Wildmen. Whichever is finished, I will throw into this months release and the latter into September. The costumes on these guys are intentionally rather plain; thick gloves, thick lines on the trims, a good variety of texture from hair to chain and plain clothing, which will be good to paint on and show 4 textures. Later models will have more fur. I've avoided doing intricate patterns on the models. These guys have some simple lines, some models won't have anything because I don't think it assists painters, as much as it makes renders look cool. On the middle figure you'll see the classic miniature gem greeble on the belt. I haven't used it yet but doing some classic Dwarves is the perfect place. The armour is currently just chainmail, I think there's a good case for scale on Dwarves and it will vary between figures. I experimented with some more fancy armour on these figures but they are just Rangers and I think less is more. Everything I added to these figures took away from them so I'm umming and ahhing that, as well as the sword being too fancy for this style... let me know.
This isn't the first model I've done this month, I have done a few test Knights. This month we're going to have 12 Mounted Knights to compliment the 18 I've done on foot so far. This character is Sir Henry De Bohun, he was an English Knight, and famously died fighting Robert the Bruce, not sure "fighting" is the appropriate word for being beaten in 1 blow, allegedly beaten in 1 blow, the story goes he charged Robert and robert struck his axe through Henry's head and commented something to the effect he was saddened to break his favourite axe. Anyway this fella will make a fine Knight from 1200-1299 for any army in Western Europe. This week I will be working on the Knights, a few are done. There will be 6 robed horses to go with them. The hand you might notice is missing the lance, this is so you can sub in metal spears so they won't break, or use resin ones of course. I would suggest finding some metal ones. This will be standard across all the models. A broken resin lance when cleaning supports ruins an otherwise good model.
ExpandFantasy Release
Here is the Preview for July’s Fantasy Release!
This Month is the Beginning of a Series of Orc Releases, as well as touching on some humans I will sprinkle through the next few releases as well.
These models fit both on 25mm round Bases or 20mm Square, if you scroll to the back there is a top down view also
So first up, the orc command team, a orc captain foot and mounted, it is the same character intended to be used as a mounted captain and dismount, a drummer to get the maggots moving quick, a orc with a whip, and a banner, this kit is 5 models total, all 1 piece
The 2nd and 3rd kits are orc warriors with sword and shield, and also 2 handed weapons, these guys are mostly uniform, but all different in subtle ways, notably missing spearmen, because we all have a bunch off plastics for whatever game we play, i have decided to focus more on rarer unit types, and do the basic troops over a few months as less off a focus, so spears will be next orc release
The 4th and 5th kit are the orc hunters, they are split into 3 foot and 2 mounted, there mounts are leaner more wolf like, all single piece minis,
The last kit is 3 wildmen chieftains, i've done so many historical saxon types, but never any fantasy viking types, so it was time to do some really generic fantasy viking saxon warriors, so these 3 are some fun characters,
Next month is looking to be more dwarves, dwarves part 3, hopefully rangers, another elite bunch off orcs too, then after that either orcs or humans, but there will be 3 orc months including this one by the end off the year
ExpandJuly Historical Release Preview
Here are the 14 Models for the July Historical Release
Sir Andrew Moray F/M 4 Early 14th century Knights 4 Archers in gambeson, 4 Sergeants with Swords
Andrew moray was requested by a Patron member, i opted to do him sooner rather than later so i didn't forget, there are a few notable figures who share his name, in his case his father and son were both andrew moray/murray, this figure is intended to be the one who died in 1297, from my understanding it seems his premature death is the reason he's not more widely known, but he fought with william wallace at stirling bridge, and was a notable leader in the rebellion, the model has a shield with his family sigil off 3 6 pointed stars, which is a seperate piece, you can opt not to use them if you want him to just be a generic knight, the mounted figure is made in 1 piece,
The 4 knights in this kit are intended to represent the knights prior to the 100years war, from 1250-1350 knights armour changed a decent amount from chain and a squared off surcoat, to there armour in the 100 years war, there is a brief period were these rounded off surcoats seem to be in use, personally i really like this aesthetic, and will do more of them, i wouldn't think they are appropriate for a full army, and i think should be interspersed with the knights from last month, and using these figures to depict nobles or particularly wealthy knights, they have all been made with open faced helmets, but i have provided 3 face plates you can print off and attach on the physical miniature, and also on 3 off the sculpts i did a alternate were i pre attached a face plate,
The 4 archers here are similar to the Scottish pikemen from 2 months ago, and are intended to compliment them, they are will also fit perfectly with the 100 years war english longbows i have made, there listed as scottish, but that is only because they match the other scottish models, use them for whatever you like,
Lastly the 4 Sergeants with swords, these guys are also intended to be interspersed with the 12 knights from last month, they are slightly dressed down, and less equipped, the intention is to create a wide variety off troops so you can pick and choose equipment and armour to add flavour and theme to your forces,
So now its been 3 months, 42 models in, i have some extras i will add to the welcome pack keep an eye out for that, i'm a good way through all the foot models, there are more to go, but next month, i plan to do Sir henry de Bohun, the knight robert the bruce killed at bannockburn, as well as 12 mounted knights,
In a few days i'll post the fantasy stuff
ExpandJuly Fantasy Preview
Hey folks, following on from the last post with the 2 mounted Hunters, here are the 3 on foot, as well as the commanders, this kit will be 5 models, all single piece models, except the Shields, These are shown on 25mm and 40mm bases, but there profiles have been sculpted to allow them to rank up on square bases with the regular warriors ill show off in a few days, This is now half off the fantasy Models my thought process for the evil factions like this is to do the regular troops over a few months, and not focus heavily on them and to spend more time on character types, or variant armours/loadouts, so goblin wolf/spider riders will be in the next month, because way i see it we all have dozens off plastics, i plan to supplement mine with some wargames atlantic orcs personally, I'll start showcasing the historicals soon, there almost ready to show off
ExpandDenizens off the forest
Hey folks, The Fantasy Release for june is ready to Preview, So this release is named Denizens of the forest, it's mostly elves but some men in there as well! So we have firstly a bunch off elven Characters, first up front and centre Túathal, a Elven Lord, with sword and shield, his shield is optional, and the pose works without it, and ofcourse you can use any shield inplace off this one, next up is Aneurin, a Elf leader From Gwyrdgalas with Double blades, he is a single piece however his base is detached, so you can use a staircase or any other sloped base,
Then we have the elven Equiry, he is lighter armoured then the rest off the elves, he is more off a aid to the lords then a warrior in his own right, and thus wears light armour, his mounted model is attached to the Horse, so a single piece, and lastly we have 3 captains, these 3 are essentially just regular elves, and would work as NPC’s captains or just warriors, but there pose is such that you have option to distinguish them if you wish to fill another roll
This is likely the least amount off rank and file models in a release, so starting with the least Generic, the woodsmen, so these 3 are intended to be just, regular unaffiliated human models, perfect for random Forest encounters, in a fantasy or semi historical setting, the archer unintentionally gives me robin hoods merryman vibes, which would make for a interesting subject oneday?
The next kit is the armoured spearman, these guys complete the set off armoured Gwyrdgalas elves, 2 off them are 2 handing there spears, the other 2 have shields, if you remember these guys have modular heads and shields,
And lastly is 5 elven archers, these guys are unarmoured, and i'll be covering some more off these going forward, but beginning here with archers, so they are equipped with sword and bow, 1 has a spear and 1 is throwing a knife, so a few options in there,
There's one other relevant kit to talk about, and if you haven't seen it yet, that's the small folk Levy Archers, there the 5 Models going into the Welcome pack, first off the bat, halflings are impossible to scale correctly for everyone's needs, mine are 20mm tall, but i personally print them at 108% i just scale up the supported models and that's worked fine,
So thats the first 6 months off 2022,
We had 2 dwarven months, 2 human, 2 elves, but all 6 were good factions, so the back half off this year were going to give some evil factions some love, also after a poll in the facebook group, out off 120 votes, 0, wanted me stick to 1 faction per month, 20% wanted some totally random months with just random stuff, and 60% said that 75% off the release should be themed, the rest it's nice to get some random goodies, so going forward that's the direction i'll be heading for fantasy
ExpandHistorical Models june
The Models coming out in June are following on from the Scots last month! With firstly Edward Longshanks, foot and mounted, as well as 12 13th century Knights, in a variety of helmets and gear,
So in order,
King edward the 1st, the model is sculpted to resemble a halfway point between the 2 actors who have portrayed him as well as his portrait, i chose to go with 2 static poses because this is intended to depict him towards the end off his life around the time off the scottish war of independence,
The first set off knights depicts a leader, a banner a horn blower, all the models you need for gaming, while the 2nd and 3rd are the regular models to fill the ranks, there are some classic poses in there as well as a few more dynamic poses, and as mentioned a variety of helmets
The goal off this set was to get a good selection off generic Knights under my belt, so when i go to do much more specific appearances, notably 1300s turn off the century with the variety of experimentation and rounded off surcoats, you'll be able to sprinkle in more specific models into these seamlessly
Next month im looking at doing regular spearmen and archers again 1250-1300 era as well and Sir Andrew Murray, it was going to be william wallace, but i'll wait till i do a more scottish focused month, and murray has been requested,
I'll have the Fantasy Releases likely on the 30th
ExpandMay Fantasy Release
This Months Fantasy Release, is a break from the Fantastical Creatures off dwarves and Elves, (elves will be back for pt 2 next month) this month Features Men! and as it says on the tin, outlaws rebels and rangers.
Perfect for either a RPG Player character or part off a ranger warband/NPC's there are armoured, unarmoured options, as well as mounted.
a breakdown 5 Character Models 6 unarmoured Outlaws 6 Armoured outlaws, 4 Mounted Outlaws 6 Blank Horses,
All Models are Single Piece, with the exception of some bow quivers, which are a attachment,
As mentioned before, next month will be a return to Elves,
ExpandHistorical Release - may
Here is the rundown for all the models included in May’s Historical Release This release is the first in the broader range of releases, this month specifically covering the Scottish forces during the Scottish war of independence, specifically as it relates to the battle off bannockburn 1314. Starting with, king robert the bruce, the mounted model is equipped with his axe, ready to strike sir henry, (who might make a appearance soon to complete the display) while the foot model is equipped with sword and shield, as well as a bespoke Horse The foot troops in this month consist off the scottish Pikes, who made up the bulk off roberts forces in this battle, the first 4 are pikes horizontal, the next 4 at 45% the last 4 troops, are 2 knights, 1 sword and shield 1 with pike, 1 pikemen at rest designed to be either a pikemen or banner bearer, and a bagpiper, because of course These models will fit on 25mm round bases, 20mm square bases, exception of course with the Horse, 40mm round, 25mmx50mm, The current plans for June are English Mediaeval forces for 100yw/scottish war of independence, followed up by july with more scotts, with knights/cav and william wallace, These models are available through tribes/patreon from the 1st off may
ExpandFundraiser total! and away for 12 days!
So it's the 8th of April, so our Ukraine Fundraiser is over, even though its over the war is still going, i personally am having a rough time trying to make sense off the spin from both sides accusing the other off lying about what's really happening, but the point off our fundraiser wasnt to support the war effort but the humanitarian relief. I Sold 72 Copies on Myminifactory which equates to 10 Euro, in australian dollar at the time off conversion is $1047.18 MMF (takes 10% off the revenue for sales, i am paying the difference so in no way have i taken any money for this) Painted pic was done by by Alasdair VanDuzer The other merchant sellers have also raised funds separately, we will add up the number in the next few days, but in the meantime here is my proof of donation, the model is now Free, it will remain free to download, it only made sense that ukrainians when life resumes to normal should have access to the model, and this way we dont make any profit off it On Brighter News! I'm getting Married Tomorrow! So i will finish work this afternoon and be gone till at least the 20th, this shouldn't impact releases, i have enough stuff made for may. For those who don't know, is rangers/outlaws for fantasy and robert the bruce and scots for historical, attached are some images for both off those Thankyou again for everyone who donated, and everyone whos been supporting me this last year, you guys have helped me turn this into my full time job, where i have the privilege to support my Soon to be wife, have the wedding she wants, as well as our New Home, and Soon to be Daughter, Cya in 12 Days!
ExpandHistorical April Release
The Full April Release Reveal! So starting with the historicals first up is a character model, something i haven't done yet for this range, so this model is a interpretation if king harold godwinson, it draws from a few references notably without the beard as depicted on the bayeux tapestry, he is on horse and on foot Then a saxon banner, with the dragon, and a horn Blower as well as 5 Warriors with Unique Helms and armour on Each The other models are a change of pace as there English Longbowmen from the 100 years war, 4 off them are in firing loading poses, with arrows that can be added to the belt, or on the ground, the 5th model is in the welcome pack, and is showing off his 2 fingers all up 15 models for historical release, going forward we're going to bounce around a little bit further forward and backwards in history so up to war off the roses and back towards the saxon invasion, somewhat how the fantasy releases bounce back and forth just slightly smaller scope
ExpandFantasy Release - April
Full Reveal For the Fantasy April Release, the Historical Release will come tomorrow afternoon
This month is a expansion upon February's dwarves and sees a new Named captain/banner as well as new troop types with bows crossbows spears, as well some Siege
Captain Banner 2x Ancients Champion 4 warriors with spear 2 warriors with sword 1 Scorpion 2 crew 3 archers 3 Crossbowmen
The Scorpion Comes in 3 Pieces, the frame, a middle hinge and a top half, this allows you to pose it aiming up and down and side to side, the models are designed to fit together on 25mm bases in base and will of course work on a display base
There is a new Shield for the heralds as well as the new Octagonal Shield which was in the Doomed Dwarven Expedition Kit, which is pictured, also included are the 6 hex Shields
The Arrows for the Archers can be stuck into the ground or on there belt as pictured
Part 3 for the dwarves will come down the line to further expand this range
ExpandMarch releases
Time to Announce the March Files! This post is a few days Late but that's what moving house will do for ya!
So this month we have….
20 Elves with 6 Mounts Making up the “Grey Elves of Gwyrdgalas” containing
The Elven King foot and Mounted*
Banner Bearer Foot and Mounted
6 Archers
6 Warriors with Sword, options for 2 handed and Sword and Shield
3 Riders,
and an elven Bard.
this release is part 1 off this elven faction, it comes with 24 Heads and 5 Shields, the 2nd Half off the Release coming in May will have spear infantry, and Palace guard to name a few
12 Norman Dismounted Knights 4 At Rest 8 Advancing/Shield wall
Coming next month is a return to the Sapphire Ridges with the Dwarves again, gonna see some Rangers, Spear infantry to name a few, and for historicals a new Kit of Saxon Infantry
Lastly a Reminder This month we had a new Addition to the Welcome Pack with the Elven Lord F/M and a new Kit exclusive to the MMF Store with the Doomed Dwarven Expedition
*The Elven Kings 2 Mounts include a Horse and a Moose!
** More Pics on FB and Insta!
ExpandNew Addition to Welcome Pack
Hey Guys! its been a while since i added anything to the welcome pack, so ive got something new for you, a High Elven Lord Foot and Mounted, aswell as a new Horse, this isnt related to the Wood elves coming in March just a stand alone release, and prehaps serves as a conceptual sketch for some potential kits in the future,
ExpandMarch Releases
Hey guys, so here is the proper announcement for the releases for March, for fantasy we are doing Elves! specifically some woodelves, more details to come, this is the first off 2 elven months, the 2nd will come in May most likely, and for historicals the sister release to the mounted Knights, the foot Knights,
Here is were im up too for the March Releases,
Currently have
Elven King F/M
Elven Bard x3(1 pictured)
Elven archers x6 (2 pictured)
Elven Swordsmen x6 (3 pictured, other 3 are with shields)
Elven Banner,
this still leaves a few models so there is way more coming this is 8 out off 20 pictured here,
ive made alot off progress on sculpting off cloth and capes, im sure youll see the improvement
before i move onto historicals, lets talk options, dont like these helmets? dont use them! im uncluding a bunch, a big selection off elven helmets in this kit, i personally like these more simpler designs, pictures here are the first set off varients, these are not the sum off the helmets included, but the first set,
for the historical release, here are the first 4, there are more finished, have a look in the discord for the next 6,